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Different converter - P0ody Files #81

Closed Psantium closed 8 years ago

Psantium commented 9 years ago

Have you ever used as a converter? IMO it works better than FicSave, and takes no time if it has already been converted because it saves the fics it converts. And its formatting has the fix information as well.

Has been implemented but I will try and get in touch with P0ody to see if he can rig it up for FictionPress as well.

/u/StuxCrystal said it didn't work for him, but it works fine for me, /u/Psantium, and /u/tusing.

Psantium commented 9 years ago

Okay, I did some tests.

When /u/tusing implemented the p0ody downloader, he was using the link:{id}&isSplit=0&filetype=epub, of course replacing the {id} with the actual story ID.

If the fic was not downloaded before, this will not work. I tested this out with a random fic of the new Harry Potter. I put ID: 11402789 into the previous link, and got this, which says, "Couldn't locate file on database."

If it is FictionPRESS, this will not work. I tested out a fictionpress I'd guess someone would download if they can, first with the entire link, which didn't work, then with just the ID, which got back a fanfic (not fictionpress) with the same ID.

However, if it is a Fanfiction ID in the link, and it has been downloaded before, it will work perfectly fine, and will automatically download– way faster than FicSave. I tested this with HPMOR, which is ID: 5782108. It downloaded automatically in less than a second.


tusing commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the info! Stux and I were talking about this earlier.

Unfortunately, I think for now we're stuck with FicSave until we find a way to either better implement poody's or find a faster, better downloader.

Psantium commented 9 years ago

I'll try contacting p0ody himself to see if he can make it work better for the bot.

StuxSoftware commented 9 years ago

It would help if he would join this discussion.

tusing commented 9 years ago

The source would be helpful, at the very least. I'm uncomfortable with the idea of such a useful tool being confined to one server.

StuxSoftware commented 9 years ago

I don't think, it would be a good idea to host our own service as it raises the probability of being banned by ffn.

p0ody commented 9 years ago

Hey guys, im currently working on a new version of the site to allow fic from more website to be converted, so i'll not add something fancy on this version, in the meantime, i added a $_GET["id"] handler on the simple version (No ajax), i think it might work properly for you to integrate it in your bot.

Use this url instead.$ficID

Give me your feedback if it works as expected

tusing commented 9 years ago

Thanks, p0ody!

Edit: The new link works brilliantly for; and it's now implemented.

tusing commented 9 years ago

@p0ody , is there a way to make your URL also work for FictionPress? Since both sites seem to be the same, implementing FP downloads shouldn't be too difficult.

StuxSoftware commented 9 years ago

I closed the issue for now until p0ody has finished his new version. Feel free to reopen when he released the new Downloader.

p0ody commented 9 years ago

Here we go guys, it should be working properly (Haven't tested it much though.)

New link:$ficID&source=$site

$ficID = Id of the fic of course $site = ff or fp, depending if from or fictionpress (because the same ID can be used on both site).

Hopes this works for you guys.

tusing commented 9 years ago

Thanks, @p0ody! We'll use it in the next major update.

p0ody commented 9 years ago

I can also easily add mobi support for your link.

Im at work ATM, i'll look into it once I get home.

p0ody commented 9 years ago

Alright, just add &filetype=epub|mobi to the url:$ficID&source=$site&filetype=$epubORmobi

tusing commented 9 years ago

Awesome! We'll implement this in 1.3.0