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Project Page - Allow all project members to add project note #2150

Open mitulpanch opened 11 months ago

mitulpanch commented 11 months ago

By @vinpahilwani Allow all project members to add Project notes and send reminder to the person who created it

mitulpanch commented 11 months ago

This will create problems like-

  1. who ever is using in actual manner like only managers can comment on project note - will get problems with that
  2. Project keep only last note as actual status - so keys and project status will take last added note as project note
  3. Project reminder date is last date added to by any project member - this will create lot of confusion on project status

I dont want to change what is going on but @vinpahilwani sir said no of users want this so pushing it forward

I have explained problems to @vinpahilwani over phone and he agreed that this will not be problem