FarbstoffRSL / RSL-Helper

Der Farbstoff RSL-Helper
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Improve auto sell filters organization with separators #384

Closed LordYanaek closed 2 years ago

LordYanaek commented 2 years ago

What is your idea of enhancement?

Hi. I really love the new auto-sell filters as they are extremely versatile and powerful but when setting up filters to go beyond the basic "sell all 5* but keep all speed sub" it's really easy to end up with a looooong and messy list of filters. It would really help if we could add some simple, purely visual, separators like shown in this example. RSLHelperSellFilterSep

Of course it would be even better if we could actually create groups of filters and enable/disable those with a checkbox (rather than having to delete-retype) and/or save and load those groups separately (rather than saving only the entire filter) but even purely visual separators would be a huge help to keep things organized when designing complex filters and avoid accidental mistakes.

OpaWattebausch commented 2 years ago

The helper is working the rules in order (1,2,3 and so on). If you have, as you can, a rule for a set in other places, a grouping would not work anymore.

LordYanaek commented 2 years ago

Well, if you don't group rules for sets like i do, you just have to create a grouping that makes sense for you. The idea isn't to have groups for sets, the idea is to visually separate groups of rules to make the process of creating complex filters easier and less prone to errors. Better organizing your rules if you prefer. It doesn't have to be "working" groups, all i was suggesting was visual separators. There's no functional difference between what i'm showing in that screenshot and what i have already working, it's just easier to read. EDIT : There's some logic behind everyone's filter, my logic (currently) is (1) a bunch of filters to remove the worst items (with an exception for speed sets so i do have a set rule in another place) (2) some set filters to keep more of some specific sets than others (3) some stat group filters to keep items which would be good for (a)nukers, (b)debuffers, (c)healers/revivers (4) selling most of what wasn't caught by the previous filters (5) keeping the rest in case i forgot something good Being able to group those "logic" steps with (again, purely visual) separators would help me build that long and complex filter (i'm not done and it's already messy and hard to figure what's done/left to do)

Dwza commented 2 years ago

programmatically this is a lot of work for a very small benefit. i really dont know if this is worth it :) also i dont really know if the tableWidget supports seperators :)

Dwza commented 2 years ago

I'll clsoe this one since i dont think this will be implemented and further for no reaction anymore.