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Linux - (APRS/SIMPLEUI) Binding sockets without root privledges #245

Open kb1lqd opened 7 years ago

kb1lqd commented 7 years ago


Previously for linux users it was not known (in general/documentation) how to start proxy without running sudo (or with root privileges). This is annoying at best and also makes automation scripts difficult. This issue ticket is to be used to explain how to open proxy connections to Faraday units without root privileges.

Problem Explanation

APRS and SimpleUI fail due to binding to in-use ports (telemetry/proxy) As a precaution most/all ports in use should be added to the current users permissions to bind. This can be accomplished by using authbind and setting specific user/port permissions.

(Example below uses my user account brent for reference only)

Install authbind:

Create filer for port 8001 for authbind to use:

Change owner of new file to user brent (use your own user account as needed):

sudo chown brent:brent /etc/authbind/byport/8001

Change filer permissions:

sudo chown 755 /etc/authbind/byport/8001

SimpleUI will now be able to bind to port 8001 when run by user brent


This information should:





Supporting Information

An example of faraday-simpleui not opening properly due to socket binding permissions of the in-use user account.


After setting up user permissions the script below successfully opened the programs (including faraday-simpleui).

