Farigh / pokeclicker-automation

An automation script suite for pokeclicker.com
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Dungeon: Use Super/Hyper potion first #289

Open heyboots opened 1 year ago

heyboots commented 1 year ago

Now that I'm far into grind mode, I'm using potions 100% of the time, but since regular potions are more cost effective than the other ones, I only buy those. But the super/hyper potions I'm picking up in dungeons are just piling up, can the logic of the automation be changed to use potions in best to worst order instead of the opposite how it is now, or have a toggle added to use best potion first instead?

Farigh commented 1 year ago

This does not seem like a real need to me. You could simply stop buying small potions until the other ones are depleted completely (or set a lower number on the small one to buy if you are using the auto-shop).

I'll think about it, but I do not guaranty to take care about this issue anytime soon.