FantasyFootballAnalytics / FantasyFootballAnalyticsR

R scripts and data files for the Fantasy Football Analytics website
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Running library(ffanalytics) from the source files? #36

Closed maatspencer closed 7 years ago

maatspencer commented 7 years ago

I am having trouble finding resources on how to run files from the source. I am currently running a custom R Script with R Studio's that looks a lot like the included league scoring example followed by scrapeProjections followed by getProjections. It work perfect when loading the package that you created, but I would like to begin writing my own code and want to be able to modify the source files. So far:

  1. Installed R (3.3.1 latest)
  2. Installed Latest R Studios
  3. Cloned the whole github repository to my computer
  4. Open */FantasyFootballAnalyticsR/R Package/ffanalytics/ffanalytics.Rproj with R Studios

If I now open up my script file I created before what do I need to do to run it and have it find and load all of the Functions?

Ive been trying to emulate the Main.R file you created previously:

source(paste(getwd(),"/R Scripts/Functions/Functions.R", sep="")) source(paste(getwd(),"/R Scripts/Functions/League Settings.R", sep=""))

Thanks for any help!! Matt

isaactpetersen commented 7 years ago

Hi Matt,

The R scripts (excluding the R package) are out-of-date and not maintained. We recommend using the ffanalytics R package instead:

Hope that helps! -Isaac