Closed sprig closed 9 years ago
I tried to reproduce it on Emacs HEAD and on Emacs 23.1 (both on Windows), to no avail.
Can you link to the file(s) you're seeing this behavior on? Can you run M-x elp-instrument-package RET rainbow-delimiters RET
, move for a bit, then M-x elp-results
and post the profiling results?
Mine don't show absolutely anything, rainbow-delimiters took a total of 0.03 s in 79 redisplays.
rainbow-delimiters--apply-color 1921 0.0312363999 1.62...e-005
rainbow-delimiters--propertize 79 0.0312363999 0.0003953974
rainbow-delimiters-default-pick-face 1921 0.0155851 8.11...e-006
rainbow-delimiters--char-ineligible-p 2050 0.0 0.0
Thanks for the reply,
Further testing has shown me that this also happens when rainbow-delimiters-mode is off - although it does make the problem worse - so I don't know if you consider this a rainbow-delimiters bug. I will include a chunk of code which is sufficient to reproduce this here, as well as the instrumentation results.
Finally, I want to emphasise that emacs does not slow down: it simply does not redraw the moving cursor.
global-rainbow-delimiters-mode 3 0.067333 0.0224443333 global-rainbow-delimiters-mode-enable-in-buffers 19 0.000605 3.184...e-05 global-rainbow-delimiters-mode-check-buffers 7 0.0001370000 1.957...e-05 global-rainbow-delimiters-mode-cmhh 15 4.9e-05 3.266...e-06
-- module Barcodes
-- ( EndPoint
-- , Bar
-- , BarCode
-- -- , getBarCodesBF
-- ) where
import Data.List as List
import Data.Choose as Choose
import Control.Monad
import System.Random as Random
import Debug.Trace
-- Data
data IntervalEndPoint = MinusInfinity|IntervalValue Float|PlusInfinity deriving (Show, Eq)
data EndPoint = EndPoint { grading :: Int
, value :: IntervalEndPoint
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data Bar = Bar { leftPt :: EndPoint
, rightPt :: EndPoint
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data BarCode = BarCode [Bar] deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Functions
-- Helpers
pairs :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)]
pairs left right =
[(a,b) | a <- left, b <- right]
elemsOf :: [a] -> [Int] -> [a]
elemsOf elts indices = map (elts !!) indices
-- Barcodes
bars :: [EndPoint] -> [EndPoint] -> [(BarCode, [EndPoint])]
bars leftPts rightPts =
let rightLen = length rightPts
leftLen = length leftPts
rightSelection = choose rightLen leftLen
in bars_helper leftPts rightPts rightSelection
bars_helper :: [EndPoint] -> [EndPoint] -> Choose -> ([(BarCode, [EndPoint])])
bars_helper leftPts rightPts choice =
let nextChoice = choice
rightElems = permutations $ elemsOf rightPts $ elems choice
rightCompl = elemsOf rightPts $ complElems choice
choiceBarcodes = [(BarCode $ map (uncurry Bar) $ zip leftPts right_elem, rightCompl)|right_elem <- rightElems]
in choiceBarcodes ++ maybe [] (bars_helper leftPts rightPts) nextChoice
-- Join barcodes
(<>) :: BarCode -> BarCode -> BarCode
(<>) (BarCode x) (BarCode y) = BarCode (x ++ y)
-- Given a list of (lists of) endpoints (including the infinite ones, ordered by grading), return the list of possible bars one can construct from them
-- This function computes this by brute force
getBarCodesBF :: [[EndPoint]] -> [BarCode]
getBarCodesBF (leastGrade : secondGrade : [] ) = [barcode | (barcode, _) <- bars leastGrade secondGrade]
getBarCodesBF (leastGrade : secondGrade : rest) =
let leftBarCodes = bars leastGrade secondGrade
barcodes = [ left_bcode <> right_bcode | (left_bcode, right_points) <- leftBarCodes, right_bcode <- getBarCodesBF (right_points : rest)]
in barcodes
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Calculating Barcode!"
gen <- getStdGen
let pts = [(map (EndPoint j . IntervalValue) $ take 3 $ randoms gen) | j <- [0..5]]
barcodes = getBarCodesBF pts
print barcodes
Further testing has shown me that this also happens when rainbow-delimiters-mode is off - although it does make the problem worse - so I don't know if you consider this a rainbow-delimiters bug.
Okay, so it may be an Emacs issue.
So you have global-rainbow-delimiters-mode
defined in your config. That's not recommended.
Anyway, it's not what I'm interested in. I want a profile of rainbow-delimiters--propertize
and its callees, which is where rainbow-delimiters actually does its job. Please call (elp-instrument-package "rainbow-delimiters")
As for the code, unable to reproduce here.
This is Cocoa Emacs, right? If so, can you see if the problem occurs in X11 Emacs? It may be an Emacs's Cocoa display engine bug.
If so, can you see if the problem occurs in X11 Emacs?
For the record, can't reproduce it here under X11 either. Cocoa engine issue is more and more likely.
rainbow-delimiters--propertize 10 0.001496 0.0001496
rainbow-delimiters--apply-color 84 0.0005380000 6.404...e-06
rainbow-delimiters-default-pick-face 84 0.0001909999 2.273...e-06
rainbow-delimiters--char-ineligible-p 112 0.0001009999 9.017...e-07
rainbow-delimiters-mode 1 8.7e-05 8.7e-05
rainbow-delimiters-mode-set-explicitly 1 2e-06 2e-06
It is indeed in both cocoa emacs and with the railwaycat version (also cocoa). I don't have an X11 version (AFAIK), but will install one tomorrow and report...
Now it appears like Cocoa engine + my configuration - If I start emacs -q
and then just load and enable rainbow delimiters, I do not experience this.
Perhaps it is many things working together to slow down redisplay out of which rainbow-delimiters takes x%. I am building X11 emacs as I write this just to be comprehensive (and will report as soon as I'm done), but it now appears that rainbow-delimiters is just a small part of the problem - I'm closing this.
Ok, looks like I spoke too soon - the configure process could not find the required gtk+ lib for building an X11 version (after having installed gtk+ via homebrew), so I'm giving up.
In emacs on OSX, while using rainbow-delimiters-mode, when using the forward-move ing commands (e.g. pressing and holding ctrl+f) but not when using the backwards moving commands, on parts of buffers with many parentheses, emacs does not redraw the screen properly.
What I mean exactly is that the point and highlighted line remain in the same place until the button is released, or until emacs must scroll. When moving backwards/up, this does not occur.
I am using the latest rainbow-delimiters from melpa (20150320...) and emacs version as follows (I think this is the standard version from homebrew):
GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (x86_64-apple-darwin13.4.0, NS apple-appkit-1265.21) of 2014-10-21 on