FalsePattern / FalseTweaks

Multithreaded rendering plus a large collection of improvements, fixes, optimizations and additions to 1.7.10 clients.
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Block placing/breaking creates temp. ghost blocks. #177

Closed MagmaBro123 closed 2 months ago

MagmaBro123 commented 2 months ago


GitHub hates files larger then 10 MB. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hifw6g018s8v462hyxotw/javaw_OiT07IDPI0.mp4?rlkey=9qpyjmna0d3cyat3jet8hvzjj&st=z1kvwrx1&dl=0

Seems to be caused by your 3.0.0 Beta 1+ updates.

FalsePattern commented 2 months ago

Should be fixed in 3.0.0 Beta 4

MagmaBro123 commented 2 months ago

This seems to still happen in Beta 4, but its rare.

FalsePattern commented 2 months ago

It's a side effect of reducing the stuttering, instead of the game freezing until the chunk you changed finishes re-rendering, it just displays the old mesh until the worker thread finishes rendering the new mesh.

IMO a small delay in mesh updates is always preferrable to a stuttery mess