Farigh / pokeclicker-automation

An automation script suite for pokeclicker.com
GNU General Public License v3.0
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BUG - Script doesnt start #245

Closed linkdest closed 1 year ago

linkdest commented 1 year ago

With the new updates, the script doesnt load. some part of the menu load, but it's bugged. That's the error.

Uncaught TypeError: this.internalunlockStrategySelection.at is not a function at Function.internaladdGen3UnlockStrategies (:933:73) at Function.internalbuildUnlockStrategySelection (:650:14) at Function.initialize (:33:18) at Function. (:72:31)

Farigh commented 1 year ago

Hum, this should be an engine incompatibility. What platform are you playing on, so I can make sure to fix every problem?

Farigh commented 1 year ago

@linkdest I've tried on both my browsers :

And the pokémon desktop app, and I can't reproduce your problème. You might just need to update your browser to the latest version since the Array.at() method got introduced in 2022

Here is the browser support from the Mozilla pages : image

linkdest commented 1 year ago

It works perfectly with chrome and firefox. The bug was in the client. I deleted the %app% folder and reinstalled everything. It looks like that i was using an old version of the aspp.asar. Now everything is working as supposed. Going to close the issue since it's solved.

Farigh commented 1 year ago

Perfect, thanks for the feedback 🙂

I'd advise you to get the installer I provide instead of overriding the official client app.asar (Which was the old way, before I started generating an installer)