FalsePattern / FalseTweaks

Multithreaded rendering plus a large collection of improvements, fixes, optimizations and additions to 1.7.10 clients.
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Injection validation failed: Constant modifier method extendDrawOffset(I)I #129

Open iocmet opened 9 months ago

iocmet commented 9 months ago

For some reason tesselator mixin not loads with this error: Caused by: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.injection.throwables.InvalidInjectionException: Injection validation failed: Constant modifier method extendDrawOffset(I)I in mixins.falsetweaks.json:client.triangulator.TessellatorMixin expected 1 invocation(s) but 0 succeeded. Scanned 1 target(s). Using refmap mixins.falsetweaks.refmap.json [INJECT Applicator Phase -> mixins.falsetweaks.json:client.triangulator.TessellatorMixin -> Apply Injections -> -> PostInject -> mixins.falsetweaks.json:client.triangulator.TessellatorMixin->@ModifyConstant::extendDrawOffset(I)I] I maximally reduced mod list and here is it image (Patcher is mixin loader compatible with GasStation) I also tried use GasStation and ran into same error UPD: I gets this error even only with mixin loader, falsepatternlib, falsetweaks and optifine

iocmet commented 9 months ago

It crashes because -Dmixin.debug=true, is there way to fix it?

FalsePattern commented 8 months ago

Remove -Dmixin.debug=true for the time being when running with optifine