FallingSnow / lightdm-webkit2-material2

A material design LightDM Webkit2 greeter theme
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Some Ideas for Features #18

Closed domsch1988 closed 5 years ago

domsch1988 commented 6 years ago

I really like this theme so far. It's working really great. Some things that i noticed and wanted to let you know:

Don't feel like i'm criticizing, i'm not. I am in aw of what this already is i'd just like to give my input on how to improve things a bit.

FallingSnow commented 5 years ago

Sorry I never got back to you on this.

On Dual screen setups the second screen is blank. Maybe the Picture/Background can be replicated, or the full greeter can be spanned across the screens?

This is the responsibility of the greeter, not theme.

The background images don't work with symlinks. I have my current wallpaper linked in several places to have a cohesive experience. Having the option to use my current wallpaper on the greater would be epic.

This is the responsibility of the greeter, not theme.

Some kind of "config" file for colors? The defaults work really well, but i wish i could change the black header to something else, or the font colors for white background images. The same goes for the zodiac effect. I really like the effect, but the color choices aren't really to my taste.

This seems a little overkill personally. I might accept a pull request though.

Going through the one big js file makes it really tough to change those.

Material2 is built with webpack, edit these files: https://github.com/FallingSnow/lightdm-webkit2-material2/tree/master/src/components and rebuild the large bundle.js file with npm run build. https://github.com/FallingSnow/lightdm-webkit2-material2/blob/82a837044b72149e21118dbf2edee988a891af0f/package.json#L7-L9

Having a Font option? I like the default, but sometimes i like some change. Not really important, just an idea.

Maybe with a pull request.

Thanks for sharing your ideas.