Farata / angular2typescript

Code samples from the book Angular 2 Development with TypeScript
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Fix: summarise .gitignore files into one #7

Closed catull closed 4 years ago

catull commented 8 years ago

Two fixes, again.

  1. The pattern for files to be ignored by git can be defined once for the whole project, at the root. A patter like "node_modules" means that any file - or folder - will be ignore in each sub-folder recursively. The drawback is that now you cannot use files/folders to be included. But who would want to include app/tmp, app/dist app/dist, app/npm-debug.log anyways ?
  2. Also, in chapter 10, the hello world kept a dist/bundle.js, which is generated by webpack. I removed it in favour of building it on demand. It is a consequence of point 1.
yfain commented 4 years ago

Please use the code samples from the more recent edition of this book: https://github.com/Farata/angulartypescript