FancyFurret / outer-wilds-lore-tracker

Outer Wilds mod that keeps track of seen and unseen lore across game sessions, highlighting new content in purple for easy identification.
MIT License
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Game crashes when combined with The Vision #1

Open LeSnake04 opened 4 months ago

LeSnake04 commented 4 months ago

First of, thanks for this great mod. Its makes the game much more fun to play!

When combining it with the "The Vision" mod it's sadly causing though.

When trying to warp to the Gloaming Galaxy with the lore tracker mod enabled the game crashes with this exception.

Cannot set the parent of the GameObject 'FogWarpMarker(Clone)' while its new parent 'CanvasMarkerManager' is being destroyed
Stacktrace: UnityEngine.GameObject.GetComponent[T] () (at <85d1d3e7744a4a47b5f51883bf40bba2>:0)
AudioVolume.OnEffectVolumeExit (UnityEngine.GameObject hitObj) (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
OWTriggerVolume.FireExitEvent (UnityEngine.GameObject hitObj) (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
OWTriggerVolume.RemoveObjectFromVolume (UnityEngine.GameObject hitObj) (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
OWTriggerVolume.RemoveAllObjectsFromVolume () (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
OWTriggerVolume.OnDisable () (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
Stacktrace: AudioSignalDetectionTrigger.OnExit (UnityEngine.GameObject hitObj) (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
OWTriggerVolume.FireExitEvent (UnityEngine.GameObject hitObj) (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
OWTriggerVolume.RemoveObjectFromVolume (UnityEngine.GameObject hitObj) (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
OWTriggerVolume.RemoveAllObjectsFromVolume () (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
OWTriggerVolume.OnDisable () (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
Stacktrace: QuantumMoon.OnDisable () (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
Duplicate SunLightController in Scene!
The Vision
LOADED SYSTEM GloamingGalaxy
Material doesn't have a color property '_Glow'

The game also crashes on every respawn. I think this is the error message:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Stacktrace: LoreTracker.MonoBehaviours.NomaiTextTracker.LateInitialize () (at <8594d40fe2ea458293caf9cfa68b6d4c>:0)
LateInitializerManager.Update () (at <2e32beb259c64bc6af536523c2f39595>:0)
ERROR: Player grounded spherecast is not underneath the player. Probably need to sync transforms somewhere.

Both works fine without lore tracker.

OS: Arch Linux (EndeavourOS) Mod + Game Version: Latest as of 12.02.24

PS: Moved the details over here since After some testing I am pretty sure its more of a lore tracker issue than a vision one.

LeSnake04 commented 4 months ago

Note: This the first mod I tested that seem to be affected. It seems to work fine with "Unknown Mistery" (Both the the interstellar warp and final warp) and hearths neighbor and the lore tracking works fine there as well. The lore tracking part also worked the vision.

If I can help testing feel free to ping me.