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Whatsapp Module #1651

Open mitulpanch opened 1 year ago

mitulpanch commented 1 year ago

Official WhatsApp Module - Integrating with Official Facebook WhatsApp Cloud API

This is in heavy demand, Users are ready to pay for this as well

Our Email , SMS, Notification Module works very great on all sections, without year, adding Other Communication channel to EasyCloudBooks will increase usage , dependency of Staff further more


  1. Facebook has lengthy Process of Verifying Client, we can help with this with paid solutions
  2. once verified , Template creation will be easy on our Module, As API suggest user do not need to open WhatsApp setting apart from billing, everything can be done by EasyCloudBooks platform
  3. Functionality for Sending will be same as Email
  4. Receiving WhatsApp need additional work, but if we have Task Module, this becomes easy. We can create Task for WhatsApp received
  5. This can not be treated as Chat, because complex sending logic from Facebook, but reply to WhatsApp is possible from Task
mitulpanch commented 1 year ago

This can increase Sales and Revenue for EasyCloudbooks

mitulpanch commented 1 year ago

Already 3 Companies using process flow to send WhatsApp through webhook

mitulpanch commented 1 year ago

as Discussed over phone with @vinpahilwani

Sir agreed on 2 phase terms 1st phase =>

  1. reach upto sending Whatsapp though Official Whatsapp Cloud Api
  2. Send Whatsapp through Process Flow, Template Selection on Contact , company, Project , Transaction Pages like SMS
  3. No reply section
  4. Template Creation module with sync facility, which syncs Template on both side
  5. Template created on ECB will auto create on Whatsapp
  6. Template synced before, should approve on ecb if whatsapp approved on sync click
  7. Template removed / rejected from Whatsapp should auto set disable on sync click
  8. Template exists on whatapp and not created by ECB will create new Template on ECB with modification like @key required on template

2nd phase =>

  1. Reply on whatsapp will come on Contact Page, in chat like manner for anybody to chat as common platform
  2. Contact Page will have special chat / whatsapp chat tab to get reply / send message to contact over whatsapp
  3. File received from whatsapp will stay on chat only, won be visible anywhere else.
  4. User need to process files
  5. notofication / action required when Whatsapp message received from contact
vinpahilwani commented 1 year ago
