FalsePattern / FalseTweaks

Multithreaded rendering plus a large collection of improvements, fixes, optimizations and additions to 1.7.10 clients.
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Chunks flickering with threaded rendering #142

Closed FalsePattern closed 7 months ago

FalsePattern commented 8 months ago

Please report any cases of chunks flickering around the player here!

Omgise commented 7 months ago


FalsePattern commented 7 months ago

Update: Unfortunately i could not figure out what was causing this bug even after several days of debugging, so it's going to stay for the time being.

Darek505 commented 7 months ago
I don’t know if it’s necessary or not, but 2.7.0: https://github.com/FalsePattern/FalseTweaks/assets/122032896/24dd873c-29a3-4b1c-ae49-b5d70a402660
FalsePattern commented 7 months ago

Please also share the exact modlist you have along with any active shaderpacks, i'm trying to pinpoint the source of this bug as it never happens to me in a clean instance with forge + mixins + fplib + falsetweaks

Darek505 commented 7 months ago

1) Updated: this was not fastcraft, as I expected, it only increases the chance of this error appearing, and so, this can be reproduced even with one falsetweaks (+ dependencies).


This all related to block updating. Also, noticed that this can be fixed if B:DISABLE_BLOCKING_CHUNK_UPDATES=true

2) However, I noticed that 1 chunk was not rendering (without fastcraft** ), and I was able to fix this by destroying the block in this chunk: https://github.com/FalsePattern/FalseTweaks/assets/122032896/502d1dd6-935f-4c88-9507-09cb8c976290
+ Also, was able to reproduce only with FalseTweaks + FalsePatternLib + unimixins: https://github.com/FalsePattern/FalseTweaks/assets/122032896/3fca8371-be98-411c-8bc8-35a3fb3ad344

** - Mod list

Omgise commented 7 months ago


FalsePattern commented 7 months ago

Progress update, i think i have an idea what might be causing this bug, i'm working on making a test release with some of the more aggressive optimizations disabled, I will upload the file here in a few hours.

FalsePattern commented 7 months ago

@Darek505 I've created an experimental build from the latest commit (d0550b1): https://mvn.falsepattern.com/releases/com/falsepattern/falsetweaks-mc1.7.10/2.7.0-2-gd0550b1/falsetweaks-mc1.7.10-2.7.0-2-gd0550b1.jar

Please check if the flicker still happens on this version

Omgise commented 7 months ago

This version still flickers


FalsePattern commented 7 months ago

The layered snow flickers seems like a different flicker bug, as it's not the entire chunk flickering, just the snow, so I moved that to a different issue.

Darek505 commented 7 months ago

@FalsePattern , I checked d0550b1, and both my tests seem to be successful, I can’t say for sure that the problem is fixed, since this requires longer testing, but so far everything seems to be fine

Update: It seems that 2 bug is also fixed (certain chunks were not rendered until they were updated). Also, when testing for 10 minutes, no problems with rendering were identified