FamilySearch / gedcomx

An open data model and an open serialization format for exchanging genealogical data.
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GEDCOM to GEDCOM X conversion tools #122

Closed stoicflame closed 12 years ago

stoicflame commented 12 years ago

We need better documentation and tooling on how to convert GEDCOM to GEDCOM X. Ideally, we'd have the following:

EssyGreen commented 12 years ago

I'm not (yet!) familiar with RDF and DC so may be misunderstanding some of the details here but ...

At this point I gave up! I'm confused by the fact that many of the records and structures don't appear to map onto anything except rdf/foaf and/or dc fields... Would it be possible to show how the records and structures themselves map onto the objects in the models before going down to the detailed mapping of each field?

Surely RDF, FOAF and DC are really just giving the syntax ... but before we get to the syntax could we have a linking of the records/structures to the new objects?

CMEliasz-Solomon commented 12 years ago

Ryan, I know you & I were both @ RootsTech 2012. I propose using Dallan Quass Open Source GEDCOM parser as a means to get old GEDCOM into GEDCOMX.

His project is on gitHub too (GEDCOM under DallanQ) [from my notes @ RootsTech].

Please note as per your request I am also posting my suggestion about "railroad tracks" (aka Graphic Syntax Diagram) as a means to represent GEDCOMX and communicate the GEDCOMX Open Standard in another issue [cross issue notice].

jralls commented 12 years ago

Surely RDF, FOAF and DC are really just giving the syntax ... but before we get to the syntax could we have a linking of the >records/structures to the new objects?


EssyGreen commented 12 years ago

I cannot see any suitable mappings for SOURces, REPOsitories, SUBMitters or multimedia OBJEcts. They cannot be represented by either GenealogicalResources or GenealogicalEntities since these are abstract. So .. are we to assume that SOURces = Records? and what do we do with the rest? Have these just not been defined yet or is it up to the application to define these (inheriting from the GenealogicalResources and/or GenealogicalEntities as they see fit)?

CMEliasz-Solomon commented 12 years ago

Sarah, Your comment is an excellent one. It needs to be directed to Ryan Heaton. He asked me to open the issue. I am NOT part of the project. The points you make are probably correct but as I say I am not part of the FamilyHistory team and cannot effect any change nor answer your questions.

Those are exactly the ones I'd like to see implemented in any standard that succeeds GEDCOM v5.5. I get tired having to re-enter (or lose my research note/pics/audio/movies).


From: Sarah Green To: CMEliasz-Solomon Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2012 9:09 AM Subject: Re: [gedcomx] GEDCOM to GEDCOM X conversion tools (#122)

I cannot see any suitable mappings for SOURces, REPOsitories, SUBMitters or multimedia OBJEcts. They cannot be represented by either GenealogicalResources or GenealogicalEntities since these are abstract. So .. are we to assume that SOURces = Records? and what do we do with the rest? Have these just not been defined yet or is it up to the application to define these (inheriting from the GenealogicalResources and/or GenealogicalEntities as they see fit)?

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jralls commented 12 years ago

@CMEliasz-Solomon, this is a bug tracker. Everything is directed at Ryan.

@EssyGreen, Excellent comment indeed, and worthy of a separate issue.

stoicflame commented 12 years ago

this is a bug tracker. Everything is directed at Ryan.

Yep, I'm listening :-). Apologies if it takes me longer than it should to respond.

I totally agree with @CMEliasz-Solomon: I see no reason why we can't use @DallanQ's library to do this.

And I totally agree with @EssyGreen that the issues she raises are critical pieces that need to be addressed.

EssyGreen commented 12 years ago

welcome back Ryan - we missed you :)

stoicflame commented 12 years ago

Introducing the GEDCOM 5.5 to GEDCOM X Conversion Tool.
