Fannon / search-bookmarks-history-and-tabs

Browser extension to search and navigate browser tabs, local bookmarks and history.
MIT License
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Getting errors #80

Closed GalacticSun closed 1 year ago

GalacticSun commented 1 year ago

Hi there,

Your extension looks great, and I am looking forward to using it, however, I'm seeing an error.

When I bring up the search window and start to type something, I get the following error messages (with search mode on 'Precise'):

Error Message: searchPerformance[0] is undefined
Error Stack: searchWithAlgorithm@moz-extension://16cfb718-d236-4597-befb-3c9f7b2ffdf6/popup/js/search/common.js:202:1 search@moz-extension://16cfb718-d236-4597-befb-3c9f7b2ffdf6/popup/js/search/common.js:110:41
Error: Could not initialize Extension
Error Message: totalInitPerformance[0] is undefined
Error Stack: initExtension@moz-extension://16cfb718-d236-4597-befb-3c9f7b2ffdf6/popup/js/initSearch.js:74:3

And with search mode set to 'Hybrid', I get:

Error Message: searchPerformance[0] is undefined
Error Stack: searchWithAlgorithm@moz-extension://16cfb718-d236-4597-befb-3c9f7b2ffdf6/popup/js/search/common.js:202:1 search@moz-extension://16cfb718-d236-4597-befb-3c9f7b2ffdf6/popup/js/search/common.js:115:38
Error: Could not initialize Extension
Error Message: totalInitPerformance[0] is undefined
Error Stack: initExtension@moz-extension://16cfb718-d236-4597-befb-3c9f7b2ffdf6/popup/js/initSearch.js:74:3

And with search mode set to 'Fuzzy', I get:

Error Message: searchPerformance[0] is undefined
Error Stack: searchWithAlgorithm@moz-extension://16cfb718-d236-4597-befb-3c9f7b2ffdf6/popup/js/search/common.js:202:1
Error: Could not initialize Extension
Error Message: totalInitPerformance[0] is undefined
Error Stack: initExtension@moz-extension://16cfb718-d236-4597-befb-3c9f7b2ffdf6/popup/js/initSearch.js:74:3

That's with typing one character in the search box. If I type more characters I get more of those same errors repeated.

No actual search results appear.

I am using LibreWolf (v109.0.1, which is a Firefox-based browser), along with the uBlock Origin extension enabled (and also the 'Tab Stash' extension), so maybe that has something to do with it? Or perhaps I've changed some other setting in the browser and I've messed something up?

Anyway, just curious if there's something I can change or adjust to get your extension working. Thanks.

Fannon commented 1 year ago

Hi @GalacticSun,

thanks for the extensive error report, much appreciated!

I wonder whether that happens because of the extra privacy features of the browser. The extension does some benchmarking to keep track how long search indexing and searching takes. But it would be better anyway if I disable this per default and only do it when explicitly configured so.

Hopefully that would also fix your problem. I'll ping you here once this has changed and the new version uploaded. Hopefully it works then.

GalacticSun commented 1 year ago

Hi @Fannon, you're welcome. Yeah, that makes sense if it's to do with the extra privacy features of LibreWolf. I appreciate you making that change, thank you, and sorry about that, hopefully that's all it is. I look forward to using your extension, and, by the way, thanks for your emphasis on privacy and data protection in developing it, that helped encouraged me to install it. More projects should follow your guys' lead with that!

Fannon commented 1 year ago

By its own using benchmark timers is not really a privacy issue, but I can imagine that they're also used in combination with other techniques to do "Browser Fingerprinting", which is a real privacy concern and I understand that some just want to block that.

Fannon commented 1 year ago

@GalacticSun Version 1.8.5 has now been published in the Firefox store, which hopefully fixes this issue. Could you check again if it works now?

GalacticSun commented 1 year ago

Hi @Fannon, that fixed it. Thanks, works great!

GalacticSun commented 1 year ago

Hi, @Fannon, sorry, one last question for you. I am trying to edit the options.js file per your instructions here, but I'm using the Flatpak version of LibreWolf on Linux and I can't seem to find where that file is located. I've looked in all the places Flatpak says to look (, but I just can't find it. Do you happen to know where I can find this file? Thanks again.

Fannon commented 1 year ago

Ah, I need to improve the documentation there. You don't need to change the options.js, I would even disrecommend it because it's overwritten with each update. Instead, click on "OPTIONS" in the popup and copy your config in there:


The options.js I've only linked because it's right now the place where you can find all of the options + documentation what they're about. In general the way how options are handled is not very user friendly, but it works for me and it keeps the extension simple and lightweight.

GalacticSun commented 1 year ago

Ok, will do. Thanks again, @Fannon!