FantasyFootballAnalytics / ffanalytics

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Yahoo AAV is wrong (showing last year's results) #152

Closed natp13 closed 2 weeks ago

natp13 commented 2 weeks ago

The AAV values from the Yahoo source appear to be from last season. It's either an issue with ffanalytics using the wrong endpoint, or there's just a bug in the Yahoo API because pulling the URL directly (;out=settings/players;position=ALL;start=0;count=200;sort=rank_season;search=;out=auction_values;out=expert_ranks;expert_ranks.rank_type=projected_season_remaining/draft_analysis;cut_types=diamond;slices=last7days?format=json_f) results in the same incorrect auction values.

atungate commented 2 weeks ago

Good catch--I'll check this out this weekend / see if we can get it resolved. Thanks for opening the issue.

atungate commented 2 weeks ago

@natp13, when you get a sec can you re-install the package and see if fixed it?

natp13 commented 2 weeks ago

Yeah looks like it's fixed, thanks!