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GST API for Master Data #1489

Open sureshsirvi opened 1 year ago

sureshsirvi commented 1 year ago

IT is discussed with Vinodji .. about API cost and Operation.

Some API are PUBLIC API which does not required OTP verification.. One of API is

  1. GST Search - It will give Master data of company as under image

We will use this data to prefill all fileds on creation of new company image

Process will be as under

We will ask for GST Number to get details via API call. Cost will be X/API Call .. the above data will cost as

  1. API for Authorisation
  2. API for Data Call
mitulpanch commented 1 year ago

please confirm this,

  1. Design
  2. Multiple Import Design
  3. Pricing
  4. New On Boarding Company - changes / usability for importing Company / Contact
  5. any other use cases other than this
  6. Background Task / duplication issue handling
sureshsirvi commented 1 year ago

URL: [GET] https://app.mastergst.com/publicsearch1?gstin=24ADOFS0200R1ZV&ipAddress=

Header: "Referer" Value "https://mastergst.com/"

Discussed with Vinod sir... to use above link to get details.. and Approved by Sir.

sureshsirvi commented 1 year ago

Alternate URL
