Farata / angular2typescript

Code samples from the book Angular 2 Development with TypeScript
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jsconfig.json in client dir messes up VSCode. #19

Closed ychaikin closed 7 years ago

ychaikin commented 7 years ago

Removing jsconfig.json file from the client directory as it's interfering with tsconfig.json in the root directory. This messes up VSCode, not allowing it to resolve dependencies properly. npm scripts are unaffected by this.

ychaikin commented 7 years ago

See this manning thread for reference: https://forums.manning.com/posts/list/0/39899.page

antonmoiseev commented 7 years ago

jsconfig.json was required before VS Code 1.7 in order to support autocomplete and ES6 features in JS code (see release notes for details), but apparently now it breaks the TS files. Thank you!