FangyunWei / SLRT

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preprocess/ zip error #43

Open WHJJZ opened 8 months ago

WHJJZ commented 8 months ago

Hello. In preprocess/, when using zip -r -j , the -j parameter is invalid. Since dev, test, and train have frames with the same name. All frames cannot be stored in the same root directory.

helpmeIamnewbie commented 7 months ago

me also have same error

SahilSamel commented 5 months ago

How did the authors not come across this issue?

apei1113 commented 4 months ago

Same question.

QwYko-AHU commented 2 months ago

I also encountered the same problem. Have you solved it? If so, can you share how it was resolved? @apei1113 @SahilSamel @helpmeIamnewbie @WHJJZ