FantasyFootballAnalytics / ffanalytics

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Add Projection Sources #141

Open TheMathNinja opened 1 year ago

TheMathNinja commented 1 year ago

Hi guys,

Just wondering if you could add the following:

  1. IDP projections for ESPN (they do all positions). ffespn package is a good one for copy/pasting the meaning of variables they use.
  2. Punter projections. Both ESPN and FantasySharks do these.
  3. Draft Sharks projections. They have some of the most IDP projections, in particular (they include QB Hits). Projections are included on their rankings page.
atungate commented 1 year ago

Hey Mike, we talk about #'s 1 and 2. I am generally weary of pulling projections/stats that they don't make available on the website (e.g., punter / IDP). But, I'll definitely look into the draft sharks while we are mulling over the other two items; I was not aware of them so thank you for pointing us to the site. Thanks for bringing all of them to our attention!

TheMathNinja commented 1 year ago

Hey Andrew, ESPN readily makes IDP and Punter projections available on the website. All you need is a league ID that includes those positions. This 2023 league ID I made includes all of them: 232954200.

Also, FantasySharks has Punter projections here:

These should all be easy enough to scrape.

TheMathNinja commented 2 weeks ago

Did you get around to seeing if you could integrate these for 2024?

atungate commented 2 weeks ago

We did not. Let me talk to the other developers early next week and circle back.

TheMathNinja commented 2 weeks ago

Ok, and one more question here. I know that in your app you have a repository of historic projections data. I was wondering if this is included anywhere in this package? I would love to run my own analysis of historical accuracy of various projections sources. Is it possible to create a load_historic_projections()function where we can specify positions, sources, and years and get weekly and season-long projections from past years?

TheMathNinja commented 2 weeks ago

I also just saw that from that newly opened issue that there’s still Yahoo support in this package? In the readme, Yahoo has disappeared from projections sources, and it has also not returned any data for me for quite some time.