Farfetch / rules-framework

A generic framework that allows defining and evaluating rules for complex business scenarios.
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Add streamlined way for building conditions #143

Closed jdromeiro closed 1 year ago

jdromeiro commented 1 year ago


Introduces a new way of more fluently building and adding rule conditions:

// or (for a bit more sugar) .WithCondition(ConditionType.ClientType, Operators.Equal, "Premium")

* for a composed condition
.WithCondition(rc => rc
    .And(a => a
        .Value(ConditionType.ClientType, Operators.Equal, "Queen")
        .Value(ConditionType.Country, Operators.In, new[] { "Portugal", "Spain" })
        .Or(o => o
            .Value(ConditionType.Country, Operators.Equal, "Brazil")
            .Value(ConditionType.Country, Operators.NotEqual, "United States")

It also adds a new contructor for the Condition class.

Closes #138 .

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jdromeiro commented 1 year ago

@luispfgarces can you please let me know if you agree with the modifications before changing all the tests and samples to use this streamlined way?

luispfgarces commented 1 year ago

Hi @jdromeiro,

I like your approach, but if you'll allow me, let me suggest taking this even further. I have created a small graph representing the calls to create a rule's conditions.


Basically, it only changes the way we start defining conditions (the root condition) and the composed nodes (and/or), the rest is just naming. Let's get one example:

RuleBuilder.NewRule<ContentTypes, ConditionTypes>()
    .WithName("Benchmark 2 - Bohemian Rapsody")
    .WithContent(ContentTypes.Songs, "Bohemian Rapsody")
    .WithCondition(x =>
        return x.AsComposed()
            .AddCondition(c =>
            .AddCondition(c =>
                    .SetOperand("real life")
            .AddCondition(c =>
            .AddCondition(c =>
RuleBuilder.NewRule<ContentTypes, ConditionTypes>()
    .WithName("Benchmark 2 - Bohemian Rapsody")
    .WithContent(ContentTypes.Songs, "Bohemian Rapsody")
    .WithCondition(x => 
        x.And(c => c.Value(ConditionTypes.Artist, Operators.Equal, "Queen")
            .Value(ConditionTypes.Lyrics, Operators.Contains, "real life")
            .Value(ConditionTypes.ReleaseYear, Operators.GreaterThanOrEqual, 1973)
            .Value(ConditionTypes.ReleaseYear, Operators.LesserThanOrEqual, 1977)

What are your thoughts on this? Give it a try first if you want to find any flaws in my suggestion, as I have not tested it 🙂

jdromeiro commented 1 year ago

Hello @luispfgarces ! Thanks for your suggestion, I agree it improves the solution. 👌🏼 Considering your snippet, I've managed to achieve the following behaviour:

Given that the method in the RuleBuilder (or RuleBuilderExtension) should only accept one composedCondition, didn't manage to make it exactly how you had describe it (because we should only have one LogicalOperator, which in the proposal is being passed as parameter).

I've pushed the new code. Please let me know what you think.

luispfgarces commented 1 year ago

Hi @jdromeiro,

Thank you for taking my input into consideration 👌 if you are interested in resolving that last bit you couldn't resolve, I may have a possible solution for you. The thing is, with the current builders you can't ensure a single "root condition" because on fluent APIs you have to design your interfaces and classes according to the possible state machine to be accomplished. That's why I told you once that fluent APIs require planning representing a state machine on a graph using a tool you'd like (e.g. draw.io) and lots of trial and error sometimes 😄

Here goes my even further improved suggestion:

public interface IRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>
    IConfiguredRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType> And(Func<IComposedConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>, IComposedConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>> conditionFunc);
    IConfiguredRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType> Or(Func<IComposedConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>, IComposedConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>> conditionFunc);
    IConfiguredRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType> Value<TDataType>(TConditionType conditionType, Operators condOperator, TDataType operand);

public interface IConfiguredRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>
    IConditionNode<TConditionType> GetRootCondition();
internal class RootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType> : IRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>, IConfiguredRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>
    private IConditionNode<TConditionType> rootCondition;

    public IConfiguredRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType> And(Func<IComposedConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>, IComposedConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>> conditionFunc)
        // Do your already implemented logic. Assign result to rootCondition.

        return this;

    public IConfiguredRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType> Or(Func<IComposedConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>, IComposedConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>> conditionFunc)
        // Do your already implemented logic. Assign result to rootCondition.

        return this;
    public IConfiguredRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType> Value<TDataType>(TConditionType conditionType, Operators condOperator, TDataType operand)
        // Do your already implemented logic. Assign result to rootCondition.

        return this;

    public IConditionNode<TConditionType> GetRootCondition()
        => this.rootCondition;
public static IRuleBuilder<TContentType, TConditionType> WithCondition<TContentType, TConditionType>(this IRuleBuilder<TContentType, TConditionType> ruleBuilder, Func<IRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>, IConfiguredRootConditionNodeBuilder<TConditionType>> conditionFunc)

With this, you could accomplish the suggestion I gave you, which has the advantage of defining conditions always the same way (from the consumer's perspective). Maybe this is a bit of nitpicking on my part, but it makes sense to me to offer the best experience possible to the developers that use the fluent API 😄 what do you think?

jdromeiro commented 1 year ago

@luispfgarces , thank you for your suggestions! 👌🏼

I've taken your snippets and adjusted them a bit. I've also created a new entity IChildComposedConditionNodeBuilder (for which the logic could be kept as the IComposedConditionNodeBuilder) because I thought would be easier to separate the old way from the new way of creating the conditions.

If you agree, we can set the old methods as obsolete, and in the future remove them or make them internal.

Let me know of your thoughts regarding the solution as it is now.

jdromeiro commented 1 year ago

Sorry @luispfgarces , decided to also replace all calls to WithContentContainer(). One more 👍🏼 please 😅