I am extending MeshStandardMaterial and would like to output a normal per pixel from my fragment shader but I see that csm_Normal is vertex-shader-only.
How can I address this? My goal is to build a material that has an animating normal map but leverages all of the lighting and other potential of the standard material.
Please tell me it's possible. Perhaps with patchMap? I do not see docs and I'm on my phone and can't look at the example code easily.
Hello and thanks for this great software.
I am extending MeshStandardMaterial and would like to output a normal per pixel from my fragment shader but I see that csm_Normal is vertex-shader-only.
How can I address this? My goal is to build a material that has an animating normal map but leverages all of the lighting and other potential of the standard material.
Please tell me it's possible. Perhaps with patchMap? I do not see docs and I'm on my phone and can't look at the example code easily.
Thank you!