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Faraday node software
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Raspberry Pi 3 Pip Install Editable Mode Observations #270

Open kb1lqc opened 6 years ago

kb1lqc commented 6 years ago


I'm installing faraday software on a Raspberry Pi 3 from github sources in editable mode i.e. pip install -e .. This issue ticket will collect some of my observations and nuances as we explore creating base stations with Faraday.

Problem Explanation

PRetty much all stated in the summary.




-Faraday Rev D1

Supporting Information

This is a handy spot to post any screenshots or file outputs in order to better support this issue. We want to keep the top of the ticket clutter-free as possible.

kb1lqc commented 6 years ago
kb1lqc commented 6 years ago

faraday-proxy --init-config failed because I was not in the project root directory. I remember this being an issue we've known about with editable installs. You cannot run the software outside root.

kb1lqc commented 6 years ago
kb1lqc commented 6 years ago
kb1lqc commented 6 years ago

Interesting, when starting faraday-aprs connection was refuse to telemetry...


kb1lqc commented 6 years ago

Solved the /stations telemetry connection issue by killing the telemetry program with sudo kill -9 <pid> and then starting it up in root with sudo faraday-telemetry --start.

However I get another error now.


kb1lqc commented 6 years ago

OK it looks like the SQlite database is locked... therefore no data is sent from telemetry and the aprs program will timeout: image

kb1lqc commented 6 years ago

Hmm this could be a big problem for Raspberry Pi. Googling suggests it could be a speed issue and we'd need to move to mysql or similar. I'm not sure, this seems ridiculous that it wouldn't work...

kb1lqc commented 6 years ago

Just noticed that I needed to install with --force on latest Raspbian!


kb1lqc commented 6 years ago

Also noting that on the RPI using a fast SD card makes all the difference. Just started using a level 10 SD card and the RPI is snappy compared to my old level 4 card!