Fallenbagel / jellyseerr

Fork of overseerr for jellyfin support.
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OLD MOVIES inside a Sub-Folder *(NOT JellyFin COLLECTIONS) DO NOT get added to [AVAILABLE].. #495

Closed SengMengLim closed 11 months ago

SengMengLim commented 11 months ago


I have a unique MOVIE library setup. Its an old 10 yr old KODI library. My movies follow the Kodi Naming standard. Movie Name (Year) (Extended/Theatrical/DIsc 1/Disc 2) . mkv / .mp4.

With a slight deviation; i have Grouped movies inside their Sub Folder (EG. Harry Potter Collection; Fast & Furioius Collection; James Bond Collection, etc..). I know the files have no problem because (a) they follow KODI & JellyFin's proper naming convention and corresponding NFO files (b) KODI and JellyFIn are operating normally in terms of retrieving and displaying the files.

**I'm aware of an earlier bug report regarding collections; but if i'm interpreting correctly; (1) the bug was resolved (2) it involves movie/video files layout in a flat folder layout (instead of mine going into a subfolder for each collection).

I believe my issue is a bug because

(1) it applies to OLD files ALREADY inside JellyFin (2) I use a sub-folder lay out for Collections (3) RADARR does NOT HAVE access to the movies folder. It acts as a separate downloader . As soon as the files are downloaded; i RE-ENCODE/REFORMAT the movie files and place them in their folders. Hence why i have a sub-folder setup instead of RADARR's flat folder layout for movies.



Steps to Reproduce

  1. Install JellyFIN and scan OLD library
  2. After scan library ; install JellySEER
  3. SCAN library
  4. Notice missing sub-folder movies
  5. add new movies sub-folder; new movies appear


Diagram01 Diagram02 Diagram03


No response




TrueNAS Docker

Operating System




Additional Context

Using Latest JellySEER / TrueCharts DOCKER Image (2023-09-27; 1.7.0_6.0.2)

Code of Conduct

Fallenbagel commented 11 months ago

You mentioned its not a collection. But in your screenshot Harry potter is in a jellyfin collection. I'm confused

Also can you hop onto discord. I'm pretty sure this is a misconfiguration than a bug

sevenrats commented 11 months ago

If this was working before it is much more likely to do the enabling of automatic Collections in the movie library, rather than your out-of-spec folder structure. Jellyfin depends on the use of conventional folder structure to work optimally. Folder structures other than the ones specified in the documentation are not supported.

SengMengLim commented 11 months ago

If this was working before it is much more likely to do the enabling of automatic Collections in the movie library, rather than your out-of-spec folder structure. Jellyfin depends on the use of conventional folder structure to work optimally. Folder structures other than the ones specified in the documentation are not supported.

In KODI.. the structure allows for movies to be in a subfolder. For me; Its also a carryover from the early days of DLNA playback. Its easier to find an entire collection inside a file explorer folder without referring to KODI/Jellyfin/IMDB/TMDB etc.. whenever i wanna copy the files onto a USB stick/drive for friends. At that time; sub-folder was/is no problem to KODI so long as the filenames and NFO files are correct. And auto grouping/collections from TMDB is NOT ALWAYS my preferred method as i prefer to add/create COLLECTIONS based on my own criteria

*(EG. For me, all STAR TREK movies are 1 STAR TREK collection; there's no Star Trek (Kirk) Collection, Star Trek (Picard) Collection, Star Trek (Reboot) Collection. Then there's things that break TMDB box set rules; the 3 variant movies of "All Quiet On The Western Front" (1930, 1979, 2022 versions) are all in 1 Collections folder for easy reference)

I'm not sure if i'm remembering correctly; but i believe the ability to access and break down into sub-folder is also because to allow people to add content like Trailers, Behind The Scenes, Making Off, Easter Eggs, Bloopers etc.. videos linked to the movie/disc. Again; all these are according to my sparse memory carryover from KODI. As such; since JellyFin is a fork of KODI and is able to view the subfolders with no problem as well as reading the attached NFO files; there's no deviation from my end to need to change my folder structure since JellyFin and KODI are working fine reading the files no problem as is..

sevenrats commented 11 months ago

Jellyfin is not a fork of Kodi. Jellyfin does not support your folder structure. Jellyseer will not support folder structures that are not supported by Jellyfin. Many metadata providers are fully open to contributors, the rest of them just require signing up with an email address and agreeing to a ToS. If you want collections that don't exist yet, making them within the metadata provider is more advisable than using an out of spec folder structure that may stop working at any time and is not supported by your software stack.

SengMengLim commented 11 months ago

Jellyfin is not a fork of Kodi. Jellyfin does not support your folder structure. Jellyseer will not support folder structures that are not supported by Jellyfin. Many metadata providers are fully open to contributors, the rest of them just require signing up with an email address and agreeing to a ToS. If you want collections that don't exist yet, making them within the metadata provider is more advisable than using an out of spec folder structure that may stop working at any time and is not supported by your software stack.

My apologies about the JellyFin fork from Kodi mistake. About the folder structure; as it was mentioned earlier; my library setup was a KODI setup 10yrs ago. As long as i'm within 1 sub-folder, of the source-folder; and my files have the necessary NFO files linking the movie with their corresponding IMDB codes; and KODI had no trouble reading all those files; then i'm under the assumption there's no problem with MY COLLECTION setup. And since JellyFin had no problem detecting+playing those same movie files; i'm under the assumption and impression that the file structure is no problem either. And the fact that the current working structure is detected AFTER i installed JellySEER; i'm to assume there's no issue. As i mentioned before; any movie AND folder/collection created AFTER installation of JELLYSEER is detected no problem . Its the ones created BEFORE the installation of JellySeer that's got my attention its why i assume there's an issue/bug somewhere...

sevenrats commented 11 months ago

It's not a bug if it's only affecting unsupported structures, though. That's what's missing. You are using a collection of unsupported behaviors to produce your result, so whether or not they "work" except for this bug is irrelevant. It's not a bug because the software does not support what you are doing. Where we are losing eachother is in the idfference between "working" and "being supported." Supported means "The developers intend for it to work this way, and they write code and offer help to make sure that it does." Just because your unsupported behavior works the way you intend does not mean that it is supported. And "not supported" means "nobody is going to spend time tracking down this bug just so you can use an unsupported folder structure"

SengMengLim commented 11 months ago

Back to basics..

Clearly there's something JellyFin is doing that's telling JellySeer all is fine with those new movies; but there's a problem with the old ones; even though there's no deviation on my part of my folder structure usage. Clearly Something's off somewhere if my folder structure that's wrong all this time is actually working now...

sevenrats commented 11 months ago

It's possible that there is an inconsistency in the way collections are handled that causes this, but, what you are still not understanding is that you have no right to expect an unsupported thing to work, just because it once did. That's what unsupported means. Frankly, the potential for this to be a bug can only be taken seriously once you are using supported behaviors. If you continue to organize your folders in an unsupported way, nobody is going to support it. Unsupported

Edit: If its working post-jellyseerr install, then just recreate your library after installing jellyseerr. its really up to you to find workarounds for your hacks, which is what this folder structure is.

SengMengLim commented 11 months ago

Edit: If its working post-jellyseerr install, then just recreate your library after installing jellyseerr. its really up to you to find workarounds for your hacks, which is what this folder structure is.

At present; this applies to movies AFTER JellySeer installation date. it'll take me a few days downtime to delete , clean and rebuild the library. I'll update you if/when its done and we'll see how this works. Awaiting Fallenbagel's response on Discord for his solution..

PS: how am i to know and call it a hack when it was a suggested solution 10+ years ago? 😖

sevenrats commented 11 months ago

Jellyfin did not exist 10 years ago and has never recommended this. Something that worked on Kodi, a separate program, has no bearing on what will work with Jellyfin, which does not recommend or support this file layout. Sorry.

SengMengLim commented 11 months ago

Problem isolated to videos with NFO files . USER using custom NFO with [SET] data not compatible/matching with TMDB database.