Farigh / pokeclicker-automation

An automation script suite for pokeclicker.com
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Farm: Don't use the in-game selected berry anymore #264

Closed Farigh closed 1 year ago

Farigh commented 1 year ago

The in-game selected berry should not be used for the automation. This value can be tempered with easily, by simply navigating between pages for example.

Moreover, this data is reset each time the app is closed, it's not persisted.

An advanced setting is now used for that purpose. image

Farm: Don't use the selectedBerry to force berry planting

Forcing a berry planting would override the in-game user-selected berry.

The ForcePlantBerriesAsked now contains the berry type directly, this value is then used to plant berries insteadn of using FarmController.selectedBerry().

Menu: Add custom dropdown list creation method

Regular HTML select element can only contain options with text content

The createDropdownListWithHtmlOptions method can be used to create dropdown lists containing elements accepting any HTML Elements as content.

This is mainly usefull to add images to the content.