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Difficulty Creating Environment with environment.yml File #52

Open dengzy0404 opened 5 months ago

dengzy0404 commented 5 months ago

I'm experiencing difficulty locating packages with identical versions, including imagecodecs==2020.5.30=py36hfa7d478_2, ffmpeg==4.3.2=hca11adc_0, pywavelets==1.1.1=py36h7b6447c_2, and others, even after adding additional channels to my configuration. When attempting to create an environment using the provided environment.yml file, I encounter a "ResolvePackageNotFound" error for several packages. Despite searching for alternative versions or channels on Anaconda, I couldn't find exact matches for the specified package versions.

Are there any additional channels or sources you recommend for finding these specific package versions? Do you have any suggestions or strategies for resolving this issue and successfully creating the environment? Are there any specific requirements for the version of these unfound packages?

Any guidance you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Noorvh commented 5 months ago


2000ZRL commented 5 months ago

Could you please try to use docker? docker pull rzuo/pose:sing_ISLR It will save you a lot of time.