FangyunWei / SLRT

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ImportError: cannot import name 'inference_top_down_pose_model' from 'mmpose.apis' #7

Open songhew opened 1 year ago

songhew commented 1 year ago

It seems that now mmpose use from mmpose.apis import MMPoseInferencer instead of inference_top_down_pose_model?

songhew commented 1 year ago

Or should be from mmpose.apis import inference_topdown, init_model

2000ZRL commented 1 year ago

Please make sure you install mmpose with the correct version. You may try to pull the docker.

ZiyuGuo99 commented 1 year ago

Same question. @2000ZRL Could you provide the version of mmcv, mmdet and mmpose where the experiments run?

2000ZRL commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the late reply. We use mmcv==1.4.8, mmdet==2.23.0, mmpose==0.26.0

ganzobtn commented 1 year ago

default_det_config = ( f'{default_mmdet_root}/mmdet/configs/faster_rcnn/' '')

default_pose_config = ( f'{default_mmpose_root}/configs/wholebody/2d_kpt_sview_rgb_img/topdown_heatmap/' 'coco-wholebody/')

Detection and pose config files not found. How can I fix it ?