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[Suggestion] port slider for fullscreen mode (optifine) #144

Open Darek505 opened 8 months ago

Darek505 commented 8 months ago

In newer versions of optifine, for fullscreen mode there is a slider with which you can immediately select the desired resolution; in optifine 1.7.10, there is only a button, which is why you have to click on it several times to select the desired resolution (if the monitor has a large resolution, and you need to make it smaller, you need to click on it a lot of times, also, you can click one extra time, and you will have to click again) My suggestion is to port the resolution selector slider from newer versions of optifine

here is an example:

new versions:

Desktop Screenshot 2023 11 22 - 16 16 15 77 — копия



Desktop Screenshot 2023 11 22 - 16 16 15 77


yes, it's quite a small thing, but it's actually very convenient