Fare9 / KUNAI-static-analyzer

Tool aimed to provide a binary analysis of different file formats through the use of an Intermmediate Representation.
MIT License
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Dev Release #39

Closed Fare9 closed 2 years ago

Fare9 commented 2 years ago

New Release from KUNAI, some features have been included:

CONDITIONAL_BRANCH_DVM_OPCODE = 0, // conditional branch instructions ["throw", "throw.", "if."]
UNCONDITIONAL_BRANCH_DVM_OPCODE,   // unconditional branch instructions ["goto", "goto."]
RET_BRANCH_DVM_OPCODE,             // return instructions ["return", "return."]
MULTI_BRANCH_DVM_OPCODE,           // multi branching (switch) ["packed-switch$", "sparse-switch$"]
CALL_DVM_OPCODE,                   // call an external or internal method ["invoke", "invoke."]
DATA_MOVEMENT_DVM_OPCODE,          // move data instruction ["move", "move."]
FIELD_READ_DVM_OPCODE,             // read a field instruction [".get"]
FIELD_WRITE_DVM_OPCODE,            // write a field instruction [".put"]