Farigh / pokeclicker-automation

An automation script suite for pokeclicker.com
GNU General Public License v3.0
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After unlocking Pokerus, Focus on Quests doesn't work with catch quests. #255

Closed bUrself1 closed 1 year ago

bUrself1 commented 1 year ago

Focus on Quests doesn't select a ball to catch Pokemon that are contagious with Pokerus so nothing ends up getting caught because all my Pokemon are contagious. I assume if I were to get everyone to EV 50 this would fix itself but that would take a while :) image

Here is a save if needed. [v0.10.9] PokeClicker 2023-02-07 02 57 08.txt

Farigh commented 1 year ago

I did not think about this side effect when the feature got introduced 😮

It should now work properly