FanTranslatorsInternational / Kuriimu2

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Plugin Request - Lost Planet 2 | PC | TEX Image #178

Open Etokapa opened 2 years ago

Etokapa commented 2 years ago

Game Name: Lost Planet 2 Console: PC Format extension(s): .tex Type: image

First 8 or more bytes of the file(s): tex - 54 45 58 00 87 00 00 01 52 02 00 04 00 22 00 00 - TEX ‡ R  "

More details: Attempting to load tex files with the MT Framework TEX plugin results in the error, "Cannot obtain encoding definition for Wii MT Tex." There is a Python script from Xentax for Noesis that can be used to view these textures.


Lost Planet 2 [PC] .TEX [PC] - ".TEX" Loader

By Zaramot

modified and rearranged further by Acewell :)

modified even further by PedatorCZ :3

v1.03 <-- Yes I did dare to change version (PedatorCZ)

from inc_noesis import * import subprocess

def registerNoesisTypes(): handle = noesis.register("Lost Planet 2 [PC]", ".tex") noesis.setHandlerTypeCheck(handle, texCheckType) noesis.setHandlerLoadRGBA(handle, texLoadDDS)


return 1

def texCheckType(data): bs = NoeBitStream(data) fileMagic = bs.readUInt() if fileMagic != 0x584554: return 0 return 1

def texLoadDDS(data, texList): bs = NoeBitStream(data), NOESEEK_ABS) flags0 = bs.readUInt() flags1 = bs.readUInt() flags2 = bs.readUInt() imgFmt = bs.readUInt()

useDX10 = (flags0>>8) & 0xff; 
usemips = flags1 & 0x4; 
mipCount = (flags1>>4) & 0xf; 
imgHeight = (flags1>>17) & 0x1fff;
imgWidth = flags2 & 0xfff;

dataOff = 20
if not usemips:
    dataOff = (bs.readUInt())

dataSize = len(data) - dataOff, NOESEEK_ABS) #data start
data = bs.readBytes(dataSize)
if imgFmt == 0x13 or imgFmt == 0x1e:
    texFmt = noesis.NOESISTEX_DXT1
elif imgFmt == 0x19:
    if useDX10:
        data = rapi.imageDecodeDXT(data, imgHeight, imgWidth, noesis.FOURCC_ATI1)
        texFmt = noesis.NOESISTEX_RGBA32
        texFmt = noesis.NOESISTEX_DXT1
elif imgFmt == 0x17 or imgFmt == 0x1f or imgFmt == 0x20:
    texFmt = noesis.NOESISTEX_DXT5
elif imgFmt == 0x15:
    data = rapi.imageDecodeDXT(data, imgHeight, imgWidth, noesis.FOURCC_BC2)
    texFmt = noesis.NOESISTEX_RGBA32
elif imgFmt == 0x27:
    texFmt = noesis.NOESISTEX_RGBA32
    print("WARNING: Unhandled image format")
tex = (NoeTexture(rapi.getInputName(), imgHeight, imgWidth, data, texFmt))
return 1

Sample files (if possible): 12 tex files from a soldier model, along with one exported png from Noesis for reference.

Thank you.

onepiecefreak3 commented 2 years ago

This iteration of MtTex is supported in the newest dev build and upcoming Release 1.2.2.

Etokapa commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the plugin! I was able to view the textures in the samples and noticed a different type of TEX from the game that isn't supported in version 1.2.1-1365003175. I receive a Load Error stating The given key '42' was not present in the dictionary. with the mtframework plugin.

By editing the noesis script, someone was able to get that plugin to render out an image, however the colors are distorted.

    elif imgFmt == 0x17 or imgFmt == 0x1f or imgFmt == 0x20 or imgFmt == 0x2a: # imgFMT ==0x2a is a stopgap solution to open _hq.tex files but causes decoloration
        texFmt = noesis.NOESISTEX_DXT5

HQ Sample Files

Could this Issue be reopened or should I try making a New Issue for this set of textures?

IcySon55 commented 2 years ago

Reopening it is fine since it's still dealing with the same format from the same game, just with more samples.