Farigh / pokeclicker-automation

An automation script suite for pokeclicker.com
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Hatchery: Add Sevii and Magikarp Island to the region list #238

Closed linkdest closed 1 year ago

linkdest commented 1 year ago

Magikarps: Have an option to focus on magikarps when breeding.

Mega Evolutions: I play the real evolution challenge. When I get the Mega, all the bonus goes to the evolution and the pokemon who evolves gets its base attack. The focus mega option still hatches the pokemon that i already have a mega evolution because of the low attack.

iIoli commented 1 year ago

I mean if you want to focus on magikarps just sort by egg steps ascending.

linkdest commented 1 year ago

That's a good idea when having many magikarps, i only have two. The idea is that it's possible tobreed by effiency while the magikarps are there too.

unproductivityfriendly commented 1 year ago

You can already do that by making a Hatchery Category and put all the magikarps in it. Then in the Hatchery settings, sort by Category

Farigh commented 1 year ago
