When placing or reviewing a season request there is no apparent method to determine if the season is in a pending, airing or ended state.
If the desire is to only act when a season is complete i.e. binge watch, without some indication it has ended you need to leave jellyseerr each time to check online data sources (not ideal).
Desired Behavior
Some indication of airing status of a season at time of request and post request e.g.
start and end dates
days until season premier and season finale
Ideally some way to filter requests to those that are season/series complete.
Additional Context
This shows the current difference between onboarding a season in OMBI versus jellyseer. A full season list may well be overkill (images for reference only and not a proposal for a specific solution).
When placing or reviewing a season request there is no apparent method to determine if the season is in a pending, airing or ended state.
If the desire is to only act when a season is complete i.e. binge watch, without some indication it has ended you need to leave jellyseerr each time to check online data sources (not ideal).
Desired Behavior
Some indication of airing status of a season at time of request and post request e.g.
Ideally some way to filter requests to those that are season/series complete.
Additional Context
This shows the current difference between onboarding a season in OMBI versus jellyseer. A full season list may well be overkill (images for reference only and not a proposal for a specific solution).
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