FallingSnow / lightdm-webkit2-material2

A material design LightDM Webkit2 greeter theme
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double name of month #7

Open joksik opened 7 years ago

joksik commented 7 years ago

hello at login screen in right corner under the date i have doube name of month (April|April) - in Polish it is (Kwietnia|Kwiecień) what file i must edit to fix this ?


edit: in Polish language there are small bugs in translate

"shutdown":"zamknięcie systemu" "backgroundEngine":"Tło silnika" "blues":"Niebieskie" "brown":"Brązowy"

FallingSnow commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the updated translations, they have been added via bdcdac2.

I do not believe you can fix the double month issue, that is supplied by moment.js. However the name of the day should not be moved up like it is in the image you provided, I will look into fixing it.