INFO [01-12|02:48:23.019] New block index=53324596 id=182537:666:baa671 gas_used=7,395,677 txs=9/0 age=5d15h33m t=4.040s
INFO [01-12|02:48:23.019] New DAG summary new=519 last_id=182537:712:7d008b age=5d15h33m t=10.199s
INFO [01-12|02:48:23.056] New block index=53324597 id=182537:679:36f635 gas_used=414,429 txs=4/0 age=5d15h33m t=37.844ms
INFO [01-12|02:48:23.085] New block index=53324598 id=182537:690:17b587 gas_used=1,104,310 txs=13/0 age=5d15h33m t=21.930ms
INFO [01-12|02:48:23.285] New block index=53324599 id=182537:715:32254a gas_used=2,147,062 txs=25/0 age=5d15h33m t=199.478ms
INFO [01-12|02:48:23.347] New block index=53324600 id=182537:728:461f5d gas_used=820,364 txs=10/0 age=5d15h33m t=62.258ms
INFO [01-12|02:48:23.350] New block index=53324601 id=182537:739:d2d9ab gas_used=285,146 txs=3/0 age=5d15h33m t=2.930ms
INFO [01-12|02:48:25.318] New block index=53324602 id=182537:752:00e982 gas_used=8,990,308 txs=5/0 age=5d15h33m t=1.959s
INFO [01-12|02:48:25.351] New block index=53324603 id=182537:766:add366 gas_used=257,671 txs=2/0 age=5d15h33m t=33.433ms
INFO [01-12|02:48:25.539] New block index=53324604 id=182537:774:55fde1 gas_used=328,978 txs=2/0 age=5d15h33m t=141.372ms
@lsdbitrue Can you check more the current log, if the age=5d15h33m is reduced then the node still can catching up the latest block in the future, need to wait a bit more time I think.
Do you have some suggestions?
Snapshot I'm using