FallingSnow / lightdm-webkit2-material2

A material design LightDM Webkit2 greeter theme
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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Support for LDAP logins #3

Closed Aaranaw closed 7 years ago

Aaranaw commented 7 years ago

Hi, wanted to give this a go however I noticed in the readme that it says user choice from a dropdown box, is there any way to specify the user as my account is not a local one but rather an LDAP login that required DOMAIN\username login.


FallingSnow commented 7 years ago

Currently LDAP login isn't supported, but it shouldn't be too hard to add. I just need to allow the user to specify a username rather than selecting one. There are a couple of things you will need to do to allow lightdm and pam to do ldap authentication.

I'll add this feature as soon as I can but in the mean time make sure you have done the steps above.

FallingSnow commented 7 years ago

I have not tested it yet but please try the latest git and let me know if it works.

Aaranaw commented 7 years ago

Thanks, giving it a go now.

FallingSnow commented 7 years ago

Did you ever get this working?

Aaranaw commented 7 years ago

Hi, unfortunately not, trying to figure out why I am getting an error message about default theme but have not had the time to troubleshoot.

FallingSnow commented 7 years ago

Going to close this issue for the time being then. Reopen it if the issue persists.