FamilySearch / gedcomx

An open data model and an open serialization format for exchanging genealogical data.
Apache License 2.0
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Does the GroupRole type have any recommended role types? #325

Open eneufeld opened 5 years ago

eneufeld commented 5 years ago

The has a property type. Does this property have any recommended types which should be used as do most of the other occurrences of the type property?

stoicflame commented 5 years ago

No, we haven't started developing that controlled vocabulary. I'd be happy to entertain a proposal, though.

For now, there's only Enumerated Value Extensions.

nractive commented 5 years ago

No, we haven't started developing that controlled vocabulary. I'd be happy to entertain a proposal, though.

How (when) does a proposed type in the GEDCOM X Conceptual Model become an official specification?

As @stoicflame and others already know, my genealogy domain concerns documenting facts of slavery. Enslavement is now among the Person Fact Types; I guess that means “official.” In the Conceptual Model there are new types: EnslavedBy, Group, GroupRole, and the NonConsensual qualifier, among others of great utility and importance. Do they eventually get rolled into the official specification?

I’m just not knowledgeable about the process.

stoicflame commented 5 years ago

It becomes "official" when a proposal is made, the proposal gets accepted, and the proposal is merged into the official spec. Just like it happened at #323.