FallenMoonNetwork / CanaryMod

Server administration mod and API for Minecraft beta multiplayer server
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Some plugin "Hooks" cause exceptions #159

Closed TISNF closed 10 years ago

TISNF commented 10 years ago

Please forgive me for my lack of knowledge in how the plugin system works but when using some plugins that call simple hooks result in some errors:

Some examples:

Example 1 (SpawnMob):

2013-08-05 14:20:33 [SEVERE] Exception while calling plugin function in 'class SpawnMobListener' while calling hook: 'ATTACK'.

2013-08-05 14:30:26 [SEVERE] Throwable while calling plugin (Outdated?)
    at PluginListener.onAttack(PluginListener.java:768)
    at PluginListener.onAttack(PluginListener.java:768)
    at PluginListener.onAttack(PluginListener.java:768)
    at PluginListener.onAttack(PluginListener.java:768)
    at PluginListener.onAttack(PluginListener.java:768)
    at PluginListener.onAttack(PluginListener.java:768)
-- this got spammed a ton in a short while --

Example 2 (Realms):

013-08-05 15:39:24 [SEVERE] Exception while calling plugin function in 'class Realms_CanaryClassicListener' while calling hook: 'MOB_TARGET'.

013-08-05 15:41:07 [SEVERE] Exception while calling plugin function in 'class Realms_CanaryClassicListener' while calling hook: 'POTION_EFFECT'.
java.lang.ClassCastException: Player cannot be cast to LivingEntity
    at PluginLoader.callHook(PluginLoader.java:1282)
    at OEntityLivingBase.c(OEntityLivingBase.java:482)
    at OEntityWitherSkull.a(SourceFile:78)
    at OEntityFireball.l_(OEntityFireball.java:122)
    at OWorld.a(OWorld.java:1247)
    at OWorldServer.a(OWorldServer.java:469)
    at OWorld.g(OWorld.java:1228)
    at OWorld.h(OWorld.java:1129)
    at OWorldServer.h(OWorldServer.java:345)
    at OMinecraftServer.t(OMinecraftServer.java:463)
    at ODedicatedServer.t(SourceFile:262)
    at OMinecraftServer.s(OMinecraftServer.java:392)
    at OMinecraftServer.run(OMinecraftServer.java:331)
    at OThreadMinecraftServer.run(SourceFile:582)

These are known working plugins.

14mRh4X0r commented 10 years ago

Thanks for pointing it out. Will be fixed shortly.