FarisHijazi / Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript

Browser extension for Rarbg.to to add autoCAPTCHA, magnet links, and enhance the interface
MIT License
108 stars 9 forks source link

Script has totally stopped working #26

Closed MoTem closed 1 year ago

MoTem commented 1 year ago

Tried on 2 different browsers - Brave and Firefox. None of the features are working. Using violentrmonkey. Version - 1.6.23

AncientVamp commented 1 year ago

Same. was using on Brave and Firefox with TamperMonkey, just stopped working.

phoenixwu commented 1 year ago

Not working either. Arc Browser with Violentmonkey 2.14.0 on MacOS

FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

it's probably the function wrapper around the meta comments at the top, I'll remove that and I'll need to ask you guys to test it out. Please replace your script with the following:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         RARBG Enhancer
// @namespace    https://github.com/FarisHijazi
// @version      1.6.23
// @description  Auto-solve CAPTCHA, infinite scroll, add a magnet link shortcut and thumbnails of torrents,
// @description  adds a image search link in case you want to see more pics of the torrent, and more!
// @author       Faris Hijazi
//               with some code from https://greasyfork.org/en/users/2160-darkred
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// @grant        GM_setValue
// @grant        GM_getValue
// @grant        GM_download
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant        GM_registerMenuCommand
// @icon         https://t1.gstatic.com/faviconV2?client=SOCIAL&type=FAVICON&fallback_opts=TYPE,SIZE,URL&url=http://rarbg.to&size=16
// @run-at       document-idle
// @updateUrl    https://github.com/FarisHijazi/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript/raw/master/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript.user.js
// @downloadURL  https://github.com/FarisHijazi/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript/raw/master/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript.user.js
// @require      https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.0.min.js
// @require      https://unpkg.com/infinite-scroll@3.0.5/dist/infinite-scroll.pkgd.min.js
// @require      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ccampbell/mousetrap/master/mousetrap.min.js
// @require      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellmebane/GM_fetch/master/GM_fetch.js
// @require      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antimatter15/ocrad.js/master/ocrad.js
// @require      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config/master/gm_config.js
// @include      https://*rarbg.*
// @include      /https?:\/\/.{0,8}rarbg.*\.\/*/
// @include      /https?:\/\/.{0,8}rargb.*\.\/*/
// @include      /https?:\/\/.*u=MTcyLjIxLjAuMXw6Ly9yYXJiZy50by90b3JyZW50LzIyMDg3MjYwfE1vemlsbGEvNS4wIChXaW5kb3dzIE5UIDEwLjA7IFdpbjY0OyB4NjQpIEFwcGxlV2ViS2l0LzUzNy4zNiAoS0hUTUwsIGxpa2UgR2Vja28pIENocm9tZS83OS4wLjM5NDUuMTMwIFNhZmFyaS81MzcuMzZ8ODc4MDQz.*/
// @include      https://www.rarbg.is
// @include      https://proxyrarbg.org
// @include      https://rarbg.com
// @include      https://rarbg.to
// @include      https://rarbg2018.org
// @include      https://rarbg2019.org
// @include      https://rarbg2020.org
// @include      https://rarbg2021.org
// @include      https://rarbgaccess.org
// @include      https://rarbgaccessed.org
// @include      https://rarbgcdn.org
// @include      https://rarbgcore.org
// @include      https://rarbgdata.org
// @include      https://rarbgenter.org
// @include      https://rarbgget.org
// @include      https://rarbggo.org
// @include      https://rarbgindex.org
// @include      https://rarbgmirror.com
// @include      https://rarbgmirror.org
// @include      https://rarbgmirrored.org
// @include      https://rarbgp2p.org
// @include      https://rarbgproxied.org
// @include      https://rarbgproxies.org
// @include      https://rarbgproxy.com
// @include      https://rarbgproxy.org
// @include      https://rarbgprx.org
// @include      https://rarbgto.org
// @include      https://rarbgtor.org
// @include      https://rarbgtorrents.org
// @include      https://rarbgunblock.com
// @include      https://rarbgunblock.org
// @include      https://rarbgunblocked.org
// @include      https://rarbgway.org
// @include      https://rarbgweb.org
// @include      https://unblockedrarbg.org
// @include      https://www.rarbg.is
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==

const metaIncludes = [

if (typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined") {
    var unsafeWindow = window;

// AddColumn() and add magnetLinks() code taken from:      https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/23493-rarbg-torrent-and-magnet-links/code

 * Sequence of function calls
 * appendColumn()
 *  -> appendColumnSingle()
 *      -> addDlAndMl()
 * observeDocument(dealWithTorrents)
 * */

// pollyfill for Element.before() and Element.after(): (since some browsers like MS Edge don't already have them)
if (Element.prototype.before === undefined) {
    Element.prototype.before = function (newNode) {
        if (this.parentElement) {
            return this.parentElement.insertBefore(newNode, this);
if (Element.prototype.after === undefined) {
    Element.prototype.after = function (newNode) {
        if (this.parentElement) {
            return this.parentElement.insertBefore(newNode, this.nextSibling);
// "Set" operations
/** this - other
 * @param other
 * @returns {Set} containing what this has but other doesn't */
Set.prototype.difference = function (other) {
    if (!other.has) other = new Set(other);
    return new Set(Array.from(this).filter((x) => !other.has(x)));

 * {}
let titleGroups = {};

const catCodeMap = {
    Movies: "48;17;44;45;47;50;51;52;42;46".split(";"),
    XXX: "4".split(";"),
    Music: "23;24;25;26".split(";"),
    "TV shows": "18;41;49".split(";"),
    Software: "33;34;43".split(";"),
    Games: "27;28;29;30;31;32;40;53".split(";"),
    "Non XXX":
// categories map, given the category number (in the URL), returns the name of it
const codeToCatMap = reverseMapping(catCodeMap);
// converts key to a category code (number in URL)
const catKeyMap = {
    v: "Movies",
    s: "TV shows",
    m: "Music",
    w: "Software",
    x: "XXX",
    g: "Games",
    n: "Non XXX",

const ICON_DESCRIPTION_WIDE = "https://i.imgur.com/xreLTXq.gif";
const ICON_DESCRIPTION_TALL = "https://i.imgur.com/6gG2QGj.gif";
const ICON_THUMBNAILS_WIDE = "https://i.imgur.com/9xh3vuU.gif";
const ICON_THUMBNAILS_TALL = "https://i.imgur.com/XMV45fY.gif";
const ICON_THUMBNAILS = "https://i.imgur.com/nA2dRWu.gif";
const ICON_DESCRIPTION = "https://i.imgur.com/UxbSq2o.gif";
const ICON_MORE_BLUE = "https://i.imgur.com/FGwOuVT.gif";
const ICON_EXTRA_GREEN = "https://i.imgur.com/HU6J9kS.gif";

const SearchEngines = {
    google: {
        name: "Google",
        imageSearchUrl: (q) => `https://www.google.com/search?&hl=en&tbm=isch&q=${encodeURIComponent(q)}`,
    ddg: {
        name: "DuckDuckGo",
        imageSearchUrl: (q) =>
    yandex: {
        name: "Yandex",
        imageSearchUrl: (q) => `https://yandex.com/images/search?text=${encodeURIComponent(q)}`,

// main
(function () {
    "use strict";
    const debug = false; // debugmode (setting this to false will disable the console logging)

    const TORRENT_ICO = "https://dyncdn.me/static/20/img/16x16/download.png";
    const MAGNET_ICO = "https://dyncdn.me/static/20/img/magnet.gif";
    const trackers =

    const isOnSingleTorrentPage = !!matchSite(/\/torrent\//);
    const isOnThreatDefencePage = /threat_defence/i.test(location.href);

    var title = createElement(
        '<div><div><a href="https://github.com/FarisHijazi/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript">Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript Settings</a><pre style=" font-size: medium; ">You can get to this options page by pressing "ctrl+/" or by navigating to the menu as shown bellow</pre></div><img src="https://github.com/FarisHijazi/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript/raw/master/screenshots/rarbg-options.png"></div>'

        id: "GM_config",
        title: title,
        css: "#GM_config_section_1 .config_var, #GM_config_section_2 .config_var, #GM_config_section_3 .config_var { margin: 5% !important;display: inline !important; }",
        fields: {
            thumbnailLink: {
                section: [
                    GM_config.create("Rarbg Settings"),
                    "here you can configure settings for the rarbg-enhancer-userscript. Be aware that the page will reload after saving",
                label: "thumbnailLink",
                default: "torrentPageLink",
                title: "where should clicking the thumbnail take you",
                options: ["magnetLink", "torrentLink", "torrentPageLink", "img"],
                type: "radio",
            addThumbnails: {
                label: "addThumbnails",
                default: true,
                title: "if set to false, the content thumbnails will not be used, magnet or torrent thumbnails will be used isntead",
                type: "checkbox",
            showGeneratedSearchQuery: {
                label: "showGeneratedSearchQuery",
                default: false,
                title: "",
                type: "checkbox",
            addCategoryWithSearch: {
                label: "addCategoryWithSearch",
                default: true,
                title: 'when searching for a movie title like "X-men", will become "X-men movie"',
                type: "checkbox",
            largeThumbnails: {
                label: "largeThumbnails",
                default: true,
                title: "",
                type: "checkbox",
            alwaysFetchExtraThumbnails: {
                label: "alwaysFetchExtraThumbnails",
                title: "automatically press fetch extra thumbnails",
                type: "checkbox",
                default: false,
            ImageSearchEngine: {
                label: "ImageSearchEngine",
                default: "google",
                title: "",
                options: Array.from(Object.keys(SearchEngines)),
                type: "radio",
            infiniteScrolling: {
                label: "infiniteScrolling",
                default: true,
                title: "",
                type: "checkbox",
            mirrors: {
                label: "mirrors",
                default: metaIncludes,
                title: "",
                type: "textarea",
            imgScale: {
                label: "imgScale",
                default: 50,
                title: "",
                type: "float",
            imgHoverPopupScale: {
                label: "imgHoverPopupScale",
                default: 3.0,
                title: "",
                type: "float",
            hideRecommendedTorrents: {
                label: "hideRecommendedTorrents",
                default: false,
                title: "",
                type: "checkbox",
            autoExitIndexPhp: {
                label: "autoExitIndexPhp",
                default: true,
                title: "",
                type: "checkbox",
            deduplicateTorrents: {
                label: "deduplicateTorrents",
                default: false,
                title: "attempt to remove duplicates when there are multiple torrents of the same item",
                type: "checkbox",
            staticSearchbar: {
                label: "staticSearchbar",
                default: false,
                title: "",
                type: "checkbox",
            includeDescriptionsButton: {
                label: "includeDescriptionsButton",
                default: true,
                title: "add a link for each row to search for getting the description thumbnails",
                type: "checkbox",
            includeSearchForImagesButton: {
                label: "includeSearchForImagesButton",
                default: true,
                title: "add a link for each row to search for images using a search engine (google, ddg, yandex..)",
                type: "checkbox",
            isFirstVisit: {
                type: "hidden",
                default: true,
            thumbnailHoverSound: {
                label: "thumbnailHoverSound",
                type: "checkbox",
                title: "play sound when hovering over thumbnail",
                default: true,
            // blocking
            "block Movies": {
                label: "block Movies",
                default: false,
                type: "checkbox",
                title: "Movies",
                section: "Block categories",
            "block TV shows": { label: "block TV shows", default: false, type: "checkbox", title: "TV shows" },
            "block Music": { label: "block Music", default: false, type: "checkbox", title: "Music" },
            "block Software": { label: "block Software", default: false, type: "checkbox", title: "Software" },
            "block XXX": { label: "block XXX", default: true, type: "checkbox", title: "XXX" },
            "block Games": { label: "block Games", default: false, type: "checkbox", title: "Games" },
        events: {
            open: function (doc) {},
            save: function (values) {
                // All the values that aren't saved are passed to this function
                // for (i in values) alert(values[i]);

    if (!GM_config.get("mirrors")) {

    if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand !== "undefined") {
        GM_registerMenuCommand("Rarbg options", () => {

    Math.clamp = function (a, min, max) {
        return a < min ? min : a > max ? max : a;

    let searchEngine = {};

    // click to verify browser
    document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="/threat_defence.php?defence=1"]').forEach((a) => a.click());

    const searchBox = document.querySelector("#searchinput");
    const isOnTop10page = location.pathname.startsWith("/top");
    const isOnIndexPage = searchBox !== null || isOnTop10page;
    const isOnWrongTorrentLinkPage =
            '(/html/body/table[3]/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/div[contains(., "The link you followed is wrong. Please try again!")])'
        ).length > 0;

    const getTorrentLinks = () => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("table > tbody > tr.lista2 a[title]"));

    var row_others = getElementsByXPath('(//tr[contains(., "Others:")])[last()]').pop();

    var tbodyEl =
        isOnSingleTorrentPage && row_others
            ? row_others.parentElement.querySelector("tbody")
            : document.querySelector(
                  'body > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > table[class*="list"] > tbody'
    if (!tbodyEl) console.warn("tbody element not found!");

    var thumbnailsCssBlock = addCss("");
    // language=CSS

/*this keeps the tableCells in the groups at equal heights*/
table.groupTable > tbody > tr > td {
    height: 10px !important;

/*the horsey suggestion thumbnails*/
.suggestion-thumbnail {
    max-width: 100px;
    max-height: 100px;

a.torrent-ml, a.torrent-dl {
    display: table-cell;
    padding: 5px;

a.torrent-ml > img, a.torrent-dl > img {
    max-width: 30px;

/*add margin*/
td.lista > * {
    margin: 10px;

a.search:link { color: red; }
a.search:visited { color: green; }
a.search:hover { color: hotpink; }
a.search:active { color: blue; }

.zoom {
    transition: transform .2s; /* Animation */
    margin: 0 auto;
.zoom:hover {
    /* (150% zoom - Note: if the zoom is too large, it will go outside of the viewport) */
    transform: scale(${GM_config.get("imgHoverPopupScale")});

a.extra-tb {
    background: white;

    display: flex;
    flex-direction: row;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: space-between;

    /** Plays audio
     * @author https://stackoverflow.com/a/17762789/7771202 */
    const PlaySound = (function () {
        const df = document.createDocumentFragment();
        return function Sound(src) {
            var snd = new Audio(src);
            df.appendChild(snd); // keep in fragment until finished playing
            snd.addEventListener("ended", function () {
            return snd;

    let snd = function () {};
    snd.play = function () {};
    if (GM_config.get("thumbnailHoverSound")) {
        // sound file from: http://freesound.org/data/previews/166/166186_3034894-lq.mp3
        // noinspection JSUnusedAssignment
        snd = PlaySound(
            "data:audio/wav;base64," +

    // === end of variable declarations ===

    function decrementImageSize(e) {
        GM_config.set("imgScale", Math.max(GM_config.get("imgScale") - 50, 0));
        toggleThumbnailSize("update only");
    function incrementImageSize(e) {
        GM_config.set("imgScale", Math.min(GM_config.get("imgScale") + 50, 400));
        toggleThumbnailSize("update only");

    $(document).ready(function main() {
        if (isOnThreatDefencePage) {
            // OnThreatDefencePage: check for captcha
            if (document.querySelector("#solve_string")) {
                console.log("Rarbg threat defence page");

                try {
                    // solveCaptcha(OCRAD);
                    unsafeEval(solveCaptcha, OCRAD);
                } catch (e) {
                    console.error("Error occurred while trying to solve captcha:\n", e);

                    const container = document.querySelector("tbody > :nth-child(2)");
                    const img = container.querySelector("img");
                    const captcha = document.querySelector("#solve_string");
                    const submitBtn = document.querySelector("#button_submit");
                    const textEl = img.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling;
                    textEl.innerText += "Could not auto-solve capthca";

                    // prettier-ignore
                    /* tesseract.js
                     * https://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/
                     * https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/naptha/tesseract.js@v1.0.14/dist/tesseract.min.js
                    (function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.Tesseract=f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s}({1:[function(require,module,exports){var process=module.exports={};var cachedSetTimeout;var cachedClearTimeout;function defaultSetTimout(){throw new Error("setTimeout has 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clearTimeout(marker)}if((cachedClearTimeout===defaultClearTimeout||!cachedClearTimeout)&&clearTimeout){cachedClearTimeout=clearTimeout;return clearTimeout(marker)}try{return cachedClearTimeout(marker)}catch(e){try{return cachedClearTimeout.call(null,marker)}catch(e){return cachedClearTimeout.call(this,marker)}}}var queue=[];var draining=false;var currentQueue;var queueIndex=-1;function cleanUpNextTick(){if(!draining||!currentQueue){return}draining=false;if(currentQueue.length){queue=currentQueue.concat(queue)}else{queueIndex=-1}if(queue.length){drainQueue()}}function drainQueue(){if(draining){return}var timeout=runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);draining=true;var len=queue.length;while(len){currentQueue=queue;queue=[];while(++queueIndex<len){if(currentQueue){currentQueue[queueIndex].run()}}queueIndex=-1;len=queue.length}currentQueue=null;draining=false;runClearTimeout(timeout)}process.nextTick=function(fun){var args=new Array(arguments.length-1);if(arguments.length>1){for(var i=1;i<arguments.length;i++){args[i-1]=arguments[i]}}queue.push(new Item(fun,args));if(queue.length===1&&!draining){runTimeout(drainQueue)}};function Item(fun,array){this.fun=fun;this.array=array}Item.prototype.run=function(){this.fun.apply(null,this.array)};process.title="browser";process.browser=true;process.env={};process.argv=[];process.version="";process.versions={};function noop(){}process.on=noop;process.addListener=noop;process.once=noop;process.off=noop;process.removeListener=noop;process.removeAllListeners=noop;process.emit=noop;process.prependListener=noop;process.prependOnceListener=noop;process.listeners=function(name){return[]};process.binding=function(name){throw new Error("process.binding is not supported")};process.cwd=function(){return"/"};process.chdir=function(dir){throw new Error("process.chdir is not supported")};process.umask=function(){return 0}},{}],2:[function(require,module,exports){module.exports={name:"tesseract.js",version:"1.0.13",description:"Pure Javascript Multilingual OCR",main:"src/index.js",scripts:{start:'concurrently --kill-others "watchify src/index.js  -t [ envify --NODE_ENV development ] -t [ babelify --presets [ es2015 ] ] -o dist/tesseract.dev.js --standalone Tesseract" "watchify src/browser/worker.js  -t [ envify --NODE_ENV development ] -t [ babelify --presets [ es2015 ] ] -o dist/worker.dev.js" "http-server -p 7355"',build:"browserify src/index.js -t [ babelify --presets [ es2015 ] ] -o dist/tesseract.js --standalone Tesseract && browserify src/browser/worker.js -t [ babelify --presets [ es2015 ] ] -o dist/worker.js && uglifyjs dist/tesseract.js --source-map -o dist/tesseract.min.js && uglifyjs dist/worker.js --source-map -o dist/worker.min.js",release:"npm run build && git commit -am 'new release' && git push && git tag `jq -r '.version' package.json` && git push origin --tags && npm 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Configuration");defaultOptions.workerPath=location.protocol+"//"+location.host+"/dist/worker.dev.js?nocache="+Math.random().toString(36).slice(3)}else{var version=require("../../package.json").version;defaultOptions.workerPath="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/naptha/tesseract.js@"+version+"/dist/worker.js"}exports.defaultOptions=defaultOptions;exports.spawnWorker=function spawnWorker(instance,workerOptions){if(window.Blob&&window.URL){var blob=new Blob(['importScripts("'+workerOptions.workerPath+'");']);var worker=new Worker(window.URL.createObjectURL(blob))}else{var worker=new Worker(workerOptions.workerPath)}worker.onmessage=function(e){var packet=e.data;instance._recv(packet)};return worker};exports.terminateWorker=function(instance){instance.worker.terminate()};exports.sendPacket=function sendPacket(instance,packet){loadImage(packet.payload.image,function(img){packet.payload.image=img;instance.worker.postMessage(packet)})};function loadImage(image,cb){if(typeof image==="string"){if(/^\#/.test(image)){return loadImage(document.querySelector(image),cb)}else if(/(blob|data)\:/.test(image)){var im=new Image;im.src=image;im.onload=function(e){return loadImage(im,cb)};return}else{var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest;xhr.open("GET",image,true);xhr.responseType="blob";xhr.onload=function(e){return loadImage(xhr.response,cb)};xhr.onerror=function(e){if(/^https?:\/\//.test(image)&&!/^https:\/\/crossorigin.me/.test(image)){console.debug("Attempting to load image with CORS proxy");loadImage("https://crossorigin.me/"+image,cb)}};xhr.send(null);return}}else if(image instanceof File){var fr=new FileReader;fr.onload=function(e){return loadImage(fr.result,cb)};fr.readAsDataURL(image);return}else if(image instanceof Blob){return loadImage(URL.createObjectURL(image),cb)}else if(image.getContext){return loadImage(image.getContext("2d"),cb)}else if(image.tagName==="IMG"||image.tagName==="VIDEO"){var c=document.createElement("canvas");c.width=image.naturalWidth||image.videoWidth;c.height=image.naturalHeight||image.videoHeight;var ctx=c.getContext("2d");ctx.drawImage(image,0,0);return loadImage(ctx,cb)}else if(image.getImageData){var data=image.getImageData(0,0,image.canvas.width,image.canvas.height);return loadImage(data,cb)}else{return cb(image)}throw new Error("Missing return in loadImage cascade")}}).call(this,require("_process"))},{"../../package.json":2,_process:1}],4:[function(require,module,exports){"use strict";module.exports=function circularize(page){page.paragraphs=[];page.lines=[];page.words=[];page.symbols=[];page.blocks.forEach(function(block){block.page=page;block.lines=[];block.words=[];block.symbols=[];block.paragraphs.forEach(function(para){para.block=block;para.page=page;para.words=[];para.symbols=[];para.lines.forEach(function(line){line.paragraph=para;line.block=block;line.page=page;line.symbols=[];line.words.forEach(function(word){word.line=line;word.paragraph=para;word.block=block;word.page=page;word.symbols.forEach(function(sym){sym.word=word;sym.line=line;sym.paragraph=para;sym.block=block;sym.page=page;sym.line.symbols.push(sym);sym.paragraph.symbols.push(sym);sym.block.symbols.push(sym);sym.page.symbols.push(sym)});word.paragraph.words.push(word);word.block.words.push(word);word.page.words.push(word)});line.block.lines.push(line);line.page.lines.push(line)});para.page.paragraphs.push(para)})});return page}},{}],5:[function(require,module,exports){"use strict";var _createClass=function(){function defineProperties(target,props){for(var i=0;i<props.length;i++){var descriptor=props[i];descriptor.enumerable=descriptor.enumerable||false;descriptor.configurable=true;if("value"in descriptor)descriptor.writable=true;Object.defineProperty(target,descriptor.key,descriptor)}}return function(Constructor,protoProps,staticProps){if(protoProps)defineProperties(Constructor.prototype,protoProps);if(staticProps)defineProperties(Constructor,staticProps);return Constructor}}();function _classCallCheck(instance,Constructor){if(!(instance instanceof Constructor)){throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}}var adapter=require("../node/index.js");var jobCounter=0;module.exports=function(){function TesseractJob(instance){_classCallCheck(this,TesseractJob);this.id="Job-"+ ++jobCounter+"-"+Math.random().toString(16).slice(3,8);this._instance=instance;this._resolve=[];this._reject=[];this._progress=[];this._finally=[]}_createClass(TesseractJob,[{key:"then",value:function then(resolve,reject){if(this._resolve.push){this._resolve.push(resolve)}else{resolve(this._resolve)}if(reject)this.catch(reject);return this}},{key:"catch",value:function _catch(reject){if(this._reject.push){this._reject.push(reject)}else{reject(this._reject)}return this}},{key:"progress",value:function progress(fn){this._progress.push(fn);return this}},{key:"finally",value:function _finally(fn){this._finally.push(fn);return this}},{key:"_send",value:function _send(action,payload){adapter.sendPacket(this._instance,{jobId:this.id,action:action,payload:payload})}},{key:"_handle",value:function _handle(packet){var data=packet.data;var runFinallyCbs=false;if(packet.status==="resolve"){if(this._resolve.length===0)console.log(data);this._resolve.forEach(function(fn){var ret=fn(data);if(ret&&typeof ret.then=="function"){console.warn("TesseractJob instances do not chain like ES6 Promises. To convert it into a real promise, use Promise.resolve.")}});this._resolve=data;this._instance._dequeue();runFinallyCbs=true}else if(packet.status==="reject"){if(this._reject.length===0)console.error(data);this._reject.forEach(function(fn){return fn(data)});this._reject=data;this._instance._dequeue();runFinallyCbs=true}else if(packet.status==="progress"){this._progress.forEach(function(fn){return fn(data)})}else{console.warn("Message type unknown",packet.status)}if(runFinallyCbs){this._finally.forEach(function(fn){return fn(data)})}}}]);return TesseractJob}()},{"../node/index.js":3}],6:[function(require,module,exports){"use strict";var _createClass=function(){function defineProperties(target,props){for(var i=0;i<props.length;i++){var descriptor=props[i];descriptor.enumerable=descriptor.enumerable||false;descriptor.configurable=true;if("value"in descriptor)descriptor.writable=true;Object.defineProperty(target,descriptor.key,descriptor)}}return function(Constructor,protoProps,staticProps){if(protoProps)defineProperties(Constructor.prototype,protoProps);if(staticProps)defineProperties(Constructor,staticProps);return Constructor}}();function _classCallCheck(instance,Constructor){if(!(instance instanceof Constructor)){throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}}var adapter=require("./node/index.js");var circularize=require("./common/circularize.js");var TesseractJob=require("./common/job");var version=require("../package.json").version;var create=function create(){var workerOptions=arguments.length>0&&arguments[0]!==undefined?arguments[0]:{};var worker=new TesseractWorker(Object.assign({},adapter.defaultOptions,workerOptions));worker.create=create;worker.version=version;return worker};var TesseractWorker=function(){function TesseractWorker(workerOptions){_classCallCheck(this,TesseractWorker);this.worker=null;this.workerOptions=workerOptions;this._currentJob=null;this._queue=[]}_createClass(TesseractWorker,[{key:"recognize",value:function recognize(image){var _this=this;var options=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==undefined?arguments[1]:{};return this._delay(function(job){if(typeof options==="string")options={lang:options};options.lang=options.lang||"eng";job._send("recognize",{image:image,options:options,workerOptions:_this.workerOptions})})}},{key:"detect",value:function detect(image){var _this2=this;var options=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==undefined?arguments[1]:{};return this._delay(function(job){job._send("detect",{image:image,options:options,workerOptions:_this2.workerOptions})})}},{key:"terminate",value:function terminate(){if(this.worker)adapter.terminateWorker(this);this.worker=null;this._currentJob=null;this._queue=[]}},{key:"_delay",value:function _delay(fn){var _this3=this;if(!this.worker)this.worker=adapter.spawnWorker(this,this.workerOptions);var job=new TesseractJob(this);this._queue.push(function(e){_this3._queue.shift();_this3._currentJob=job;fn(job)});if(!this._currentJob)this._dequeue();return job}},{key:"_dequeue",value:function _dequeue(){this._currentJob=null;if(this._queue.length){this._queue[0]()}}},{key:"_recv",value:function _recv(packet){if(packet.status==="resolve"&&packet.action==="recognize"){packet.data=circularize(packet.data)}if(this._currentJob.id===packet.jobId){this._currentJob._handle(packet)}else{console.warn("Job ID "+packet.jobId+" not known.")}}}]);return TesseractWorker}();module.exports=create()},{"../package.json":2,"./common/circularize.js":4,"./common/job":5,"./node/index.js":3}]},{},[6])(6)});

                    function solveCaptchaTesseract(Tesseract) {
                        Tesseract.recognize(container.querySelector("img"), {
                            tessedit_char_whitelist: "123456789" + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY",
                        }).then(function (result) {
                            console.log("result", result, "\n", result.text);
                            document.querySelector("#solve_string").value = result;
                            return result;

                    unsafeEval(solveCaptchaTesseract, Tesseract);
        } else {
            // on torrent(s) page
            if (isOnSingleTorrentPage) {
                let mainTorrentLink = document.querySelector(
                    "body > table:nth-child(6) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td.lista > a:nth-child(2)"
                addImageSearchAnchor(mainTorrentLink, mainTorrentLink.innerText);

                const relatedTorrent = document.querySelector(".lista_related");
                if (relatedTorrent) {
                    const tr_tableHeader = relatedTorrent.closest("table").querySelector("tbody > tr");
                    const thumbsHeader = tr_tableHeader.firstElementChild.cloneNode();
                    thumbsHeader.innerText = "thumbnail";

                // adding thumbnails
                for (const torrent of document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="/torrent/"]')) {
                    //creating and adding thumbnails
                    const cell = document.createElement("td");
                    const thumbnailLink = document.createElement("a");
                    const thumbnailImg = document.createElement("img");
                    thumbnailLink.href = torrent.href;


                    // thumbnail

                    let thumb = extractThumbnailSrc(torrent);
                    thumbnailImg.setAttribute("smallSrc", thumb);
                    thumbnailImg.setAttribute("bigSrc", getLargeThumbnail(thumb));



                    thumbnailImg.style.width = "auto";
                    thumbnailImg.style["max-height"] = "500px";
                    thumbnailImg.style["max-width"] = "400px";
                    // thumbnailImg.style['margin-bottom'] = '20px';


                // putting the "Description:" row before the "Others:" row
                getElementsByXPath('(//tr[contains(., "Poster:")])[last()]')[0].after(
                    getElementsByXPath('(//tr[contains(., "Description:")])[last()]')[0]

                // remove VPN row
                const vpnR = getElementsByXPath('(//tr[contains(., "VPN:")])[last()]');
                if (vpnR && vpnR[0]) {

                void 0;
            } else if (isOnIndexPage) {
                if (location.pathname === "/top10") {
                    function removeTop100(catcodes) {
                        try {
                            var a = document.querySelector(
                                'body > table:nth-child(6) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > a[href$="/top100.php?category[]=' +
                                    catcodes.join("&category[]=") +
                            // delete 3 elements before and 3 elements after and delete self
                            var h1Rss = document.querySelector(
                                'body > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > h1 > a[href$="/rssdd.php?categories=' +
                                    catcodes.join(";") +
                        } catch (e) {
                    if (GM_config.get("block Movies")) removeTop100("14;15;16;17;21;22;42;44;45;46;47;48".split(";"));
                    if (GM_config.get("block XXX")) removeTop100("4".split(";"));
                    if (GM_config.get("block TV shows")) removeTop100("18;19;41".split(";"));
                    if (GM_config.get("block Music")) removeTop100("23;24;25;26".split(";"));
                    if (GM_config.get("block Games")) removeTop100("27;28;29;30;31;32;40".split(";"));

                // if on torrent page (index)
                if (searchBox) {
                    searchBox.onkeyup = updateSearch;
                    const searchContainer = searchBox.closest("form").closest("div");
                    // making checkbox (fixed searchbar)
                    const moreBtn = searchContainer.querySelector("tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3)");
                            '<td><input id="static-checkbox" type="checkbox"><label for="static-checkbox" style="display: block;">fixed searchbar</label></td>'

                    const checkbox = document.querySelector("#static-checkbox");
                    checkbox.onchange = function (e) {
                        const searchContainer = searchBox.closest("form").closest("div");

                        if (checkbox.checked) {
                            searchContainer.style.position = "fixed";
                            searchContainer.style.top = "0";
                            searchContainer.style.left = "702px";
                        } else {
                            searchContainer.style.position = "";
                            searchContainer.style.top = "";
                            searchContainer.style.left = "";
                        GM_config.set("staticSearchbar", checkbox.checked);

                if (GM_config.get("staticSearchbar")) {

                if (GM_getValue("isFirstVisit", true)) {
                    console.log("is first visit");
                    GM_setValue("isFirstVisit", false);

                const mldlCol = appendColumn("ML DL<br>Download all", "File", addDlAndMl);
                mldlCol.header.addEventListener("click", downloadAllTorrents);

                if (GM_config.get("infiniteScrolling")) {
                    // infiniteScrolling
                    (function makeInfiniteScroll() {
                        const tableLvl2 =
                            "div.content-rounded table.lista-rounded tbody:nth-child(1) tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(1) > table.lista2t:nth-child(9)";
                        const tbody = tableLvl2 + " > tbody";
                        const nav =
                            "td:nth-child(2) div.content-rounded table.lista-rounded tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(3)";

                        const container = getElementsByXPath("//table[@class='lista2t']")[0];
                        const infScroll = new InfiniteScroll(container, {
                            path: 'a[title="next page"]',
                            append: tbody, // the table
                            hideNav: nav,
                            scrollThreshold: 600,

                        // upon appending a new page
                        infScroll.on("append", function (response, path, items) {
                            if (items.length) {
                                const lista2s = items[0].querySelectorAll(".lista2");
                                for (const lista2 of lista2s) {

                            try {
                                // remove extra appended headers
                            } catch (error) {}
                            // filter the new torrents that just arrived
            } else if (isOnWrongTorrentLinkPage) {
                // this torrent link has failed, then we have to go to the torrent page and download it
                const torrentPageUrl = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("tpageurl"); // get the previously injected page url here
                if (torrentPageUrl) {
                    fetchDoc(torrentPageUrl).then((doc) => {
                        const torrentDownloadLink = doc.querySelector("td.lista a[onmouseover]");
                        document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => document.close());
                        document.addEventListener("load", () => document.close());
                        setTimeout(() => window.close(), 1000);
                } else {
                    console.warn('"tpageurl" is not in the location params!');
            } else if (/\/index\d+\.php/.test(location.pathname)) {
                if (GM_config.get("autoExitIndexPhp")) {

            (function onLoad() {
                document.body.onclick = null; // remove annoying click listeners

                // remove annoying search description
                const searchDescription = document.querySelector("#SearchDescription");
                if (searchDescription) searchDescription.remove();

                // remove annoying signup form that doesn't work
                const signinForm = document.querySelector('form[action="/login"]');
                if (signinForm) signinForm.remove();
                const signinTab = document.querySelector(
                    "body > table:nth-child(5) > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td.header4"
                if (signinTab) signinTab.remove();

                if (GM_config.get("hideRecommendedTorrents")) {
                    // remove recommended torrents
                    const recTor = document.querySelector('tr > [valign="top"] > [onmouseout="return nd();"]');
                    if (recTor) recTor.closest("div").remove();

                // remove "recommended torrents" title
                const recTitle = getElementsByXPath('(//text()[contains(., "Recommended torrents :")])/../../..')[0];
                if (recTitle) recTitle.remove();

                // scroll the table to view (top of screen will be the first torrent)
                const mainTable = document.querySelector(
                    "body > table:nth-child(6) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td > table.lista2t"
                if (mainTable) mainTable.scrollIntoView();

                // adding a dropdown list for mirrors
                (function addMirrorsDropdown() {
                    const blankTab = document.querySelector("td.header:nth-child(1)");
                    if (!blankTab) return;

                    const mirrorsTab = document.createElement("td");
                    mirrorsTab.className = "header3";
                    mirrorsTab.innerText = "Switch to mirror site:";

                    function openAllMirrors() {
                        console.log("opening all mirrors");

                        for (const hostnames of mirrorsTab.querySelectorAll("option.mirrors-option")) {
                            window.open(extractUrlFromMirrorHost(hostnames), "_blank");

                    function extractUrlFromMirrorHost(hostnameText) {
                        const split = location.href.split("/").slice(2);
                        split[0] = hostnameText;
                        return split.join("/");

                    const mirrorsSelect = document.createElement("select");
                    mirrorsSelect.onchange = function () {
                        if (!this.value) return;

                        console.log("this:", this);

                        if (this.value === "Open ALL mirrors") {
                        } else {

                    for (const mirror of GM_config.get("mirrors").split("\n")) {
                        const option = document.createElement("option");
                        option.className = "mirrors-option";
                        option.value = mirror;
                        try {
                            option.innerText = new URL(mirror).hostname;
                            if (option.innerText !== location.hostname) {
                        } catch (e) {}

                    // adding another last one (which would be THIS hostsname's url)
                    const option_thisHostname = document.createElement("option");
                    option_thisHostname.innerText = location.hostname;
                    option_thisHostname.setAttribute("selected", "");

                    // another option to open ALL the hostnames in the new tab
                    const option_openAllMirrors = document.createElement("option");
                    option_openAllMirrors.innerText = "Open ALL mirrors";
                    option_openAllMirrors.id = "open-all-mirrors";
                    option_openAllMirrors.setAttribute("selected", "");
                    option_openAllMirrors.onclick = openAllMirrors;



                // create settings tab
                if (!document.querySelector("#settingsTab")) {
                    var lastTab = document.querySelector(
                        "tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td:last-child.header3"
                    var settingsTab = lastTab.cloneNode();
                    settingsTab.id = "settingsTab";
                    settingsTab.onclick = function (e) {
                    var a = document.createElement("a");
                    a.innerText = "⚙️ Script Settings";
                    settingsTab.style["background-color"] = "green";

            observeDocument((target) => {
                if (isOnIndexPage) {
                    const newCol = appendColumn("Thumbnails", "Cat.", addThumbnailColumn);
                    if (!newCol.header.querySelector(".decrementImageSizeBtn")) {
                        var decrementImageSizeBtn = createElement(
                            '<a href="#" style="margin: 2px" class="decrementImageSizeBtn">(-)</a>'
                        decrementImageSizeBtn.addEventListener("click", decrementImageSize);

                        var incrementImageSizeBtn = createElement(
                            '<a href="#" style="margin: 2px" class="incrementImageSizeBtn">(+)</a>'
                        incrementImageSizeBtn.addEventListener("click", incrementImageSize);

                        var nobr = document.createElement("nobr");


                // group torrents
                titleGroups = updateTorrentGroups();
                for (const [torrentTitle, torrentAnchors] of Object.entries(titleGroups)) {
                    if (torrentAnchors.length > 1) {
                        if (GM_config.get("deduplicateTorrents")) {
                                .forEach((el) => el.parentElement.parentElement.remove());

                // remove links for adds that cover the screen
                for (const x of document.querySelectorAll(
                    '[style*="2147483647"], a[href*="https://s4yxaqyq95.com/"]'
                )) {
                    console.debug("removed redirect element:", x);

    (function bindKeys() {
        if (typeof Mousetrap === "undefined") return;
        Mousetrap.bind(["space"], (e) => {
            solveCaptcha(); // TODO: remove this, this is just for debugging

        Mousetrap.bind("ctrl+/", function (e) {
        Mousetrap.bind(["/"], (e) => {
            console.log("clicking search input");

            const searchBar = document.querySelector("#searchinput");
            searchBar.setSelectionRange(searchBar.value.length, searchBar.value.length);

        Mousetrap.bind(["`"], (e) => toggleThumbnailSize());

        // saves an html and json file for all torrents on page
        Mousetrap.bind(["ctrl+s"], (e) => {
                .querySelectorAll("body > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4) > a.torrent-ml")
                .forEach((a) => (a.protocol = "magnet:"));

                (a) => a.setAttribute("href", relativeToAbsoluteURL(a.getAttribute("href"), "https://rarbgprx.org/"))
                // TODO: remove rarbgprx.org and put something more general

            // converting image URLs to base64 (so they'd be saved in the page)
                    (img) =>
                        new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                                .then((bin) => resolve((img.src = bin || img.src)))

                            setTimeout(resolve, 2000);
                .then((promises) => {
                    console.log("SUCCESSFULLY converted image urls to base64", promises);
                .finally(function (promises) {
                    const rows = document.querySelectorAll("table > tbody > tr.lista2");
                    const torrentJsons = Array.from(rows).map((row) => {
                        try {
                            const a = row.querySelector("a[onmouseover]");
                            const thumbnail = row.querySelector("td.thumbnail-cell > a > img.preview-image ");
                            const ml = row.querySelector(".torrent-ml");
                            const torrentLink = row.querySelector(".torrent-dl");
                            return {
                                title: a.title || a.innerText,
                                page: a.href,
                                torrentLink: torrentLink ? torrentLink.href : "",
                                magnetLink: ml ? encodeURI(ml.href) : "",
                                thumbnailSrc: thumbnail ? thumbnail.src : "",
                        } catch (e) {}
                    const torrentsObject = {
                        documentTitle: document.title,
                        date: Date.now(),
                        torrents: torrentJsons,

                    const tableOuterHTML = document.querySelector("table.lista2t, table.lista").outerHTML;
                    const summaryHTML = `<html lang="en">${document.head.outerHTML}<body>${tableOuterHTML}</body></html>`;

                        makeTextFile(JSON.stringify(torrentsObject, null, 4)),
                        document.title + " [" + rows.length + "]" + " info.json"
                    anchorClick(makeTextFile(summaryHTML), document.title + " [" + rows.length + "]" + " summary.html");
        Mousetrap.bind(["d a"], function (e) {
            document.querySelectorAll(`img[src="${ICON_DESCRIPTION}"]`).forEach((img) => img.parentElement.click());

        // increase thumbnail size
        Mousetrap.bind("=", incrementImageSize);
        // decrease thumbnail size
        Mousetrap.bind("-", decrementImageSize);

        // binding each key to a category
        // then you can change categories by pressing that key (like "m" for (M)ovie)
        console.group("Binding keys to categories:");
        for (const [key, catName] of Object.entries(catKeyMap)) {
            console.log(`"${key}": "${catName}"`);
            Mousetrap.bind(key, function (e) {
                const catCode = catCodeMap[catName].join(";");

                if (typeof URL !== "undefined") {
                    const url = new URL(location.href);
                    url.searchParams.set("category", catCode);
                    url.pathname = "/torrents.php";
                } else {
                    location.assign("/torrents.php?category=" + catCode);

    function addThumbnailColumn(cell, torrent, row) {
        // = Creating and adding thumbnail cell
        // var cell = document.createElement('td');
        const thumbnailLink = document.createElement("a");
        const thumbnailImg = document.createElement("img");


        const dllink = row.querySelector("a.torrent-dl");
        const ml = row.querySelector("a.torrent-ml");
        const dlurl = dllink ? dllink.href : extractTorrentDL(torrent);

        // thumbnail link
        (function setLinkHref() {
            switch (GM_config.get("thumbnailLink")) {
                case "magnetLink":
                    try {
                        thumbnailLink.href = ml;
                        if (!/^magnet:\?/.test(thumbnailLink.href))
                            // noinspection ExceptionCaughtLocallyJS
                            throw new Error("Not a magnet link");
                    } catch (e) {
                        thumbnailLink.href = dlurl;
                case "torrentLink":
                    try {
                        thumbnailLink.href = dlurl;
                    } catch (e) {
                        thumbnailLink.href = ml;
                        if (debug) console.debug("Using MagnetLink for torrent thumbnail since torrent failed:", ml);
                case "torrentPageLink":
                    thumbnailLink.href = torrent.href;

        if (thumbnailLink.href.indexOf("undefined") >= 0)
            console.warn("thumbnail Link:", thumbnailLink, "torrent:", torrent.innerText, "dl", dlurl);

        // thumbnail
        thumbnailImg.onmouseover = function playSound() {
            if (GM_config.get("thumbnailHoverSound")) {
                try {
                    var snd = PlaySound(
                        "data:audio/wav;base64," +
                } catch (e) {}
        const src = extractThumbnailSrc(torrent);
        thumbnailImg.setAttribute("smallSrc", src);
        thumbnailImg.setAttribute("bigSrc", getLargeThumbnail(src));

    function solveCaptcha(OCRAD) {
        console.log("solving captcha...");
        const container = document.querySelector("tbody > :nth-child(2)");
        const img = container.querySelector("img");
        const captcha = document.querySelector("#solve_string");
        const submitBtn = document.querySelector("#button_submit");
        const url = new URL(location.href);

        function uriToImageData(uri) {
            return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
                if (uri == null) return reject();
                var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"),
                    context = canvas.getContext("2d"),
                    image = new Image();
                    function () {
                        canvas.width = image.width;
                        canvas.height = image.height;
                        context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
                        resolve(context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height));
                image.src = uri;

        function getBase64Image(img, excludeUrlProtocol = false) {
            // Create an empty canvas element
            var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
            canvas.width = img.width;
            canvas.height = img.height;

            // Copy the image contents to the canvas
            var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
            ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);

            // Get the data-URL formatted image
            // Firefox supports PNG and JPEG. You could check img.src to
            // guess the original format, but be aware the using "image/jpg"
            // will re-encode the image.
            var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");

            return (excludeUrlProtocol && dataURL.replace(/^data:image\/(png|jpg);base64,/, "")) || dataURL;

        console.log("solveCAPTHA fetching image ...");

        return new Promise((resolve) => {
            // wait for image to load
            if (img.complete) {
                return resolve();
            img.onload = resolve;
            .then(() =>
                uriToImageData(getBase64Image(img)).then((imageData) => {
                    if (img.naturalHeight === 0 && img.naturalWidth === 0) {
                        console.warn("image hasn't loaded, refreshing to new captha page");
                        url.searchParams.set("defence", "1");

                    console.log("feeding image to OCR ...");
                    var imageText = OCRAD(imageData);
                    console.log("OCRAD result:", imageText);
                    if (!imageText) {
                        throw Error("OCRAD result is empty");
                    captcha.value = imageText;
                    submitBtn.display = "";
            .catch((e) => {
                url.searchParams.set("defence", "1");

     * hides all torrents that do not match the search query
     * TODO:maybe generalize this function to just return the resulting score for each item,
     *      this way it can be portable and made as a library and use elsewhere
     *      and then you can iterate and hide them later
    function updateSearch() {
        if (!searchBox) throw new Error("Search box not found");
        const query = searchBox.value.trim();
        const torrents = document.querySelectorAll("table > tbody > tr.lista2 a[title]");
        const convertedQuery = query
            .replace(/[!$%^&*()_+|~=`{}\[\]:";'<>?,.\/]+/g, ".")
            .replace(/\s+/, "|");

        const completelyNegativeQuery = (function () {
            for (const term of convertedQuery.split("|").filter((str) => str.length !== 0)) {
                // if a positive search term
                if (term.indexOf("-") === -1) return false;
            return true;

        const regex = new RegExp(
            convertedQuery.replace(/-/g, "|").replace(/\|\|/g, "|").replace(/^\|/, ""), // '|' that is at the beginning of a word

            "\nconverted query:",

        for (const a of torrents) {
            var match = (a.title || a.innerText).match(regex);
            if (match) {
                const matches = !!match ? Array.from(match) : [];
                var negativeMatches = matches.filter(
                        group // tests if it's a negative match (if there is a '-' before the search term)
                    ) => group && new RegExp("-" + group, "ig").test(query)
                var positiveMatches = matches.filter(
                        group // tests if it's a negative match (if there is a '-' before the search term)
                    ) => group && !new RegExp("-" + group, "ig").test(query)
                const hideCondition =
                    query &&
                        ? negativeMatches.length
                        : negativeMatches.length || !positiveMatches.length);
                a.closest(".lista2").style.display = hideCondition ? "none" : "";
            } // skip if empty title

            // DONE: make it so that it doesn't just check if "query" starts with '-', rather, check each match and check if each word starts with '-'

    function updateCss() {
        thumbnailsCssBlock.innerText = `td.thumbnail-cell > a > img.preview-image, a.extra-tb > img {
                max-width: ${GM_config.get("imgScale")}px;
                max-height: ${GM_config.get("imgScale")}px;

    function observeDocument(callback) {
        new MutationObserver(function (mutations, me) {
            for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) {
                if (mutations[i].addedNodes.length) {
            me.observe(document.body, {
                childList: true,
                subtree: true,
                attributes: false,
                characterData: false,
        }).observe(document.body, {
            childList: true,
            subtree: true,
            attributes: false,
            characterData: false,

     * grouping similar torrents together
     * this is useful when you have 3 torrents of the same movie but different resolutions, there's no need to see it 3 times
     * @returns {{string: HTMLAnchorElement[]}}
    function updateTorrentGroups() {
        const FILLER_WORDS = new Set([

        const extractCleanTitle = (a) =>
                new Set(
                    (a.title || a.innerText)
                        .replace(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.?/, "") // remove dates like 02.11.2019
                        .split(/[\s._\-\[\]]/g) // split on dots and dashes and spaces...
                        .filter((word) => word) // remove empty words
                ).difference(FILLER_WORDS) // remove filler words
                .sort() // sort to maximize conflicts (we want the same title with different word orderings to be in the same group)
                .join(" ");

        const titleToLinkEntries = getTorrentLinks().map((a) => [
            (a.cleanTitle = a.cleanTitle || extractCleanTitle(a)),
         * looks like:
         * 0: (2) ["HOPE ION10 S04 SAVING WEBRIP", a.modded]
         * 1: (2) ["ALASKA ION10 RAILROAD S01 WEBRIP", a.modded]
         * 2: (2) ["ION10 RULES S08E11 VANDERPUMP WEBRIP", a.modded]
         * 3: (2) ["ION10 RESIDENT S03E18 WEBRIP", a.modded]

         * clusters: titles to words
         * {key: value}  {title: array of links that belong to that same title}
         * @typedef {string: Element[]}
        titleGroups = fromEntriesMultivalue(
            titleToLinkEntries //.concat(Object.entries(titleGroups))
            // .map( ([k, v]) => [k, Array.from(new Set(v))] ) // remove duplicate links
         * looks something like:
         * HOPE ION10 S04 SAVING WEBRIP: [a.modded]
         * ALASKA ION10 RAILROAD S01 WEBRIP: [a.modded]
         * ION10 RULES S08E11 VANDERPUMP WEBRIP: [a.modded]
         * ION10 RESIDENT S03E18 WEBRIP: [a.modded]
         * ION10 NAMASTE S04 WEBRIP YOGA: [a.modded]

        return titleGroups;

    function dealWithTorrents(node) {
        for (const torrentLink of node.querySelectorAll('tr.lista2 > td > a[title][href^="/torrent/"]:not(.modded)')) {
            const row = torrentLink.closest("tr");

            // = adding relative time to columns
            (function changeDateToRelativeTime() {
                var column_Added = row.querySelector("td:nth-child(" + (getColumnIndex("Added") + 1) + ")");

                const diffInMinutes = (Date.now() - Date.parse(column_Added.innerHTML)) / (1000 * 60);

                var diffFinal = Math.round(diffInMinutes) + " minutes";

                if (diffInMinutes / (60 * 24) >= 365 * 2) {
                    // > 2years
                    diffFinal = Math.round(diffInMinutes / (60 * 24 * 365)) + " years";
                } else if (diffInMinutes / (60 * 24) >= 2) {
                    // > 2days
                    diffFinal = Math.round(diffInMinutes / (60 * 24)) + " days";
                } else if (diffInMinutes / 60 >= 2) {
                    diffFinal = Math.round(diffInMinutes / 60) + " hours";

                if (debug) console.log("column_Added:", column_Added);
                column_Added.innerHTML = column_Added.innerHTML + "<br>\n" + (diffFinal + " ago").replace(" ", "&nbsp");



        var blockCatlist = [];
        if (GM_config.get("block Movies")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=movies");
        if (GM_config.get("block XXX")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=2;4");
        if (GM_config.get("block TV shows")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=2;18;41;49");
        if (GM_config.get("block Games")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=2;27;28;29;30;31;53");
        if (GM_config.get("block Music")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=2;23;24;25;26");
        if (GM_config.get("block Software")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=2;33;34;43");
        var selectorMenu = blockCatlist.map((c) => `tr > td > a.anal[href$="${c}"]`).join(", ");
        try {
            document.querySelectorAll(selectorMenu).forEach((a) => a.closest("tr").remove());
        } catch (e) {}

        var blocklist = [];
        if (GM_config.get("block Movies")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["Movies"]);
        if (GM_config.get("block XXX")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["XXX"]);
        if (GM_config.get("block TV shows")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["TV shows"]);
        if (GM_config.get("block Games")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["Games"]);
        if (GM_config.get("block Music")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["Music"]);
        if (GM_config.get("block Software")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["Software"]);
        var selector = blocklist.map((c) => `img[src$="/static/20/images/categories/cat_new${c}.gif"]`).join(", ");
        try {
            document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach((img) => img.closest("tr").remove());
        } catch (e) {}

    function setThumbnail(thumbnail) {
        if (!thumbnail.src) {
            thumbnail.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("smallSrc");

        // creating image objects to add load listeners to them
        var smallImage = new Image();
        smallImage.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("smallSrc");
        // set to small src when loading small image
        smallImage.onLoad = function () {
            thumbnail.setAttribute("small-loaded", "");
            thumbnail.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("smallSrc");

            if (GM_config.get("largeThumbnails") && thumbnail.getAttribute("big-loaded")) {
                thumbnail.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("bigSrc");
        // creating image objects to add load listeners to them
        var bigImage = new Image();
        bigImage.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("bigSrc");
        // set to small src when loading small image
        bigImage.onLoad = function () {
            thumbnail.setAttribute("big-loaded", "");

            if (GM_config.get("largeThumbnails")) {
                thumbnail.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("bigSrc");

        // thumbnail.src = thumbnail.getAttribute((!GM_config.get('largeThumbnails') ? 'smallSrc' : 'bigSrc'));
        thumbnail.src = GM_config.get("largeThumbnails")
            ? thumbnail.getAttribute("bigSrc")
            : thumbnail.getAttribute("smallSrc");

        if (!GM_config.get("addThumbnails")) {
            thumbnail.src =
                thumbnail.closest("a").href.indexOf("magnet:?") === 0 // if magnet link
                    ? MAGNET_ICO // magnet icon
                    : TORRENT_ICO; // else, just put torrent icon

    function toggleThumbnailSize(newSize = "toggle") {
        if (newSize === "large") {
            GM_config.set("largeThumbnails", true);
        } else if (newSize === "small") {
            GM_config.set("largeThumbnails", false);
        } else if (newSize === "toggle") {
            GM_config.set("largeThumbnails", !GM_config.get("largeThumbnails"));

        console.log("toggleThumbnailSize(" + newSize + ")");
        if (debug)
                "toggling thumbnail sizes. GM_config.set(largeThumbnails,",

    // gets the large thumbnail from the small thumbnail (works for rarbg thumbnails)
    function getLargeThumbnail(smallThumbUrl) {
        // Movie example
        // Small pic:   http://dyncdn.me/mimages/316661/over_opt.jpg
        // Big pic:     http://dyncdn.me/mimages/316661/poster_opt.jpg
        return (
                .replace("over_opt", "poster_opt") // movie thumbnail replacement
                // other thumbnail replacement
                .replace("static/over", "posters2/" + smallThumbUrl.replace(/(.*?)over\//, "").charAt(0)) //put "posters2" + the first character after the '/'

    /** @Return returns the extracted source url from the 'onmouseover' attribute */
    function extractThumbnailSrc(torrentAnchor) {
        if (!torrentAnchor) console.warn("null torrent anchor:", torrentAnchor);
        let thumbnailSrc = "";
        try {
            // thumbnailSrc = thumbnailSrc.match(/(?<=(return overlib('\<img src\=\')))(.*?)(?=(\' border\=0\>\'))/i)[0];
            thumbnailSrc = torrentAnchor.getAttribute("onmouseover") || "";
            thumbnailSrc = thumbnailSrc.substring(
                "return overlib('<img src='".length + 1,
                thumbnailSrc.length - "' border=0>'".length - 2
        } catch (r) {
            thumbnailSrc = MAGNET_ICO;
            console.error("extractThumbnailSrc error:", r);
        if (debug) console.debug("extractThumbnailSrc(", torrentAnchor, ")->", thumbnailSrc);
        return thumbnailSrc;

    function addImageSearchAnchor(torrentAnchor) {
        const searchTd = document.createElement("td"),
            searchLink = document.createElement("a");
        // searchTd.style['border-top-width'] = '10px';
        // searchTd.style['padding-top'] = '10px';

        //replacing common useless torrent terms
        let searchQuery = clearSymbolsFromString(torrentAnchor.title || torrentAnchor.innerText)
            .replace(/\s\s+/g, " ") // removes double spaces
         * @return {string} the category of the torrent (Movies, XXX, TV Shows, Games, Music, Software, Non XXX)
        function getCategory(torrentAnchor) {
            const anchor = torrentAnchor.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector(
                'table.lista2t a[href^="/torrents.php?category="]'
             *  extracting the code of the category from the url.
             *  example:
             *    TV shows:   .../torrents.php?category=18
             *    code is:  18
            const categoryCode = anchor.href.split("torrents.php?category=").pop();
            // a map of the
            if (codeToCatMap.hasOwnProperty(categoryCode)) {
                return codeToCatMap[categoryCode];
            } else {
                if (debug) console.debug("Unkown category:", categoryCode);

        searchLink.href = searchEngine.imageSearchUrl(searchQuery);
        try {
            if (GM_config.get("addCategoryWithSearch") && !new RegExp(getCategory(torrentAnchor)).test(searchLink.href))
                searchLink.href += " " + getCategory(torrentAnchor);
        } catch (e) {
            if (debug) console.warn("unable to get category", searchLink);
        if (debug) console.debug("search url:", searchLink.href);
        searchLink.target = "_blank";

        var searchEngineText = document.createElement("p5");
        var qText = document.createElement("p6");
        searchEngineText.innerHTML = `${searchEngine.name} Image Search`;
        qText.innerHTML = GM_config.get("showGeneratedSearchQuery") ? ": " + searchQuery : "";

        let searchIcon = document.createElement("img");
        // searchIcon.src = SEARCH_ICON_URL;
        searchIcon.src = "https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=" + searchEngine.name.toLowerCase() + ".com";

        searchIcon.style.height = "15px";
        searchIcon.style.width = "15px";
        // searchLink.style.padding = '20px';
        // searchLink.appendChild(searchEngineText);

        if (!GM_config.get("includeSearchForImagesButton")) {
            searchLink.style.display = "none";

        var extraThumbnailsLink = document.createElement("a");
        extraThumbnailsLink.style["cursor"] = "pointer";
        const STR_FETCH_EXTRA_THUMBNAILS = "";

        var moreIcon = createElement('<img src="' + ICON_DESCRIPTION + '"></img>');

        extraThumbnailsLink.textContent = STR_FETCH_DESCRIPTION_THUMBNAILS;
        if (isOnSingleTorrentPage) {
            extraThumbnailsLink.textContent = STR_FETCH_EXTRA_THUMBNAILS;
            moreIcon.src = ICON_MORE_BLUE;
            moreIcon.alt = STR_FETCH_EXTRA_THUMBNAILS;
        // extraThumbnailsLink.firstElementChild.src = '';
        if (!GM_config.get("includeDescriptionsButton")) {
            moreIcon.style.display = "none";

        var div = document.createElement("div");

        extraThumbnailsLink.addEventListener("click", async function (e) {
            if (moreIcon.src === ICON_DESCRIPTION) {
                try {
                    var descriptionSrcsDescriptionHrefs = await GM_fetch(torrentAnchor.href)
                        .then((r) => r.text())
                        .then((html) => {
                            var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html");
                            var imgs = doc.querySelectorAll("#description > a > img");
                            return Array.from(imgs).map((img) => [img.src, img.closest("a").href]);
                    for (var [descriptionSrc, descriptionHref] of descriptionSrcsDescriptionHrefs) {
                        var a = document.createElement("a");
                        a.href = descriptionHref;
                        // a.style.maxHeight = '400px';
                        a.innerText = "Description";
                        a.style["font-size"] = "20px";
                        a.style["display"] = "grid";
                        a.target = "_blank";

                        var img = document.createElement("img");
                        img.src = descriptionSrc;
                        img.style.maxWidth = GM_config.get("imgScale") + "px";

                } catch (ee) {}
                // extraThumbnailsLink.textContent = STR_FETCH_EXTRA_THUMBNAILS;
                moreIcon.src = ICON_MORE_BLUE;
                moreIcon.alt = STR_FETCH_EXTRA_THUMBNAILS;
            } else {
                var query = clearSymbolsFromString(torrentAnchor.innerText)
                    .replace(/\s\s+/g, " ") // removes double spaces
                getGoogleImages(query).then((metas) => {
                    metas = Object.values(metas);
                    for (const meta of metas) {
                        if (/dyncdn/.test(meta.ou)) {
                            continue; // skip rarbg thumbnails
                        var a = document.createElement("a");
                        a.href = meta.st;
                        a.innerText = meta.pt;
                        a.style["font-size"] = "5px";
                        a.style["display"] = "table-caption";
                        a.target = "_blank";

                        var img = document.createElement("img");
                        img.src = meta.ou;
                            "function incrementFallbackSrc(img, srcs) {if (typeof img.fallbackSrcIndex === 'undefined') img.fallbackSrcIndex = 0;img.src = srcs[img.fallbackSrcIndex++];}; incrementFallbackSrc(this, ['" +
                                meta.tu +

                        var subdiv = document.createElement("div");

            return false;

        if (GM_config.get("alwaysFetchExtraThumbnails")) {

    function initSearchEngine() {
        const searchEngineValue = GM_config.get("ImageSearchEngine");
        if (SearchEngines.hasOwnProperty(searchEngineValue)) {
            searchEngine = SearchEngines[searchEngineValue];
            console.log("search engine:", searchEngineValue, searchEngine);
        } else {
            searchEngine = SearchEngines.google;
            console.warn(`Search engine ${searchEngineValue} does not exist, falling back to ${searchEngine.name}`);

    function downloadAllTorrents() {
        const visibleTorrentAnchors = document.querySelectorAll(
            'body > table:nth-child(6) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td > table.lista2t > tbody > tr.lista2 .torrent-dl:not([style*="display: none;"])'

        if (confirm(`Would you like to download all the torrents on the page? (${visibleTorrentAnchors.length})`)) {
            // click all magnet links
            // document.querySelectorAll("a.torrent-dl").-forEach(a => window.open(a.click(), '_blank'));
            document.querySelectorAll("a.torrent-ml").forEach((a) => window.open(a.click(), "_blank"));

     * @param {string} headerTitle - td.header6 element
     * @returns {number} the index of the column given the column header text
    function getColumnIndex(headerTitle) {
        var headerTitles = Array.from(
                'td > table.lista2t > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td, body > table:nth-child(6) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td > table[class*="list"] > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td'
        ).map((el) => el.innerText.trim());
        if (!headerTitles) {
            console.warn("did not find header titles");
            headerTitles = ["Cat.", "Thumbnails", "File", "ML DL", "Added", "Size", "S.", "L.", "", "Uploader"];

        var idx = headerTitles.indexOf(headerTitle);
        if (idx >= 0) {
            return idx;
        } else {
                "The passed headerTitle:",
                "is not a valid headerTitle, choose from:",
            const allHeaders = tbodyEl.querySelectorAll("tr > td.header6");
            return [].map.call(allHeaders, (header) => header.innerText).indexOf(headerTitle);

     * Adds a column to the torrents table. Safe to call this function multiple times for the same column, it will not add duplicate cells to a row that already has this header.
     * @author https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/23493-rarbg-torrent-and-magnet-links/code
     * @param {string} title -
     * @param {(number|string)=2} colIndex - A number specifying the column index to be inserted after (to the right of) (starts from zero).
     *  or a string of one of the other headers (search will be performed automatically)
     *      So for example, appendColumnGeneral("Between 0 and 1", 1) would come between the first and second columns
     * @param {Function} callback - paremeters: callback(newCell, anchor, row). will be called on the added cells, will not be called on cells that already exist.
     * @returns {HTMLTableDataCellElement[]} - returns the added elements (excluding the header, and excluding)
    function appendColumn(title, colIndex = 2, callback = (cell, anchor, row) => true) {
        if (typeof colIndex === "string") {
            colIndex = getColumnIndex(colIndex);

        const sanitizedTitle = $.escapeSelector(title.replace(/\s/g, "")).replace(/\s/g, "");

         * Make and insert column cell
         * @param {HTMLTableDataCellElement=} oldCell - if provided, new cell will be placed afterend
         * @returns {HTMLElement}
        function makeCell(oldCell) {
            const cell = document.createElement("td");
            // cell.innerText = title;
            if (sanitizedTitle) cell.classList.add(sanitizedTitle);
            cell.setAttribute("width", "50px");
            cell.setAttribute("align", "center");

            if (oldCell) {
                oldCell.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", cell);
            return cell;

        // the initial column, after of which the extra column will be appended
        let tbodySelector = ".lista2t > tbody";
        const oldColumnEntries = document.querySelectorAll(
            tbodySelector + " > tr > td:nth-child(" + (colIndex + 1) + ")"

        // header: the first cell (the header cell) of the new column
        var header;
        header = document.querySelector("#" + sanitizedTitle + "-head");
        // if this column has already been added
        if (!header) {
            header = document.createElement("td");
            header.innerHTML = title;
            header.setAttribute("align", "center");
            header.id = sanitizedTitle + "-head";
            // header.style.display = 'inline-flex';
            oldColumnEntries[0].insertAdjacentElement("afterend", header);
            if (debug) console.log("header:", header);

        // creation of the extra column
        const newColumn = [].slice
            .call(oldColumnEntries, 1)
            // exclude rows that already have this column
            .filter((oldCol) => {
                const row = oldCol.closest("tr.lista2");
                const selector = "." + $.escapeSelector(sanitizedTitle);
                if (row) return !row.querySelector(selector);

        // fire callback
        for (let cell of newColumn) {
            let row = cell.closest("tr.lista2");
            let anchor = row.querySelector("a[title]");
            callback(cell, anchor, row);
        newColumn.__defineGetter__("header", () => header);
        return newColumn;

     * @param prevColCell
     * @return {*}
    function appendColumnCell(prevColCell) {
        if (prevColCell.closest("tr.lista2").querySelector(".has-torrent-DL-ML"))
            // check that the same row doesn't already have DL-ML
        // the initial column 'Files' after of which the extra column will be appended
        // creation of the extra column

        prevColCell.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", "<td></td>");

        // the rest cells of the new column
        prevColCell.nextSibling.setAttribute("class", "lista");
        prevColCell.nextSibling.setAttribute("width", "50px");
        prevColCell.nextSibling.setAttribute("align", "center");

        // populate the cells in the new column with DL and ML links
        return addDlAndMl(prevColCell.nextSibling, prevColCell);

     * The actual function calls have `cell, fileTd` swapped
     * @param cell
     * @param fileTd
     * @returns {string}
    function addDlAndMl(cell, fileTd) {
        var row = fileTd.closest("tr.lista2");

        let anchor = row.querySelector("a[title]");

        // language=HTML
        let downloadLink = createElement(
            `<a  data-href="${anchor.href}" href="${extractTorrentDL(
            )}" class="torrent-dl" target="_blank" ><img src="${TORRENT_ICO}" alt="Torrent"></a>`
        cell.appendChild(downloadLink); // torrent download

        // real:
        //     https://rarbgaccess.org/download.php?id=...&h=120&f=...-[rarbg.to].torrent
        //     https://rarbgaccess.org/download.php?id=...&      f=...-[rarbg.com].torrent
        // https://www.rarbgaccess.org/download.php?id=...&h=120&f=...-[rarbg.to].torrent

        // matches anything containing "over/*.jpg" *: anything
        const anchorOuterHTML = anchor.outerHTML;
        const hash = /over\/(.*)\.jpg\\/.test(anchorOuterHTML)
            ? anchorOuterHTML.match(/over\/(.*)\.jpg\\/)[1]
            : undefined;

        const title = anchor.innerText;

        const magnetUriStr = `magnet:?xt=urn:btih:${hash}&dn=${title}&tr=${trackers}`;

        const ml = createElement(
            `<a class="torrent-ml" data-href="${anchor.href}" href="${magnetUriStr}"><img src="${MAGNET_ICO}" alt=""></a>`
        if (hash === undefined) {
            ml.href = "javascript:void(0);";
            addMouseoverListener(ml, "ml");

        cell.appendChild(ml); // magnet ink

        return magnetUriStr;

    function extractTorrentDL(anchor) {
        return `${anchor.href.replace("torrent/", "download.php?id=")}&f=${encodeURI(

    function addMouseoverListener(link, type) {
            function (event) {

                if (this.href === "javascript:void(0);") {
                    if (debug) console.log("actually addMouseoverListener()", link);
                    let tUrl = this.getAttribute("data-href");
                    console.log("fetching ", tUrl);

                    var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
                    xhr.open("GET", tUrl, true); // XMLHttpRequest.open(method, url, async)
                    xhr.onload = function () {
                        let container = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument().documentElement;
                        container.innerHTML = xhr.responseText;
                        console.debug("xhr.responseText", xhr.responseText);

                        let retrievedLink =
                            type === "dl"
                                ? container.querySelector('a[href^="/download.php"]') // download link
                                : container.querySelector('a[href^="magnet:"]'); // magnet link

                        if (retrievedLink) link.href = retrievedLink.href;

    // Cat. | File | Added | Size | S. | L. | comments  |   Uploader
    // this is one row
     * <tr className="lista2">
     *     <td align="left" className="lista" width="48" style="width:48px;">
     *         <a href="/torrents.php?category=45">
     *             <img src="https://dyncdn.me/static/20/images/categories/cat_new45.gif" border="0" alt="">
     *         </a>
     *     </td>
     *     <td align="left" className="lista">
     *         <a onMouseOver="return overlib('<img src=\'https://dyncdn.me/mimages/5975/over_opt.jpg\' border=0>')"
     *         onMouseOut="return nd();" href="/torrent/ifcvj5g" title="">The.Visitor.2007.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG</a>
     *         <a href="/torrents.php?imdb=tt0857191">
     *             <img src="https://dyncdn.me/static/20/images/imdb_thumb.gif" border="0" alt=""></a><br>
     *         <span style="color:DarkSlateGray">Drama IMDB: 7.7/10</span>
     *     </td>
     *     <td align="center" width="150px" className="lista">2018-07-25 16:55:06</td>
     *     <td align="center" width="100px" className="lista">1.25 GB</td>
     *     <td align="center" width="50px" className="lista"><font color="#dd0000">1</font></td>
     *     <td align="center" width="50px" className="lista">5</td>
     *     <td align="center" width="50px" className="lista">--</td>
     *     <td align="center" className="lista">Scene</td>
     * </tr>

// == below are general helper functions, not specific to this script ==

// DuckDuckGo proxy
class DDG {
    static get color() {
        return "#FFA500";

    static test(url) {
        return /^https:\/\/proxy\.duckduckgo\.com/.test(url);

    static proxy(url) {
        return DDG.test(url) || /^(javascript)/i.test(url)
            ? url
            : `https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=${encodeURIComponent(url)}&f=1`;

    static reverse(url) {
        // if (isZscalarUrl(url)) s = getOGZscalarUrl(url); // extra functionality:
        if (!DDG.test(url)) {
            return url;
        return new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("u");

function getGoogleImages(query) {
    if (typeof getGoogleImages.cache === "undefined") getGoogleImages.cache = {};

    if (Object.keys(getGoogleImages.cache).includes(query)) {
        console.log("getGoogleImages(): using cache for query:", query);
        return getGoogleImages[query];

    return GM_fetch("https://www.google.com/search?q=" + encodeURIComponent(query) + "&tbm=isch", {
        headers: {
            accept: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9",
            "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9,ar;q=0.8",
        referrer: "https://www.google.com/",
        referrerPolicy: "origin",
        body: null,
        method: "GET",
        mode: "cors",
        credentials: "include",
        .then((response) => response.text())
        .then((text) => {
            let result;
            const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, "text/html");
            try {
                result = parse_AF_initDataCallback(doc);
                getGoogleImages[query] = result;
            } catch (e) {
                console.warn("parse_AF_initDataCallback failed for query:", query, e);
                result = {};

            return result;

function parse_AF_initDataCallback(doc) {
    var data = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll("script[nonce]"))
        .map((s) => s.innerText)
        .filter((t) => /^AF_initDataCallback/.test(t))
        .map((t) => eval(t.replace(/^AF_initDataCallback/, "")).data)
        .filter((d) => d && d.length && d.reduce((acc, el) => acc || (el && el.length)));
    var entry = data.slice(-1)[0];
    var imgMetas = entry[31][0][12][2].map((meta) => meta[1]); // confirmed
    var metas = imgMetas
        .map((meta) => {
            try {
                const rg_meta = {
                    id: "", // thumbnail
                    tu: "",
                    th: "",
                    tw: "", // original
                    ou: "",
                    oh: "",
                    ow: "", // site and name
                    pt: "",
                    st: "", // titles
                    ity: "",
                    rh: "IMAGE_HOST",
                    ru: "IMAGE_SOURCE",

                rg_meta.id = meta[1];
                [rg_meta.tu, rg_meta.th, rg_meta.tw] = meta[2];
                [rg_meta.ou, rg_meta.oh, rg_meta.ow] = meta[3];

                const siteAndNameInfo = meta[9] || meta[11];

                if (siteAndNameInfo[2003]) {
                    rg_meta.pt = siteAndNameInfo[2003][3];
                } else {
                    rg_meta.pt = siteAndNameInfo[2003][2];

                try {
                    rg_meta.st = siteAndNameInfo[183836587][0]; // infolink TODO: doublecheck
                } catch (error) {
                    try {
                        rg_meta.st = siteAndNameInfo[2003][2]; // infolink TODO: doublecheck
                    } catch (error) {}

                return rg_meta;
            } catch (e) {}
        .filter((meta) => !!meta);

    metasMap = Object.fromEntries(metas.map((meta) => [meta.id, meta])); // same as metas, but is an object with the "id" as the key

    parse_AF_initDataCallback.metasMap = metasMap;
    return metasMap;

function proxifyDescriptionThumbnails() {
    document.querySelectorAll("#description > a > img, a.description-tb > img").forEach((img) => {
        img.src = DDG.proxy(img.src);

function replaceAllImageHosts() {
    // fullres for imgprime.com
    // link:    https://imgprime.com/imga-u/b/2019/04/02/5ca35d660e76e.jpeg.html
    // img:     https://imgprime.com/u/b/2019/04/02/5ca35d660e76e.jpeg
    replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("https://imgprime.com/", {
        "imga-": "",
        ".html": "",
        "/small/": "/big/",
        "/u/s/": "/u/b/",
    // imagecurl.com
    replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("https://imagecurl.com/images/", { _thumb: "" });
    // imagefruit.com
    replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("/tn/t", { "/tn/t": "/tn/i" });
    // 22pixx.xyz
    replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("https://22pixx.xyz/", {
        "22pixx.xyz/os/": "22pixx.xyz/o/",
        "22pixx.xyz/s/": "22pixx.xyz/i/",
        "22pixx.xyz/rs/": "22pixx.xyz/r/",
        "22pixx.xyz/as/": "22pixx.xyz/a/",
    // trueimg.xyz
    replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("https://trueimg.xyz/s/", {
        "trueimg.xyz/s/": "trueimg.xyz/b/",
    // trueimg.xyz
    replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("https://imgtaxi.com/images/small/", {
        "https://imgtaxi.com/images/small/": "https://imgtaxi.com/images/big/",

    replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("http://pictureme.xyz/upload/big/", {
        "http://pictureme.xyz/upload/small/": "http://pictureme.xyz/upload/big/",


function unsafeEval(func, ...arguments) {
    let body = "return (" + func + ").apply(this, arguments)";
    unsafeWindow.Function(body).apply(unsafeWindow, arguments);

 * @param {Object} o Object to be reversed.
 * Note: that if there are multiple values in an entry, it will be stored as multiple keys each corresponding to the same key (duplication).
function reverseMapping(o) {
    const r = {};

    for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(o)) {
        var values = [v];
        if (v instanceof Array) {
            values = v;
        for (const val of values) {
            r[val] = k;
    return r;

 * same as Object.fromEntries(), but support multiple values in case of key collision.
 * resolution: concat conflicts in an array
 * @param {*} entries
 * @returns
function fromEntriesMultivalue(entries) {
    const o = {};
    entries.forEach(([k, v]) => (o[k] = (o[k] || []).concat(v)));
    return o;

 * replaces common thumbnails to originals from hosting sites like imagecurl.com...
 * @param {string} imgCommonUrl - the segment of the URL that's unique to this replacement, example: "https://imagecurl.com/images/"
 * @param {object|Function} replaceMethod - replaceMethod(src)->newSrc a function that passes back the new string or a replacement map
function replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal(imgCommonUrl, replaceMethod) {
    const callback =
        typeof replaceMethod === "function"
            ? replaceMethod
            : (src) => Object.entries(replaceMethod).reduce((acc, [k, v]) => acc.replace(k, v), src); // if object
    for (const img of document.querySelectorAll('img[src*="' + imgCommonUrl + '"]')) {
        if (img) {
            const fullres = callback(img.src);
            console.log("replacing thumbnail:", img.src, "->", fullres, "\n", img);
            img.src = fullres;
            img.closest("a").href = fullres;

function matchSite(siteRegex) {
    let result = location.href.match(siteRegex);
    if (result) console.debug("Site matched regex: " + siteRegex);
    return result;

function anchorClick(href, downloadValue, target) {
    downloadValue = downloadValue || "_untitled";
    var a = document.createElement("a");
    a.setAttribute("href", href);
    a.setAttribute("download", downloadValue);
    a.target = target;

function removeDoubleSpaces(str) {
    return !!str ? str.replace(/(\s\s+)/g, " ") : str;

function clearSymbolsFromString(str) {
    function clearDatesFromString(str) {
        return !!str ? removeDoubleSpaces(str.replace(/\d+([.\-])(\d+)([.\-])\d*/g, " ")) : str;

    return (
        str &&
                .replace(/[-!$%^&*()_+|~=`{}\[\]";'<>?,.\/]|(\s\s+)/gim, " ")
                    " "

function makeTextFile(text) {
    const data = new Blob([text], { type: "text/plain" });
    var textFile = null;
    // If we are replacing a previously generated file we need to manually revoke the object URL to avoid memory leaks.
    if (textFile !== null) window.URL.revokeObjectURL(textFile);
    return window.URL.createObjectURL(data);

/** Create an element by HTML.
 example:   var myAnchor = createElement('<a href="https://example.com">Go to example.com</a>');*/
function createElement(html) {
    return $(html)[0];

function getElementsByXPath(xpath, parent) {
    let results = [];
    let query = document.evaluate(xpath, parent || document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);

    for (let i = 0, length = query.snapshotLength; i < length; ++i) {
    return results;

function addCss(cssStr, id = "") {
    // check if already exists
    const style = (id && document.getElementById(id)) || document.createElement("style");

    if (style.styleSheet) {
        style.styleSheet.cssText = cssStr;
    } else {
        style.innerText = cssStr;
    if (!!id) {
        style.id = id;
    return document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(style);

function fetchDoc(url) {
    return fetch(url, {
        credentials: "include",
        headers: {
            accept: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3",
            "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9",
            "cache-control": "no-cache",
            pragma: "no-cache",
            "sec-fetch-mode": "navigate",
            "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin",
            "sec-fetch-user": "?1",
            "upgrade-insecure-requests": "1",
        referrerPolicy: "no-referrer-when-downgrade",
        body: null,
        method: "GET",
        mode: "cors",
        .then((res) => res.text())
        .then((html) => {
            const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html");
            return doc;

function relativeToAbsoluteURL(url, base = null) {
    if (!base) base = document.baseURI;
    if ("string" !== typeof url || url == null) {
        return null; // wrong or empty url
    } else if (url.match(/^[a-z]+\:\/\//i)) {
        return url; // url is absolute already
    } else if (url.match(/^\/\//)) {
        return "http:" + url; // url is absolute already
    } else if (url.match(/^[a-z]+\:/i)) {
        return url; // data URI, mailto:, tel:, etc.
    } else if ("string" !== typeof base) {
        var a = document.createElement("a");
        a.href = url; // try to resolve url without base
        if (!a.pathname) {
            return null; // url not valid
        return "http://" + url;
    } else {
        base = relativeToAbsoluteURL(base); // check base
        if (base === null) {
            return null; // wrong base
    var a = document.createElement("a");
    a.href = base;

    if (url[0] === "/") {
        base = []; // rooted path
    } else {
        base = a.pathname.split("/"); // relative path
    url = url.split("/");
    for (var i = 0; i < url.length; ++i) {
        if (url[i] === ".") {
            // current directory
        if (url[i] === "..") {
            // parent directory
            if ("undefined" === typeof base.pop() || base.length === 0) {
                return null; // wrong url accessing non-existing parent directories
        } else {
            // child directory
    return a.protocol + "//" + a.hostname + base.join("/");

function fetchB64ImgUrl(url, opts) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            method: "GET",
            url: url || "http://static.jsbin.com/images/dave.min.svg?4.1.4",
            onload: function (resp) {
                // resolve(resp);

                var binResp = customBase64Encode(resp.responseText);
                resolve("data:image/png;base64," + binResp);
            overrideMimeType: "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined",

    function customBase64Encode(inputStr) {
        var bbLen = 3,
            enCharLen = 4,
            inpLen = inputStr.length,
            inx = 0,
            keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "0123456789+/=",
            output = "",
            paddingBytes = 0;
        var bytebuffer = new Array(bbLen),
            encodedCharIndexes = new Array(enCharLen);

        while (inx < inpLen) {
            for (jnx = 0; jnx < bbLen; ++jnx) {
                /*--- Throw away high-order byte, as documented at:
                if (inx < inpLen) {
                    bytebuffer[jnx] = inputStr.charCodeAt(inx++) & 0xff;
                } else {
                    bytebuffer[jnx] = 0;

            /*--- Get each encoded character, 6 bits at a time.
                index 0: first  6 bits
                index 1: second 6 bits
                            (2 least significant bits from inputStr byte 1
                             + 4 most significant bits from byte 2)
                index 2: third  6 bits
                            (4 least significant bits from inputStr byte 2
                             + 2 most significant bits from byte 3)
                index 3: forth  6 bits (6 least significant bits from inputStr byte 3)
            encodedCharIndexes[0] = bytebuffer[0] >> 2;
            encodedCharIndexes[1] = ((bytebuffer[0] & 0x3) << 4) | (bytebuffer[1] >> 4);
            encodedCharIndexes[2] = ((bytebuffer[1] & 0x0f) << 2) | (bytebuffer[2] >> 6);
            encodedCharIndexes[3] = bytebuffer[2] & 0x3f;

            //--- Determine whether padding happened, and adjust accordingly.
            paddingBytes = inx - (inpLen - 1);
            switch (paddingBytes) {
                case 1:
                    // Set last character to padding char
                    encodedCharIndexes[3] = 64;
                case 2:
                    // Set last 2 characters to padding char
                    encodedCharIndexes[3] = 64;
                    encodedCharIndexes[2] = 64;
                    break; // No padding - proceed

            /*--- Now grab each appropriate character out of our keystring,
                based on our index array and append it to the output string.
            for (jnx = 0; jnx < enCharLen; ++jnx) output += keyStr.charAt(encodedCharIndexes[jnx]);
        return output;
FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

also one more thing, try to delete the script and reinstall it, it might be the settings that are corrupted

MoTem commented 1 year ago

Did a clean install using the new code, and still the same issue. Not working

MoTem commented 1 year ago

Accidentally closed it

FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

try installing form this link:


MoTem commented 1 year ago

Tried the link too, didnt work. As an experiment I also tried doing clean installs of version v1.6.16 and v1.6.22 and both also did not work at all. I am not knowledgable about this but could it be a server side change from rarbg itself?

FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

in that case, it's possible that my script isn't the problem. I noticed that some mirrors don't work (ever, even a long time ago)

could you please press F12 (open developer console) > navigate to console tab > refresh the page > and show me a screenshot of the errors

MoTem commented 1 year ago


MoTem commented 1 year ago

Clicking the script error expands to this:


MoTem commented 1 year ago

Tried using script on rarbg.to as well, and got same issue.

MoTem commented 1 year ago

Script not working on fresh firefox with just this script installed via violent monkey and enhanced tracking turned off

FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

ok all the problems seem to be related to using GM_config (an external library that I use to manage the settings)

they may have just pushed a bad update that broke stuff, I'll try to revert to the old version and see what happens

I'm getting the errors too btw, even on chrome

MoTem commented 1 year ago

I looked at their github, apparently the updated pushed a few days ago (the same day this script stopped working) broke a lot of scripts = https://github.com/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config/issues/113

FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

ok fixed :D

here's the line I changed, please let me know if it works now, use the newest version https://github.com/FarisHijazi/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript/blob/2028e188592894361fac237529972f181f444808/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript.user.js#LL27C1-L27C131

MoTem commented 1 year ago

Fixed!, thanks for the great script

Martii commented 1 year ago


If you are feeling adventurous with your code you might try something like (trailing brace might be in wrong spot btw looking into this... think I got it correct now):

--- /scripts/Marti/RARBG_Enhancer/source@1.6.24+6674135
+++ /scripts/Marti/RARBG_Enhancer/source
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 // @require      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ccampbell/mousetrap/master/mousetrap.min.js
 // @require      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellmebane/GM_fetch/master/GM_fetch.js
 // @require      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antimatter15/ocrad.js/master/ocrad.js
-// @require      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config/2207c5c1322ebb56e401f03c2e581719f909762a/gm_config.js
+// @require      https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config/master/gm_config.js
 // @include      https://*rarbg.*
 // @include      /https?:\/\/.{0,8}rarbg.*\.\/*/
 // @include      /https?:\/\/.{0,8}rargb.*\.\/*/
@@ -350,9 +350,11 @@
 // for (i in values) alert(values[i]);
+init: myinit

+function myinit() {
 if (!GM_config.get("mirrors")) {
@@ -1889,6 +1891,7 @@

 // Cat. | File | Added | Size | S. | L. | comments  |   Uploader
 // this is one row

The old versions are unsupported and have a few fixed issues at master that you won't be getting by pinning.

Let me know if this works for you as a quick test. I omitted the white space changes in this diff for your indention style.

FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

@Martii What does the first line do? And why would i do this?

Martii commented 1 year ago


What does the first line do?

--- /scripts/Marti/RARBG_Enhancer/source@1.6.24+6674135

... just shows that this is your current HEAD using SHA512

+++ /scripts/Marti/RARBG_Enhancer/source

... just shows what file version is being changed... just informational. The green highlighting is what has changed vs what it used to be at the red highlighting. A total of 3 lines (and of course the master line change). The top two lines you don't need in your source and is here for the GitHub syntax highlighting.

And why would i do this?

Let's you have the latest fixes for GMC instead of pinning. I had to do something similar to my OUJS-1 fork. Was quick and painless... although I moved everything into a full function expression under GMC init instead of a function reference like I"m mentioning here. Doesn't make the diff prettier to move the whole code that way though.

The wiki covers this exact fix at https://github.com/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config/wiki/Asynchronous-read-and-write-migration

If you want to try it use the .user.js code in this collapsed section by clicking the arrow and copy/paste it.

``` js // prettier-ignore var meta = { rawmdb: function () { // ==UserScript== // @name RARBG Enhancer // @namespace https://github.com/FarisHijazi // @version 1.6.25b // @description Auto-solve CAPTCHA, infinite scroll, add a magnet link shortcut and thumbnails of torrents, // @description adds a image search link in case you want to see more pics of the torrent, and more! // @author Faris Hijazi // with some code from https://greasyfork.org/en/users/2160-darkred // @grant unsafeWindow // @grant GM_setValue // @grant GM_getValue // @grant GM_download // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant GM_registerMenuCommand // @icon https://t1.gstatic.com/faviconV2?client=SOCIAL&type=FAVICON&fallback_opts=TYPE,SIZE,URL&url=http://rarbg.to&size=16 // @run-at document-idle // @updateUrl https://github.com/FarisHijazi/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript/raw/master/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript.user.js // @downloadURL https://github.com/FarisHijazi/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript/raw/master/Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript.user.js // @require https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.0.min.js // @require https://unpkg.com/infinite-scroll@3.0.5/dist/infinite-scroll.pkgd.min.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ccampbell/mousetrap/master/mousetrap.min.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mitchellmebane/GM_fetch/master/GM_fetch.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/antimatter15/ocrad.js/master/ocrad.js // @require https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sizzlemctwizzle/GM_config/master/gm_config.js // @include https://*rarbg.* // @include /https?:\/\/.{0,8}rarbg.*\.\/*/ // @include /https?:\/\/.{0,8}rargb.*\.\/*/ // @include /https?:\/\/.*u=MTcyLjIxLjAuMXw6Ly9yYXJiZy50by90b3JyZW50LzIyMDg3MjYwfE1vemlsbGEvNS4wIChXaW5kb3dzIE5UIDEwLjA7IFdpbjY0OyB4NjQpIEFwcGxlV2ViS2l0LzUzNy4zNiAoS0hUTUwsIGxpa2UgR2Vja28pIENocm9tZS83OS4wLjM5NDUuMTMwIFNhZmFyaS81MzcuMzZ8ODc4MDQz.*/ // @include https://www.rarbg.is // @include https://proxyrarbg.org // @include https://rarbg.com // @include https://rarbg.to // @include https://rarbg2018.org // @include https://rarbg2019.org // @include https://rarbg2020.org // @include https://rarbg2021.org // @include https://rarbgaccess.org // @include https://rarbgaccessed.org // @include https://rarbgcdn.org // @include https://rarbgcore.org // @include https://rarbgdata.org // @include https://rarbgenter.org // @include https://rarbgget.org // @include https://rarbggo.org // @include https://rarbgindex.org // @include https://rarbgmirror.com // @include https://rarbgmirror.org // @include https://rarbgmirrored.org // @include https://rarbgp2p.org // @include https://rarbgproxied.org // @include https://rarbgproxies.org // @include https://rarbgproxy.com // @include https://rarbgproxy.org // @include https://rarbgprx.org // @include https://rarbgto.org // @include https://rarbgtor.org // @include https://rarbgtorrents.org // @include https://rarbgunblock.com // @include https://rarbgunblock.org // @include https://rarbgunblocked.org // @include https://rarbgway.org // @include https://rarbgweb.org // @include https://unblockedrarbg.org // @include https://www.rarbg.is // @noframes // ==/UserScript== } }; if (meta.rawmdb && meta.rawmdb.toString && (meta.rawmdb = meta.rawmdb.toString())) { var kv, row = /\/\/\s+@(\S+)\s+(.+)/g; while ((kv = row.exec(meta.rawmdb)) !== null) { if (meta[kv[1]]) { if (typeof meta[kv[1]] == "string") meta[kv[1]] = [meta[kv[1]]]; meta[kv[1]].push(kv[2]); } else meta[kv[1]] = kv[2]; } } meta.window = this; if (typeof unsafeWindow === "undefined") { var unsafeWindow = window; } unsafeWindow.scriptMetas = unsafeWindow.scriptMetas || []; if (meta.hasOwnProperty("nodups")) { if (new Set(unsafeWindow.scriptMetas.map((meta) => meta.namespace + meta.name)).has(meta.namespace + meta.name)) { console.warn( "Another script is trying to execute but @nodups is set. Stopping execution.\n", meta.namespace + meta.name ); throw new Error( "Another script is trying to execute but @nodups is set. Stopping execution.\n" + meta.namespace + meta.name ); } } unsafeWindow.scriptMetas.push(meta); console.log("Script:", meta.name, "meta:", meta); // AddColumn() and add magnetLinks() code taken from: https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/23493-rarbg-torrent-and-magnet-links/code /** * Sequence of function calls * * appendColumn() * -> appendColumnSingle() * -> addDlAndMl() * observeDocument(dealWithTorrents) * */ // pollyfill for Element.before() and Element.after(): (since some browsers like MS Edge don't already have them) if (Element.prototype.before === undefined) { Element.prototype.before = function (newNode) { if (this.parentElement) { return this.parentElement.insertBefore(newNode, this); } }; } if (Element.prototype.after === undefined) { Element.prototype.after = function (newNode) { if (this.parentElement) { return this.parentElement.insertBefore(newNode, this.nextSibling); } }; } // "Set" operations /** this - other * @param other * @returns {Set} containing what this has but other doesn't */ Set.prototype.difference = function (other) { if (!other.has) other = new Set(other); return new Set(Array.from(this).filter((x) => !other.has(x))); }; /** * {} */ let titleGroups = {}; const catCodeMap = { Movies: "48;17;44;45;47;50;51;52;42;46".split(";"), XXX: "4".split(";"), Music: "23;24;25;26".split(";"), "TV shows": "18;41;49".split(";"), Software: "33;34;43".split(";"), Games: "27;28;29;30;31;32;40;53".split(";"), "Non XXX": "2;14;15;16;17;21;22;42;18;19;41;27;28;29;30;31;32;40;23;24;25;26;33;34;43;44;45;46;47;48;49;50;51;52;54".split( ";" ), }; // categories map, given the category number (in the URL), returns the name of it const codeToCatMap = reverseMapping(catCodeMap); // converts key to a category code (number in URL) const catKeyMap = { v: "Movies", s: "TV shows", m: "Music", w: "Software", x: "XXX", g: "Games", n: "Non XXX", }; const ICON_DESCRIPTION_WIDE = "https://i.imgur.com/xreLTXq.gif"; const ICON_DESCRIPTION_TALL = "https://i.imgur.com/6gG2QGj.gif"; const ICON_THUMBNAILS_WIDE = "https://i.imgur.com/9xh3vuU.gif"; const ICON_THUMBNAILS_TALL = "https://i.imgur.com/XMV45fY.gif"; const ICON_THUMBNAILS = "https://i.imgur.com/nA2dRWu.gif"; const ICON_DESCRIPTION = "https://i.imgur.com/UxbSq2o.gif"; const ICON_MORE_BLUE = "https://i.imgur.com/FGwOuVT.gif"; const ICON_EXTRA_GREEN = "https://i.imgur.com/HU6J9kS.gif"; const SearchEngines = { google: { name: "Google", imageSearchUrl: (q) => `https://www.google.com/search?&hl=en&tbm=isch&q=${encodeURIComponent(q)}`, }, ddg: { name: "DuckDuckGo", imageSearchUrl: (q) => `https://duckduckgo.com/?q=${encodeURIComponent(q)}&atb=v73-5__&iar=images&iax=images&ia=images`, }, yandex: { name: "Yandex", imageSearchUrl: (q) => `https://yandex.com/images/search?text=${encodeURIComponent(q)}`, }, }; // main (function () { "use strict"; const debug = false; // debugmode (setting this to false will disable the console logging) const TORRENT_ICO = "https://dyncdn.me/static/20/img/16x16/download.png"; const MAGNET_ICO = "https://dyncdn.me/static/20/img/magnet.gif"; const trackers = "http%3A%2F%2Ftracker.trackerfix.com%3A80%2Fannounce&tr=udp%3A%2F%2F9.rarbg.me%3A2710&tr=udp%3A%2F%2F9.rarbg.to%3A2710"; const isOnSingleTorrentPage = !!matchSite(/\/torrent\//); const isOnThreatDefencePage = /threat_defence/i.test(location.href); var title = createElement( '

Rarbg-Enhancer-UserScript Settings
You can get to this options page by pressing "ctrl+/" or by navigating to the menu as shown bellow
' ); GM_config.init({ id: "GM_config", title: title, css: "#GM_config_section_1 .config_var, #GM_config_section_2 .config_var, #GM_config_section_3 .config_var { margin: 5% !important;display: inline !important; }", fields: { thumbnailLink: { section: [ GM_config.create("Rarbg Settings"), "here you can configure settings for the rarbg-enhancer-userscript. Be aware that the page will reload after saving", ], label: "thumbnailLink", default: "torrentPageLink", title: "where should clicking the thumbnail take you", options: ["magnetLink", "torrentLink", "torrentPageLink", "img"], type: "radio", }, addThumbnails: { label: "addThumbnails", default: true, title: "if set to false, the content thumbnails will not be used, magnet or torrent thumbnails will be used isntead", type: "checkbox", }, showGeneratedSearchQuery: { label: "showGeneratedSearchQuery", default: false, title: "", type: "checkbox", }, addCategoryWithSearch: { label: "addCategoryWithSearch", default: true, title: 'when searching for a movie title like "X-men", will become "X-men movie"', type: "checkbox", }, largeThumbnails: { label: "largeThumbnails", default: true, title: "", type: "checkbox", }, alwaysFetchExtraThumbnails: { label: "alwaysFetchExtraThumbnails", title: "automatically press fetch extra thumbnails", type: "checkbox", default: false, }, ImageSearchEngine: { label: "ImageSearchEngine", default: "google", title: "", options: Array.from(Object.keys(SearchEngines)), type: "radio", }, infiniteScrolling: { label: "infiniteScrolling", default: true, title: "", type: "checkbox", }, mirrors: { label: "mirrors", default: meta.include.join("\n"), title: "", type: "textarea", }, imgScale: { label: "imgScale", default: 50, title: "", type: "float", }, imgHoverPopupScale: { label: "imgHoverPopupScale", default: 3.0, title: "", type: "float", }, hideRecommendedTorrents: { label: "hideRecommendedTorrents", default: false, title: "", type: "checkbox", }, autoExitIndexPhp: { label: "autoExitIndexPhp", default: true, title: "", type: "checkbox", }, deduplicateTorrents: { label: "deduplicateTorrents", default: false, title: "attempt to remove duplicates when there are multiple torrents of the same item", type: "checkbox", }, staticSearchbar: { label: "staticSearchbar", default: false, title: "", type: "checkbox", }, includeDescriptionsButton: { label: "includeDescriptionsButton", default: true, title: "add a link for each row to search for getting the description thumbnails", type: "checkbox", }, includeSearchForImagesButton: { label: "includeSearchForImagesButton", default: true, title: "add a link for each row to search for images using a search engine (google, ddg, yandex..)", type: "checkbox", }, isFirstVisit: { type: "hidden", default: true, }, thumbnailHoverSound: { label: "thumbnailHoverSound", type: "checkbox", title: "play sound when hovering over thumbnail", default: true, }, // blocking "block Movies": { label: "block Movies", default: false, type: "checkbox", title: "Movies", section: "Block categories", }, "block TV shows": { label: "block TV shows", default: false, type: "checkbox", title: "TV shows" }, "block Music": { label: "block Music", default: false, type: "checkbox", title: "Music" }, "block Software": { label: "block Software", default: false, type: "checkbox", title: "Software" }, "block XXX": { label: "block XXX", default: true, type: "checkbox", title: "XXX" }, "block Games": { label: "block Games", default: false, type: "checkbox", title: "Games" }, }, events: { open: function (doc) {}, save: function (values) { // All the values that aren't saved are passed to this function // for (i in values) alert(values[i]); location.reload(); }, init: myinit }, }); function myinit() { if (!GM_config.get("mirrors")) { GM_config.save(); } if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand !== "undefined") { GM_registerMenuCommand("Rarbg options", () => { GM_config.open(); }); } Math.clamp = function (a, min, max) { return a < min ? min : a > max ? max : a; }; let searchEngine = {}; initSearchEngine(); // click to verify browser document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="/threat_defence.php?defence=1"]').forEach((a) => a.click()); const searchBox = document.querySelector("#searchinput"); const isOnTop10page = location.pathname.startsWith("/top"); const isOnIndexPage = searchBox !== null || isOnTop10page; const isOnWrongTorrentLinkPage = getElementsByXPath( '(/html/body/table[3]/tbody/tr/td[2]/div/table/tbody/tr[2]/td/div[contains(., "The link you followed is wrong. Please try again!")])' ).length > 0; const getTorrentLinks = () => Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("table > tbody > tr.lista2 a[title]")); var row_others = getElementsByXPath('(//tr[contains(., "Others:")])[last()]').pop(); var tbodyEl = isOnSingleTorrentPage && row_others ? row_others.parentElement.querySelector("tbody") : document.querySelector( 'body > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > table[class*="list"] > tbody' ); if (!tbodyEl) console.warn("tbody element not found!"); var thumbnailsCssBlock = addCss(""); // language=CSS addCss( ` /*this keeps the tableCells in the groups at equal heights*/ table.groupTable > tbody > tr > td { height: 10px !important; } /*the horsey suggestion thumbnails*/ .suggestion-thumbnail { max-width: 100px; max-height: 100px; } a.torrent-ml, a.torrent-dl { display: table-cell; padding: 5px; } a.torrent-ml > img, a.torrent-dl > img { max-width: 30px; } /*add margin*/ td.lista > * { margin: 10px; } a.search:link { color: red; } a.search:visited { color: green; } a.search:hover { color: hotpink; } a.search:active { color: blue; } .zoom { transition: transform .2s; /* Animation */ margin: 0 auto; } .zoom:hover { /* (150% zoom - Note: if the zoom is too large, it will go outside of the viewport) */ transform: scale(${GM_config.get("imgHoverPopupScale")}); } a.extra-tb { background: white; } .row{ display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: space-between; } ` ); updateCss(); /** Plays audio * @author https://stackoverflow.com/a/17762789/7771202 */ const PlaySound = (function () { const df = document.createDocumentFragment(); return function Sound(src) { var snd = new Audio(src); df.appendChild(snd); // keep in fragment until finished playing snd.addEventListener("ended", function () { df.removeChild(snd); }); snd.play(); return snd; }; })(); let snd = function () {}; snd.play = function () {}; if (GM_config.get("thumbnailHoverSound")) { // sound file from: http://freesound.org/data/previews/166/166186_3034894-lq.mp3 // noinspection JSUnusedAssignment snd = PlaySound( "data:audio/wav;base64," + "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" ); } // === end of variable declarations === function decrementImageSize(e) { GM_config.set("imgScale", Math.max(GM_config.get("imgScale") - 50, 0)); toggleThumbnailSize("update only"); } function incrementImageSize(e) { GM_config.set("imgScale", Math.min(GM_config.get("imgScale") + 50, 400)); toggleThumbnailSize("update only"); } $(document).ready(function main() { if (isOnThreatDefencePage) { // OnThreatDefencePage: check for captcha if (document.querySelector("#solve_string")) { console.log("Rarbg threat defence page"); try { // solveCaptcha(OCRAD); unsafeEval(solveCaptcha, OCRAD); } catch (e) { console.error("Error occurred while trying to solve captcha:\n", e); const container = document.querySelector("tbody > :nth-child(2)"); const img = container.querySelector("img"); const captcha = document.querySelector("#solve_string"); const submitBtn = document.querySelector("#button_submit"); const textEl = img.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling; textEl.innerText += "Could not auto-solve capthca"; // prettier-ignore /* tesseract.js * https://tesseract.projectnaptha.com/ * https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/naptha/tesseract.js@v1.0.14/dist/tesseract.min.js */ (function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.Tesseract=f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o1){for(var i=1;i0&&arguments[0]!==undefined?arguments[0]:{};var worker=new TesseractWorker(Object.assign({},adapter.defaultOptions,workerOptions));worker.create=create;worker.version=version;return worker};var TesseractWorker=function(){function TesseractWorker(workerOptions){_classCallCheck(this,TesseractWorker);this.worker=null;this.workerOptions=workerOptions;this._currentJob=null;this._queue=[]}_createClass(TesseractWorker,[{key:"recognize",value:function recognize(image){var _this=this;var options=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==undefined?arguments[1]:{};return this._delay(function(job){if(typeof options==="string")options={lang:options};options.lang=options.lang||"eng";job._send("recognize",{image:image,options:options,workerOptions:_this.workerOptions})})}},{key:"detect",value:function detect(image){var _this2=this;var options=arguments.length>1&&arguments[1]!==undefined?arguments[1]:{};return this._delay(function(job){job._send("detect",{image:image,options:options,workerOptions:_this2.workerOptions})})}},{key:"terminate",value:function terminate(){if(this.worker)adapter.terminateWorker(this);this.worker=null;this._currentJob=null;this._queue=[]}},{key:"_delay",value:function _delay(fn){var _this3=this;if(!this.worker)this.worker=adapter.spawnWorker(this,this.workerOptions);var job=new TesseractJob(this);this._queue.push(function(e){_this3._queue.shift();_this3._currentJob=job;fn(job)});if(!this._currentJob)this._dequeue();return job}},{key:"_dequeue",value:function _dequeue(){this._currentJob=null;if(this._queue.length){this._queue[0]()}}},{key:"_recv",value:function _recv(packet){if(packet.status==="resolve"&&packet.action==="recognize"){packet.data=circularize(packet.data)}if(this._currentJob.id===packet.jobId){this._currentJob._handle(packet)}else{console.warn("Job ID "+packet.jobId+" not known.")}}}]);return TesseractWorker}();module.exports=create()},{"../package.json":2,"./common/circularize.js":4,"./common/job":5,"./node/index.js":3}]},{},[6])(6)}); function solveCaptchaTesseract(Tesseract) { Tesseract.recognize(container.querySelector("img"), { tessedit_char_whitelist: "123456789" + "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY", }).then(function (result) { console.log("result", result, "\n", result.text); document.querySelector("#solve_string").value = result; return result; }); } unsafeEval(solveCaptchaTesseract, Tesseract); } } } else { // on torrent(s) page if (isOnSingleTorrentPage) { let mainTorrentLink = document.querySelector( "body > table:nth-child(6) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td.lista > a:nth-child(2)" ); addImageSearchAnchor(mainTorrentLink, mainTorrentLink.innerText); const relatedTorrent = document.querySelector(".lista_related"); if (relatedTorrent) { const tr_tableHeader = relatedTorrent.closest("table").querySelector("tbody > tr"); const thumbsHeader = tr_tableHeader.firstElementChild.cloneNode(); thumbsHeader.innerText = "thumbnail"; tr_tableHeader.firstElementChild.before(thumbsHeader); } // adding thumbnails for (const torrent of document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="/torrent/"]')) { //creating and adding thumbnails const cell = document.createElement("td"); const thumbnailLink = document.createElement("a"); const thumbnailImg = document.createElement("img"); thumbnailLink.href = torrent.href; cell.classList.add("thumbnail-cell"); cell.classList.add("preview-image"); cell.appendChild(thumbnailLink); // thumbnail thumbnailImg.classList.add("preview-image"); let thumb = extractThumbnailSrc(torrent); thumbnailImg.setAttribute("smallSrc", thumb); thumbnailImg.setAttribute("bigSrc", getLargeThumbnail(thumb)); setThumbnail(thumbnailImg); thumbnailLink.appendChild(thumbnailImg); torrent.closest("tr").firstElementChild.before(cell); thumbnailImg.style.width = "auto"; thumbnailImg.style["max-height"] = "500px"; thumbnailImg.style["max-width"] = "400px"; // thumbnailImg.style['margin-bottom'] = '20px'; } replaceAllImageHosts(); // putting the "Description:" row before the "Others:" row getElementsByXPath('(//tr[contains(., "Poster:")])[last()]')[0].after( getElementsByXPath('(//tr[contains(., "Description:")])[last()]')[0] ); // remove VPN row const vpnR = getElementsByXPath('(//tr[contains(., "VPN:")])[last()]'); if (vpnR && vpnR[0]) { vpnR[0].remove(); } void 0; } else if (isOnIndexPage) { if (location.pathname === "/top10") { function removeTop100(catcodes) { try { var a = document.querySelector( 'body > table:nth-child(6) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > a[href$="/top100.php?category[]=' + catcodes.join("&category[]=") + '"]' ); // delete 3 elements before and 3 elements after and delete self a.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.remove(); a.previousElementSibling.previousElementSibling.remove(); a.previousElementSibling.remove(); a.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.remove(); a.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.remove(); a.nextElementSibling.remove(); a.remove(); var h1Rss = document.querySelector( 'body > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(2) > td > h1 > a[href$="/rssdd.php?categories=' + catcodes.join(";") + '"]' ).parentElement; h1Rss.nextElementSibling.remove(); h1Rss.remove(); } catch (e) { console.warn(e); } } if (GM_config.get("block Movies")) removeTop100("14;15;16;17;21;22;42;44;45;46;47;48".split(";")); if (GM_config.get("block XXX")) removeTop100("4".split(";")); if (GM_config.get("block TV shows")) removeTop100("18;19;41".split(";")); if (GM_config.get("block Music")) removeTop100("23;24;25;26".split(";")); if (GM_config.get("block Games")) removeTop100("27;28;29;30;31;32;40".split(";")); } // if on torrent page (index) if (searchBox) { searchBox.onkeyup = updateSearch; const searchContainer = searchBox.closest("form").closest("div"); // making checkbox (fixed searchbar) const moreBtn = searchContainer.querySelector("tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3)"); moreBtn.after( $( '' )[0] ); const checkbox = document.querySelector("#static-checkbox"); checkbox.onchange = function (e) { const searchContainer = searchBox.closest("form").closest("div"); if (checkbox.checked) { searchContainer.style.position = "fixed"; searchContainer.style.top = "0"; searchContainer.style.left = "702px"; } else { searchContainer.style.position = ""; searchContainer.style.top = ""; searchContainer.style.left = ""; } GM_config.set("staticSearchbar", checkbox.checked); GM_config.write(); }; } if (GM_config.get("staticSearchbar")) { checkbox.click(); } if (GM_getValue("isFirstVisit", true)) { console.log("is first visit"); GM_config.open(); GM_setValue("isFirstVisit", false); } const mldlCol = appendColumn("ML DL
Download all", "File", addDlAndMl); mldlCol.header.addEventListener("click", downloadAllTorrents); if (GM_config.get("infiniteScrolling")) { // infiniteScrolling (function makeInfiniteScroll() { const tableLvl2 = "div.content-rounded table.lista-rounded tbody:nth-child(1) tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(1) > table.lista2t:nth-child(9)"; const tbody = tableLvl2 + " > tbody"; const nav = "td:nth-child(2) div.content-rounded table.lista-rounded tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(3)"; const container = getElementsByXPath("//table[@class='lista2t']")[0]; const infScroll = new InfiniteScroll(container, { path: 'a[title="next page"]', append: tbody, // the table hideNav: nav, scrollThreshold: 600, }); // upon appending a new page infScroll.on("append", function (response, path, items) { if (items.length) { const lista2s = items[0].querySelectorAll(".lista2"); for (const lista2 of lista2s) { tbodyEl.appendChild(lista2); appendColumnCell(lista2.childNodes[1]); } } try { // remove extra appended headers tbodyEl.nextElementSibling.remove(); } catch (error) {} // filter the new torrents that just arrived updateSearch(); }); })(); } } else if (isOnWrongTorrentLinkPage) { // this torrent link has failed, then we have to go to the torrent page and download it const torrentPageUrl = new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("tpageurl"); // get the previously injected page url here if (torrentPageUrl) { fetchDoc(torrentPageUrl).then((doc) => { const torrentDownloadLink = doc.querySelector("td.lista a[onmouseover]"); location.assign(torrentDownloadLink.href); document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => document.close()); document.addEventListener("load", () => document.close()); setTimeout(() => window.close(), 1000); }); } else { console.warn('"tpageurl" is not in the location params!'); window.close(); } } else if (/\/index\d+\.php/.test(location.pathname)) { if (GM_config.get("autoExitIndexPhp")) { location.assign("/torrents.php"); } } (function onLoad() { console.log("loaded"); document.body.onclick = null; // remove annoying click listeners // remove annoying search description const searchDescription = document.querySelector("#SearchDescription"); if (searchDescription) searchDescription.remove(); // remove annoying signup form that doesn't work const signinForm = document.querySelector('form[action="/login"]'); if (signinForm) signinForm.remove(); const signinTab = document.querySelector( "body > table:nth-child(5) > tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td.header4" ); if (signinTab) signinTab.remove(); if (GM_config.get("hideRecommendedTorrents")) { // remove recommended torrents const recTor = document.querySelector('tr > [valign="top"] > [onmouseout="return nd();"]'); if (recTor) recTor.closest("div").remove(); } // remove "recommended torrents" title const recTitle = getElementsByXPath('(//text()[contains(., "Recommended torrents :")])/../../..')[0]; if (recTitle) recTitle.remove(); // scroll the table to view (top of screen will be the first torrent) const mainTable = document.querySelector( "body > table:nth-child(6) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td > table.lista2t" ); if (mainTable) mainTable.scrollIntoView(); // adding a dropdown list for mirrors (function addMirrorsDropdown() { const blankTab = document.querySelector("td.header:nth-child(1)"); if (!blankTab) return; const mirrorsTab = document.createElement("td"); mirrorsTab.className = "header3"; mirrorsTab.innerText = "Switch to mirror site:"; function openAllMirrors() { console.log("opening all mirrors"); for (const hostnames of mirrorsTab.querySelectorAll("option.mirrors-option")) { window.open(extractUrlFromMirrorHost(hostnames), "_blank"); } } function extractUrlFromMirrorHost(hostnameText) { const split = location.href.split("/").slice(2); split[0] = hostnameText; return split.join("/"); } const mirrorsSelect = document.createElement("select"); mirrorsSelect.onchange = function () { if (!this.value) return; console.log("this:", this); if (this.value === "Open ALL mirrors") { openAllMirrors(); } else { location.assign(extractUrlFromMirrorHost(this.value)); } }; mirrorsTab.appendChild(mirrorsSelect); for (const mirror of GM_config.get("mirrors").split("\n")) { const option = document.createElement("option"); option.className = "mirrors-option"; option.value = mirror; try { option.innerText = new URL(mirror).hostname; if (option.innerText !== location.hostname) { mirrorsSelect.appendChild(option); } } catch (e) {} } // adding another last one (which would be THIS hostsname's url) const option_thisHostname = document.createElement("option"); option_thisHostname.innerText = location.hostname; option_thisHostname.setAttribute("selected", ""); mirrorsSelect.appendChild(option_thisHostname); // another option to open ALL the hostnames in the new tab const option_openAllMirrors = document.createElement("option"); option_openAllMirrors.innerText = "Open ALL mirrors"; option_openAllMirrors.id = "open-all-mirrors"; option_openAllMirrors.setAttribute("selected", ""); option_openAllMirrors.onclick = openAllMirrors; mirrorsSelect.appendChild(option_openAllMirrors); mirrorsSelect.selectedIndex--; blankTab.after(mirrorsTab); })(); // create settings tab if (!document.querySelector("#settingsTab")) { var lastTab = document.querySelector( "tbody > tr > td > table > tbody > tr > td:last-child.header3" ); var settingsTab = lastTab.cloneNode(); settingsTab.id = "settingsTab"; settingsTab.onclick = function (e) { GM_config.open(); }; var a = document.createElement("a"); a.innerText = "⚙️ Script Settings"; settingsTab.appendChild(a); settingsTab.style["background-color"] = "green"; lastTab.after(settingsTab); } })(); observeDocument((target) => { if (isOnIndexPage) { const newCol = appendColumn("Thumbnails", "Cat.", addThumbnailColumn); if (!newCol.header.querySelector(".decrementImageSizeBtn")) { var decrementImageSizeBtn = createElement( '(-)' ); decrementImageSizeBtn.addEventListener("click", decrementImageSize); var incrementImageSizeBtn = createElement( '(+)' ); incrementImageSizeBtn.addEventListener("click", incrementImageSize); var nobr = document.createElement("nobr"); newCol.header.appendChild(nobr); nobr.appendChild(decrementImageSizeBtn); nobr.appendChild(incrementImageSizeBtn); } } dealWithTorrents(target); // group torrents titleGroups = updateTorrentGroups(); for (const [torrentTitle, torrentAnchors] of Object.entries(titleGroups)) { if (torrentAnchors.length > 1) { if (GM_config.get("deduplicateTorrents")) { Array.from(torrentAnchors) .slice(1) .forEach((el) => el.parentElement.parentElement.remove()); } } } // remove links for adds that cover the screen for (const x of document.querySelectorAll( '[style*="2147483647"], a[href*="https://s4yxaqyq95.com/"]' )) { console.debug("removed redirect element:", x); x.remove(); } }); } }); (function bindKeys() { if (typeof Mousetrap === "undefined") return; Mousetrap.bind(["space"], (e) => { solveCaptcha(); // TODO: remove this, this is just for debugging }); Mousetrap.bind("ctrl+/", function (e) { GM_config.open(); }); Mousetrap.bind(["/"], (e) => { console.log("clicking search input"); e.preventDefault(); const searchBar = document.querySelector("#searchinput"); searchBar.click(); searchBar.scrollIntoView(); searchBar.select(); searchBar.setSelectionRange(searchBar.value.length, searchBar.value.length); }); Mousetrap.bind(["`"], (e) => toggleThumbnailSize()); // saves an html and json file for all torrents on page Mousetrap.bind(["ctrl+s"], (e) => { document .querySelectorAll("body > table > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4) > a.torrent-ml") .forEach((a) => (a.protocol = "magnet:")); document.querySelectorAll("a").forEach( (a) => a.setAttribute("href", relativeToAbsoluteURL(a.getAttribute("href"), "https://rarbgprx.org/")) // TODO: remove rarbgprx.org and put something more general ); // converting image URLs to base64 (so they'd be saved in the page) Promise.all( Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("img")).map( (img) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetchB64ImgUrl(img.src) .then((bin) => resolve((img.src = bin || img.src))) .catch(reject); setTimeout(resolve, 2000); }) ) ) .then((promises) => { console.log("SUCCESSFULLY converted image urls to base64", promises); }) .finally(function (promises) { const rows = document.querySelectorAll("table > tbody > tr.lista2"); const torrentJsons = Array.from(rows).map((row) => { try { const a = row.querySelector("a[onmouseover]"); const thumbnail = row.querySelector("td.thumbnail-cell > a > img.preview-image "); const ml = row.querySelector(".torrent-ml"); const torrentLink = row.querySelector(".torrent-dl"); return { title: a.title || a.innerText, page: a.href, torrentLink: torrentLink ? torrentLink.href : "", magnetLink: ml ? encodeURI(ml.href) : "", thumbnailSrc: thumbnail ? thumbnail.src : "", }; } catch (e) {} }); const torrentsObject = { documentTitle: document.title, date: Date.now(), torrents: torrentJsons, }; const tableOuterHTML = document.querySelector("table.lista2t, table.lista").outerHTML; const summaryHTML = `${document.head.outerHTML}${tableOuterHTML}`; anchorClick( makeTextFile(JSON.stringify(torrentsObject, null, 4)), document.title + " [" + rows.length + "]" + " info.json" ); anchorClick(makeTextFile(summaryHTML), document.title + " [" + rows.length + "]" + " summary.html"); }); }); Mousetrap.bind(["d a"], function (e) { document.querySelectorAll(`img[src="${ICON_DESCRIPTION}"]`).forEach((img) => img.parentElement.click()); }); // increase thumbnail size Mousetrap.bind("=", incrementImageSize); // decrease thumbnail size Mousetrap.bind("-", decrementImageSize); // binding each key to a category // then you can change categories by pressing that key (like "m" for (M)ovie) console.group("Binding keys to categories:"); for (const [key, catName] of Object.entries(catKeyMap)) { console.log(`"${key}": "${catName}"`); Mousetrap.bind(key, function (e) { const catCode = catCodeMap[catName].join(";"); if (typeof URL !== "undefined") { const url = new URL(location.href); url.searchParams.set("category", catCode); url.pathname = "/torrents.php"; location.assign(url.toString()); } else { location.assign("/torrents.php?category=" + catCode); } }); } console.groupEnd(); })(); function addThumbnailColumn(cell, torrent, row) { // = Creating and adding thumbnail cell // var cell = document.createElement('td'); const thumbnailLink = document.createElement("a"); const thumbnailImg = document.createElement("img"); cell.classList.add("thumbnail-cell"); cell.appendChild(thumbnailLink); thumbnailLink.appendChild(thumbnailImg); const dllink = row.querySelector("a.torrent-dl"); const ml = row.querySelector("a.torrent-ml"); const dlurl = dllink ? dllink.href : extractTorrentDL(torrent); // thumbnail link (function setLinkHref() { switch (GM_config.get("thumbnailLink")) { case "magnetLink": try { thumbnailLink.href = ml; if (!/^magnet:\?/.test(thumbnailLink.href)) // noinspection ExceptionCaughtLocallyJS throw new Error("Not a magnet link"); } catch (e) { thumbnailLink.href = dlurl; } break; case "torrentLink": try { thumbnailLink.href = dlurl; } catch (e) { thumbnailLink.href = ml; if (debug) console.debug("Using MagnetLink for torrent thumbnail since torrent failed:", ml); } break; case "torrentPageLink": thumbnailLink.href = torrent.href; break; } })(); if (thumbnailLink.href.indexOf("undefined") >= 0) console.warn("thumbnail Link:", thumbnailLink, "torrent:", torrent.innerText, "dl", dlurl); // thumbnail thumbnailImg.onmouseover = function playSound() { if (GM_config.get("thumbnailHoverSound")) { try { var snd = PlaySound( "data:audio/wav;base64," + "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" ); } catch (e) {} } }; thumbnailImg.classList.add("preview-image"); thumbnailImg.classList.add("zoom"); const src = extractThumbnailSrc(torrent); thumbnailImg.setAttribute("smallSrc", src); thumbnailImg.setAttribute("bigSrc", getLargeThumbnail(src)); setThumbnail(thumbnailImg); } function solveCaptcha(OCRAD) { console.log("solving captcha..."); const container = document.querySelector("tbody > :nth-child(2)"); const img = container.querySelector("img"); const captcha = document.querySelector("#solve_string"); const submitBtn = document.querySelector("#button_submit"); const url = new URL(location.href); function uriToImageData(uri) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { if (uri == null) return reject(); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"), context = canvas.getContext("2d"), image = new Image(); image.addEventListener( "load", function () { canvas.width = image.width; canvas.height = image.height; context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); resolve(context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height)); }, false ); image.src = uri; }); } function getBase64Image(img, excludeUrlProtocol = false) { // Create an empty canvas element var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); canvas.width = img.width; canvas.height = img.height; // Copy the image contents to the canvas var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); // Get the data-URL formatted image // Firefox supports PNG and JPEG. You could check img.src to // guess the original format, but be aware the using "image/jpg" // will re-encode the image. var dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); return (excludeUrlProtocol && dataURL.replace(/^data:image\/(png|jpg);base64,/, "")) || dataURL; } console.log("solveCAPTHA fetching image ..."); return new Promise((resolve) => { // wait for image to load if (img.complete) { return resolve(); } img.onload = resolve; }) .then(() => uriToImageData(getBase64Image(img)).then((imageData) => { if (img.naturalHeight === 0 && img.naturalWidth === 0) { console.warn("image hasn't loaded, refreshing to new captha page"); url.searchParams.set("defence", "1"); location.assign(url.toString()); return; } console.log("feeding image to OCR ..."); var imageText = OCRAD(imageData); console.log("OCRAD result:", imageText); if (!imageText) { throw Error("OCRAD result is empty"); } captcha.value = imageText; submitBtn.display = ""; submitBtn.click(); }) ) .catch((e) => { console.error(e); url.searchParams.set("defence", "1"); location.assign(url.toString()); }); } /** * hides all torrents that do not match the search query * TODO:maybe generalize this function to just return the resulting score for each item, * this way it can be portable and made as a library and use elsewhere * and then you can iterate and hide them later */ function updateSearch() { if (!searchBox) throw new Error("Search box not found"); const query = searchBox.value.trim(); const torrents = document.querySelectorAll("table > tbody > tr.lista2 a[title]"); const convertedQuery = query .replace(/[!$%^&*()_+|~=`{}\[\]:";'<>?,.\/]+/g, ".") .trim() .replace(/\s+/, "|"); const completelyNegativeQuery = (function () { for (const term of convertedQuery.split("|").filter((str) => str.length !== 0)) { // if a positive search term if (term.indexOf("-") === -1) return false; } return true; })(); const regex = new RegExp( convertedQuery.replace(/-/g, "|").replace(/\|\|/g, "|").replace(/^\|/, ""), // '|' that is at the beginning of a word "ig" ); console.debug( "regex:", regex, "\nconverted query:", convertedQuery, "\ncompletelyNegativeQuery:", completelyNegativeQuery ); for (const a of torrents) { var match = (a.title || a.innerText).match(regex); if (match) { const matches = !!match ? Array.from(match) : []; var negativeMatches = matches.filter( ( group // tests if it's a negative match (if there is a '-' before the search term) ) => group && new RegExp("-" + group, "ig").test(query) ); var positiveMatches = matches.filter( ( group // tests if it's a negative match (if there is a '-' before the search term) ) => group && !new RegExp("-" + group, "ig").test(query) ); const hideCondition = query && (completelyNegativeQuery ? negativeMatches.length : negativeMatches.length || !positiveMatches.length); a.closest(".lista2").style.display = hideCondition ? "none" : ""; } // skip if empty title // DONE: make it so that it doesn't just check if "query" starts with '-', rather, check each match and check if each word starts with '-' } } function updateCss() { thumbnailsCssBlock.innerText = `td.thumbnail-cell > a > img.preview-image, a.extra-tb > img { max-width: ${GM_config.get("imgScale")}px; max-height: ${GM_config.get("imgScale")}px; }`; } function observeDocument(callback) { callback(document.body); new MutationObserver(function (mutations, me) { me.disconnect(); for (var i = 0; i < mutations.length; i++) { if (mutations[i].addedNodes.length) { callback(mutations[i].target); } } me.observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: false, characterData: false, }); }).observe(document.body, { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: false, characterData: false, }); } /** * grouping similar torrents together * this is useful when you have 3 torrents of the same movie but different resolutions, there's no need to see it 3 times * @returns {{string: HTMLAnchorElement[]}} */ function updateTorrentGroups() { const FILLER_WORDS = new Set([ "THE", "SD", "AND", "2160P", "MP4", "THE", "COM", "WEIRD", "IN", "YAPG", "A", "TRASHBIN", "FOR", "TO", "WITH", "HER", "MY", "ON", "PART", "X264", "OF", "720P", "SEX", "XXX", "MP4", "KTR", "1080P", "SD", "KLEENEX", ]); const extractCleanTitle = (a) => Array.from( new Set( (a.title || a.innerText) .toUpperCase() .replace(/\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.?/, "") // remove dates like 02.11.2019 .split(/[\s._\-\[\]]/g) // split on dots and dashes and spaces... .filter((word) => word) // remove empty words ).difference(FILLER_WORDS) // remove filler words ) .sort() // sort to maximize conflicts (we want the same title with different word orderings to be in the same group) .join(" "); const titleToLinkEntries = getTorrentLinks().map((a) => [ (a.cleanTitle = a.cleanTitle || extractCleanTitle(a)), a, ]); /* * looks like: * * 0: (2) ["HOPE ION10 S04 SAVING WEBRIP", a.modded] * 1: (2) ["ALASKA ION10 RAILROAD S01 WEBRIP", a.modded] * 2: (2) ["ION10 RULES S08E11 VANDERPUMP WEBRIP", a.modded] * 3: (2) ["ION10 RESIDENT S03E18 WEBRIP", a.modded] */ /** * clusters: titles to words * {key: value} {title: array of links that belong to that same title} * @typedef {string: Element[]} */ titleGroups = fromEntriesMultivalue( titleToLinkEntries //.concat(Object.entries(titleGroups)) // .map( ([k, v]) => [k, Array.from(new Set(v))] ) // remove duplicate links ); /* * looks something like: * * HOPE ION10 S04 SAVING WEBRIP: [a.modded] * ALASKA ION10 RAILROAD S01 WEBRIP: [a.modded] * ION10 RULES S08E11 VANDERPUMP WEBRIP: [a.modded] * ION10 RESIDENT S03E18 WEBRIP: [a.modded] * ION10 NAMASTE S04 WEBRIP YOGA: [a.modded] */ return titleGroups; } function dealWithTorrents(node) { for (const torrentLink of node.querySelectorAll('tr.lista2 > td > a[title][href^="/torrent/"]:not(.modded)')) { const row = torrentLink.closest("tr"); // = adding relative time to columns (function changeDateToRelativeTime() { var column_Added = row.querySelector("td:nth-child(" + (getColumnIndex("Added") + 1) + ")"); const diffInMinutes = (Date.now() - Date.parse(column_Added.innerHTML)) / (1000 * 60); var diffFinal = Math.round(diffInMinutes) + " minutes"; if (diffInMinutes / (60 * 24) >= 365 * 2) { // > 2years diffFinal = Math.round(diffInMinutes / (60 * 24 * 365)) + " years"; } else if (diffInMinutes / (60 * 24) >= 2) { // > 2days diffFinal = Math.round(diffInMinutes / (60 * 24)) + " days"; } else if (diffInMinutes / 60 >= 2) { diffFinal = Math.round(diffInMinutes / 60) + " hours"; } if (debug) console.log("column_Added:", column_Added); column_Added.innerHTML = column_Added.innerHTML + "
\n" + (diffFinal + " ago").replace(" ", " "); })(); addImageSearchAnchor(torrentLink); torrentLink.classList.add("modded"); } var blockCatlist = []; if (GM_config.get("block Movies")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=movies"); if (GM_config.get("block XXX")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=2;4"); if (GM_config.get("block TV shows")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=2;18;41;49"); if (GM_config.get("block Games")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=2;27;28;29;30;31;53"); if (GM_config.get("block Music")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=2;23;24;25;26"); if (GM_config.get("block Software")) blockCatlist.push("/torrents.php?category=2;33;34;43"); var selectorMenu = blockCatlist.map((c) => `tr > td > a.anal[href$="${c}"]`).join(", "); try { document.querySelectorAll(selectorMenu).forEach((a) => a.closest("tr").remove()); } catch (e) {} var blocklist = []; if (GM_config.get("block Movies")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["Movies"]); if (GM_config.get("block XXX")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["XXX"]); if (GM_config.get("block TV shows")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["TV shows"]); if (GM_config.get("block Games")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["Games"]); if (GM_config.get("block Music")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["Music"]); if (GM_config.get("block Software")) blocklist = blocklist.concat(catCodeMap["Software"]); var selector = blocklist.map((c) => `img[src$="/static/20/images/categories/cat_new${c}.gif"]`).join(", "); try { document.querySelectorAll(selector).forEach((img) => img.closest("tr").remove()); } catch (e) {} } function setThumbnail(thumbnail) { if (!thumbnail.src) { thumbnail.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("smallSrc"); } // creating image objects to add load listeners to them var smallImage = new Image(); smallImage.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("smallSrc"); // set to small src when loading small image smallImage.onLoad = function () { thumbnail.setAttribute("small-loaded", ""); thumbnail.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("smallSrc"); if (GM_config.get("largeThumbnails") && thumbnail.getAttribute("big-loaded")) { thumbnail.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("bigSrc"); } }; // creating image objects to add load listeners to them var bigImage = new Image(); bigImage.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("bigSrc"); // set to small src when loading small image bigImage.onLoad = function () { thumbnail.setAttribute("big-loaded", ""); if (GM_config.get("largeThumbnails")) { thumbnail.src = thumbnail.getAttribute("bigSrc"); } }; // thumbnail.src = thumbnail.getAttribute((!GM_config.get('largeThumbnails') ? 'smallSrc' : 'bigSrc')); thumbnail.src = GM_config.get("largeThumbnails") ? thumbnail.getAttribute("bigSrc") : thumbnail.getAttribute("smallSrc"); if (!GM_config.get("addThumbnails")) { thumbnail.src = thumbnail.closest("a").href.indexOf("magnet:?") === 0 // if magnet link ? MAGNET_ICO // magnet icon : TORRENT_ICO; // else, just put torrent icon } } function toggleThumbnailSize(newSize = "toggle") { if (newSize === "large") { GM_config.set("largeThumbnails", true); } else if (newSize === "small") { GM_config.set("largeThumbnails", false); } else if (newSize === "toggle") { GM_config.set("largeThumbnails", !GM_config.get("largeThumbnails")); } GM_config.write(); console.log("toggleThumbnailSize(" + newSize + ")"); document.querySelectorAll(".preview-image").forEach(setThumbnail); updateCss(); if (debug) console.log( "toggling thumbnail sizes. GM_config.set(largeThumbnails,", GM_config.get("largeThumbnails"), ")" ); } // gets the large thumbnail from the small thumbnail (works for rarbg thumbnails) function getLargeThumbnail(smallThumbUrl) { // Movie example // Small pic: http://dyncdn.me/mimages/316661/over_opt.jpg // Big pic: http://dyncdn.me/mimages/316661/poster_opt.jpg return ( smallThumbUrl .replace("over_opt", "poster_opt") // movie thumbnail replacement // other thumbnail replacement .replace("static/over", "posters2/" + smallThumbUrl.replace(/(.*?)over\//, "").charAt(0)) //put "posters2" + the first character after the '/' ); } /** @Return returns the extracted source url from the 'onmouseover' attribute */ function extractThumbnailSrc(torrentAnchor) { if (!torrentAnchor) console.warn("null torrent anchor:", torrentAnchor); let thumbnailSrc = ""; try { // thumbnailSrc = thumbnailSrc.match(/(?<=(return overlib('\\'))/i)[0]; thumbnailSrc = torrentAnchor.getAttribute("onmouseover") || ""; thumbnailSrc = thumbnailSrc.substring( "return overlib(''".length - 2 ); } catch (r) { thumbnailSrc = MAGNET_ICO; console.error("extractThumbnailSrc error:", r); } if (debug) console.debug("extractThumbnailSrc(", torrentAnchor, ")->", thumbnailSrc); return thumbnailSrc; } function addImageSearchAnchor(torrentAnchor) { const searchTd = document.createElement("td"), searchLink = document.createElement("a"); searchTd.classList.add("search"); // searchTd.style['border-top-width'] = '10px'; // searchTd.style['padding-top'] = '10px'; //replacing common useless torrent terms let searchQuery = clearSymbolsFromString(torrentAnchor.title || torrentAnchor.innerText) .replace(/\s\s+/g, " ") // removes double spaces .trim(); /** * @return {string} the category of the torrent (Movies, XXX, TV Shows, Games, Music, Software, Non XXX) */ function getCategory(torrentAnchor) { const anchor = torrentAnchor.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.querySelector( 'table.lista2t a[href^="/torrents.php?category="]' ); /* * extracting the code of the category from the url. * example: * TV shows: .../torrents.php?category=18 * code is: 18 */ const categoryCode = anchor.href.split("torrents.php?category=").pop(); // a map of the if (codeToCatMap.hasOwnProperty(categoryCode)) { return codeToCatMap[categoryCode]; } else { if (debug) console.debug("Unkown category:", categoryCode); } } searchLink.href = searchEngine.imageSearchUrl(searchQuery); try { if (GM_config.get("addCategoryWithSearch") && !new RegExp(getCategory(torrentAnchor)).test(searchLink.href)) searchLink.href += " " + getCategory(torrentAnchor); } catch (e) { if (debug) console.warn("unable to get category", searchLink); } if (debug) console.debug("search url:", searchLink.href); searchLink.classList.add("search"); searchLink.target = "_blank"; var searchEngineText = document.createElement("p5"); var qText = document.createElement("p6"); searchEngineText.innerHTML = `${searchEngine.name} Image Search`; qText.innerHTML = GM_config.get("showGeneratedSearchQuery") ? ": " + searchQuery : ""; let searchIcon = document.createElement("img"); // searchIcon.src = SEARCH_ICON_URL; searchIcon.src = "https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=" + searchEngine.name.toLowerCase() + ".com"; searchIcon.style.height = "15px"; searchIcon.style.width = "15px"; // searchLink.style.padding = '20px'; searchLink.appendChild(searchIcon); // searchLink.appendChild(searchEngineText); searchLink.appendChild(qText); torrentAnchor.after(searchLink); if (!GM_config.get("includeSearchForImagesButton")) { searchLink.style.display = "none"; } var extraThumbnailsLink = document.createElement("a"); extraThumbnailsLink.style["cursor"] = "pointer"; const STR_FETCH_DESCRIPTION_THUMBNAILS = ""; const STR_FETCH_EXTRA_THUMBNAILS = ""; var moreIcon = createElement(''); moreIcon.alt = STR_FETCH_DESCRIPTION_THUMBNAILS; extraThumbnailsLink.textContent = STR_FETCH_DESCRIPTION_THUMBNAILS; if (isOnSingleTorrentPage) { extraThumbnailsLink.textContent = STR_FETCH_EXTRA_THUMBNAILS; moreIcon.src = ICON_MORE_BLUE; moreIcon.alt = STR_FETCH_EXTRA_THUMBNAILS; } // extraThumbnailsLink.firstElementChild.src = ''; searchLink.after(extraThumbnailsLink); extraThumbnailsLink.appendChild(moreIcon); if (!GM_config.get("includeDescriptionsButton")) { moreIcon.style.display = "none"; } var div = document.createElement("div"); div.classList.add("row"); torrentAnchor.parentNode.append(div); extraThumbnailsLink.addEventListener("click", async function (e) { if (moreIcon.src === ICON_DESCRIPTION) { try { var descriptionSrcsDescriptionHrefs = await GM_fetch(torrentAnchor.href) .then((r) => r.text()) .then((html) => { var doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html"); var imgs = doc.querySelectorAll("#description > a > img"); return Array.from(imgs).map((img) => [img.src, img.closest("a").href]); }); for (var [descriptionSrc, descriptionHref] of descriptionSrcsDescriptionHrefs) { var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = descriptionHref; // a.style.maxHeight = '400px'; a.innerText = "Description"; a.classList.add("description-tb"); a.style["font-size"] = "20px"; a.style["display"] = "grid"; a.target = "_blank"; var img = document.createElement("img"); img.src = descriptionSrc; img.style.maxWidth = GM_config.get("imgScale") + "px"; img.classList.add("description"); img.classList.add("zoom"); a.append(img); div.append(a); } replaceAllImageHosts(); } catch (ee) {} // extraThumbnailsLink.textContent = STR_FETCH_EXTRA_THUMBNAILS; moreIcon.src = ICON_MORE_BLUE; moreIcon.alt = STR_FETCH_EXTRA_THUMBNAILS; } else { var query = clearSymbolsFromString(torrentAnchor.innerText) .replace(/\s\s+/g, " ") // removes double spaces .trim(); getGoogleImages(query).then((metas) => { metas = Object.values(metas); for (const meta of metas) { if (/dyncdn/.test(meta.ou)) { continue; // skip rarbg thumbnails } var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = meta.st; a.innerText = meta.pt; a.classList.add("extra-tb"); a.style["font-size"] = "5px"; a.style["display"] = "table-caption"; a.target = "_blank"; var img = document.createElement("img"); a.classList.add("zoom"); img.src = meta.ou; //https://stackoverflow.com/a/70725756/7771202 img.setAttribute( "onerror", "function incrementFallbackSrc(img, srcs) {if (typeof img.fallbackSrcIndex === 'undefined') img.fallbackSrcIndex = 0;img.src = srcs[img.fallbackSrcIndex++];}; incrementFallbackSrc(this, ['" + meta.tu + "'])" ); a.append(img); var subdiv = document.createElement("div"); subdiv.classList.add("column"); subdiv.append(a); div.append(subdiv); } }); extraThumbnailsLink.remove(); } e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; }); if (GM_config.get("alwaysFetchExtraThumbnails")) { extraThumbnailsLink.click(); } } function initSearchEngine() { const searchEngineValue = GM_config.get("ImageSearchEngine"); if (SearchEngines.hasOwnProperty(searchEngineValue)) { searchEngine = SearchEngines[searchEngineValue]; console.log("search engine:", searchEngineValue, searchEngine); } else { searchEngine = SearchEngines.google; console.warn(`Search engine ${searchEngineValue} does not exist, falling back to ${searchEngine.name}`); } } function downloadAllTorrents() { console.log("downloadAllTorrents()"); const visibleTorrentAnchors = document.querySelectorAll( 'body > table:nth-child(6) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td > table.lista2t > tbody > tr.lista2 .torrent-dl:not([style*="display: none;"])' ); if (confirm(`Would you like to download all the torrents on the page? (${visibleTorrentAnchors.length})`)) { // click all magnet links // document.querySelectorAll("a.torrent-dl").-forEach(a => window.open(a.click(), '_blank')); document.querySelectorAll("a.torrent-ml").forEach((a) => window.open(a.click(), "_blank")); } } /** * @param {string} headerTitle - td.header6 element * @returns {number} the index of the column given the column header text */ function getColumnIndex(headerTitle) { var headerTitles = Array.from( document.querySelectorAll( 'td > table.lista2t > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td, body > table:nth-child(6) > tbody > tr > td:nth-child(2) > div > table > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td > table[class*="list"] > tbody > tr:nth-child(1) > td' ) ).map((el) => el.innerText.trim()); if (!headerTitles) { console.warn("did not find header titles"); headerTitles = ["Cat.", "Thumbnails", "File", "ML DL", "Added", "Size", "S.", "L.", "", "Uploader"]; } var idx = headerTitles.indexOf(headerTitle); if (idx >= 0) { return idx; } else { console.warn( "The passed headerTitle:", headerTitle, "is not a valid headerTitle, choose from:", headerTitles ); const allHeaders = tbodyEl.querySelectorAll("tr > td.header6"); return [].map.call(allHeaders, (header) => header.innerText).indexOf(headerTitle); } } /** * Adds a column to the torrents table. Safe to call this function multiple times for the same column, it will not add duplicate cells to a row that already has this header. * @author https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/23493-rarbg-torrent-and-magnet-links/code * @param {string} title - * @param {(number|string)=2} colIndex - A number specifying the column index to be inserted after (to the right of) (starts from zero). * or a string of one of the other headers (search will be performed automatically) * So for example, appendColumnGeneral("Between 0 and 1", 1) would come between the first and second columns * @param {Function} callback - paremeters: callback(newCell, anchor, row). will be called on the added cells, will not be called on cells that already exist. * @returns {HTMLTableDataCellElement[]} - returns the added elements (excluding the header, and excluding) */ function appendColumn(title, colIndex = 2, callback = (cell, anchor, row) => true) { if (typeof colIndex === "string") { colIndex = getColumnIndex(colIndex); } const sanitizedTitle = $.escapeSelector(title.replace(/\s/g, "")).replace(/\s/g, ""); /** * Make and insert column cell * @param {HTMLTableDataCellElement=} oldCell - if provided, new cell will be placed afterend * @returns {HTMLElement} */ function makeCell(oldCell) { const cell = document.createElement("td"); // cell.innerText = title; cell.classList.add("lista"); if (sanitizedTitle) cell.classList.add(sanitizedTitle); cell.setAttribute("width", "50px"); cell.setAttribute("align", "center"); if (oldCell) { oldCell.insertAdjacentElement("afterend", cell); } return cell; } // the initial column, after of which the extra column will be appended let tbodySelector = ".lista2t > tbody"; const oldColumnEntries = document.querySelectorAll( tbodySelector + " > tr > td:nth-child(" + (colIndex + 1) + ")" ); // header: the first cell (the header cell) of the new column var header; header = document.querySelector("#" + sanitizedTitle + "-head"); // if this column has already been added if (!header) { header = document.createElement("td"); header.innerHTML = title; header.setAttribute("align", "center"); header.classList.add("header6"); header.id = sanitizedTitle + "-head"; // header.style.display = 'inline-flex'; oldColumnEntries[0].insertAdjacentElement("afterend", header); if (debug) console.log("header:", header); } // creation of the extra column const newColumn = [].slice .call(oldColumnEntries, 1) // exclude rows that already have this column .filter((oldCol) => { const row = oldCol.closest("tr.lista2"); const selector = "." + $.escapeSelector(sanitizedTitle); if (row) return !row.querySelector(selector); }) .map(makeCell); // fire callback for (let cell of newColumn) { let row = cell.closest("tr.lista2"); let anchor = row.querySelector("a[title]"); callback(cell, anchor, row); } newColumn.__defineGetter__("header", () => header); return newColumn; } /** * @param prevColCell * @return {*} */ function appendColumnCell(prevColCell) { if (prevColCell.closest("tr.lista2").querySelector(".has-torrent-DL-ML")) // check that the same row doesn't already have DL-ML return; // the initial column 'Files' after of which the extra column will be appended // creation of the extra column prevColCell.insertAdjacentHTML("afterend", ""); prevColCell.classList.add("has-torrent-DL-ML"); // the rest cells of the new column prevColCell.nextSibling.setAttribute("class", "lista"); prevColCell.nextSibling.setAttribute("width", "50px"); prevColCell.nextSibling.setAttribute("align", "center"); // populate the cells in the new column with DL and ML links return addDlAndMl(prevColCell.nextSibling, prevColCell); } /** * The actual function calls have `cell, fileTd` swapped * @param cell * @param fileTd * @returns {string} */ function addDlAndMl(cell, fileTd) { var row = fileTd.closest("tr.lista2"); let anchor = row.querySelector("a[title]"); // language=HTML let downloadLink = createElement( `Torrent` ); cell.appendChild(downloadLink); // torrent download // real: // https://rarbgaccess.org/download.php?id=...&h=120&f=...-[rarbg.to].torrent // https://rarbgaccess.org/download.php?id=...& f=...-[rarbg.com].torrent // https://www.rarbgaccess.org/download.php?id=...&h=120&f=...-[rarbg.to].torrent // matches anything containing "over/*.jpg" *: anything const anchorOuterHTML = anchor.outerHTML; const hash = /over\/(.*)\.jpg\\/.test(anchorOuterHTML) ? anchorOuterHTML.match(/over\/(.*)\.jpg\\/)[1] : undefined; const title = anchor.innerText; const magnetUriStr = `magnet:?xt=urn:btih:${hash}&dn=${title}&tr=${trackers}`; const ml = createElement( `` ); if (hash === undefined) { ml.href = "javascript:void(0);"; addMouseoverListener(ml, "ml"); } cell.appendChild(ml); // magnet ink return magnetUriStr; } function extractTorrentDL(anchor) { return `${anchor.href.replace("torrent/", "download.php?id=")}&f=${encodeURI( anchor.innerText )}-[rarbg.to].torrent&tpageurl=${encodeURIComponent(anchor.href.trim())}`; } function addMouseoverListener(link, type) { link.addEventListener( "mouseover", function (event) { event.preventDefault(); if (this.href === "javascript:void(0);") { if (debug) console.log("actually addMouseoverListener()", link); let tUrl = this.getAttribute("data-href"); console.log("fetching ", tUrl); var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", tUrl, true); // XMLHttpRequest.open(method, url, async) xhr.onload = function () { let container = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument().documentElement; container.innerHTML = xhr.responseText; console.debug("xhr.responseText", xhr.responseText); let retrievedLink = type === "dl" ? container.querySelector('a[href^="/download.php"]') // download link : container.querySelector('a[href^="magnet:"]'); // magnet link if (retrievedLink) link.href = retrievedLink.href; }; xhr.send(); } }, false ); } } // Cat. | File | Added | Size | S. | L. | comments | Uploader // this is one row /* * * * * * * * * The.Visitor.2007.720p.BluRay.H264.AAC-RARBG * *
* Drama IMDB: 7.7/10 * * 2018-07-25 16:55:06 * 1.25 GB * 1 * 5 * -- * Scene * */ })(); // == below are general helper functions, not specific to this script == // DuckDuckGo proxy class DDG { static get color() { return "#FFA500"; } static test(url) { return /^https:\/\/proxy\.duckduckgo\.com/.test(url); } static proxy(url) { return DDG.test(url) || /^(javascript)/i.test(url) ? url : `https://proxy.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=${encodeURIComponent(url)}&f=1`; } static reverse(url) { // if (isZscalarUrl(url)) s = getOGZscalarUrl(url); // extra functionality: if (!DDG.test(url)) { return url; } return new URL(location.href).searchParams.get("u"); } } function getGoogleImages(query) { if (typeof getGoogleImages.cache === "undefined") getGoogleImages.cache = {}; if (Object.keys(getGoogleImages.cache).includes(query)) { console.log("getGoogleImages(): using cache for query:", query); return getGoogleImages[query]; } return GM_fetch("https://www.google.com/search?q=" + encodeURIComponent(query) + "&tbm=isch", { headers: { accept: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9,ar;q=0.8", }, referrer: "https://www.google.com/", referrerPolicy: "origin", body: null, method: "GET", mode: "cors", credentials: "include", }) .then((response) => response.text()) .then((text) => { let result; const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, "text/html"); try { result = parse_AF_initDataCallback(doc); getGoogleImages[query] = result; } catch (e) { console.warn("parse_AF_initDataCallback failed for query:", query, e); result = {}; } return result; }); } function parse_AF_initDataCallback(doc) { var data = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll("script[nonce]")) .map((s) => s.innerText) .filter((t) => /^AF_initDataCallback/.test(t)) .map((t) => eval(t.replace(/^AF_initDataCallback/, "")).data) .filter((d) => d && d.length && d.reduce((acc, el) => acc || (el && el.length))); var entry = data.slice(-1)[0]; var imgMetas = entry[31][0][12][2].map((meta) => meta[1]); // confirmed var metas = imgMetas .map((meta) => { try { const rg_meta = { id: "", // thumbnail tu: "", th: "", tw: "", // original ou: "", oh: "", ow: "", // site and name pt: "", st: "", // titles ity: "", rh: "IMAGE_HOST", ru: "IMAGE_SOURCE", }; rg_meta.id = meta[1]; [rg_meta.tu, rg_meta.th, rg_meta.tw] = meta[2]; [rg_meta.ou, rg_meta.oh, rg_meta.ow] = meta[3]; const siteAndNameInfo = meta[9] || meta[11]; if (siteAndNameInfo[2003]) { rg_meta.pt = siteAndNameInfo[2003][3]; } else { rg_meta.pt = siteAndNameInfo[2003][2]; } try { rg_meta.st = siteAndNameInfo[183836587][0]; // infolink TODO: doublecheck } catch (error) { try { rg_meta.st = siteAndNameInfo[2003][2]; // infolink TODO: doublecheck } catch (error) {} } return rg_meta; } catch (e) {} }) .filter((meta) => !!meta); metasMap = Object.fromEntries(metas.map((meta) => [meta.id, meta])); // same as metas, but is an object with the "id" as the key parse_AF_initDataCallback.metasMap = metasMap; return metasMap; } function proxifyDescriptionThumbnails() { document.querySelectorAll("#description > a > img, a.description-tb > img").forEach((img) => { img.src = DDG.proxy(img.src); }); } function replaceAllImageHosts() { // fullres for imgprime.com // link: https://imgprime.com/imga-u/b/2019/04/02/5ca35d660e76e.jpeg.html // img: https://imgprime.com/u/b/2019/04/02/5ca35d660e76e.jpeg replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("https://imgprime.com/", { "imga-": "", ".html": "", "/small/": "/big/", "/u/s/": "/u/b/", }); // imagecurl.com replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("https://imagecurl.com/images/", { _thumb: "" }); // imagefruit.com replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("/tn/t", { "/tn/t": "/tn/i" }); // 22pixx.xyz replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("https://22pixx.xyz/", { "22pixx.xyz/os/": "22pixx.xyz/o/", "22pixx.xyz/s/": "22pixx.xyz/i/", "22pixx.xyz/rs/": "22pixx.xyz/r/", "22pixx.xyz/as/": "22pixx.xyz/a/", }); // trueimg.xyz replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("https://trueimg.xyz/s/", { "trueimg.xyz/s/": "trueimg.xyz/b/", }); // trueimg.xyz replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("https://imgtaxi.com/images/small/", { "https://imgtaxi.com/images/small/": "https://imgtaxi.com/images/big/", }); replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal("http://pictureme.xyz/upload/big/", { "http://pictureme.xyz/upload/small/": "http://pictureme.xyz/upload/big/", }); proxifyDescriptionThumbnails(); } function unsafeEval(func, ...arguments) { let body = "return (" + func + ").apply(this, arguments)"; unsafeWindow.Function(body).apply(unsafeWindow, arguments); } /** * * @param {Object} o Object to be reversed. * Note: that if there are multiple values in an entry, it will be stored as multiple keys each corresponding to the same key (duplication). */ function reverseMapping(o) { const r = {}; for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(o)) { var values = [v]; if (v instanceof Array) { values = v; } for (const val of values) { r[val] = k; } } return r; } /** * same as Object.fromEntries(), but support multiple values in case of key collision. * resolution: concat conflicts in an array * @param {*} entries * @returns */ function fromEntriesMultivalue(entries) { const o = {}; entries.forEach(([k, v]) => (o[k] = (o[k] || []).concat(v))); return o; } /** * replaces common thumbnails to originals from hosting sites like imagecurl.com... * * @param {string} imgCommonUrl - the segment of the URL that's unique to this replacement, example: "https://imagecurl.com/images/" * @param {object|Function} replaceMethod - replaceMethod(src)->newSrc a function that passes back the new string or a replacement map */ function replaceImageHostImageWithOriginal(imgCommonUrl, replaceMethod) { const callback = typeof replaceMethod === "function" ? replaceMethod : (src) => Object.entries(replaceMethod).reduce((acc, [k, v]) => acc.replace(k, v), src); // if object for (const img of document.querySelectorAll('img[src*="' + imgCommonUrl + '"]')) { if (img) { const fullres = callback(img.src); console.log("replacing thumbnail:", img.src, "->", fullres, "\n", img); img.src = fullres; img.closest("a").href = fullres; } } } function matchSite(siteRegex) { let result = location.href.match(siteRegex); if (result) console.debug("Site matched regex: " + siteRegex); return result; } function anchorClick(href, downloadValue, target) { downloadValue = downloadValue || "_untitled"; var a = document.createElement("a"); a.setAttribute("href", href); a.setAttribute("download", downloadValue); a.target = target; document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); a.remove(); } function removeDoubleSpaces(str) { return !!str ? str.replace(/(\s\s+)/g, " ") : str; } function clearSymbolsFromString(str) { function clearDatesFromString(str) { return !!str ? removeDoubleSpaces(str.replace(/\d+([.\-])(\d+)([.\-])\d*/g, " ")) : str; } return ( str && removeDoubleSpaces( clearDatesFromString(str) .replace(/[-!$%^&*()_+|~=`{}\[\]";'<>?,.\/]|(\s\s+)/gim, " ") .replace( /rarbg|\.com|#|x264|DVDRip|720p|1080p|2160p|MP4|IMAGESET|FuGLi|SD|KLEENEX|BRRip|XviD|MP3|XVID|BluRay|HAAC|WEBRip|DHD|rartv|KTR|YAPG|[^0-9a-zA-z]/gi, " " ) ).trim() ); } function makeTextFile(text) { const data = new Blob([text], { type: "text/plain" }); var textFile = null; // If we are replacing a previously generated file we need to manually revoke the object URL to avoid memory leaks. if (textFile !== null) window.URL.revokeObjectURL(textFile); return window.URL.createObjectURL(data); } /** Create an element by HTML. example: var myAnchor = createElement('Go to example.com');*/ function createElement(html) { return $(html)[0]; } function getElementsByXPath(xpath, parent) { let results = []; let query = document.evaluate(xpath, parent || document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); for (let i = 0, length = query.snapshotLength; i < length; ++i) { results.push(query.snapshotItem(i)); } return results; } function addCss(cssStr, id = "") { // check if already exists const style = (id && document.getElementById(id)) || document.createElement("style"); if (style.styleSheet) { style.styleSheet.cssText = cssStr; } else { style.innerText = cssStr; } if (!!id) { style.id = id; } style.classList.add("addCss"); return document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(style); } function fetchDoc(url) { return fetch(url, { credentials: "include", headers: { accept: "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3", "accept-language": "en-US,en;q=0.9", "cache-control": "no-cache", pragma: "no-cache", "sec-fetch-mode": "navigate", "sec-fetch-site": "same-origin", "sec-fetch-user": "?1", "upgrade-insecure-requests": "1", }, referrerPolicy: "no-referrer-when-downgrade", body: null, method: "GET", mode: "cors", }) .then((res) => res.text()) .then((html) => { const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html"); return doc; }); } function relativeToAbsoluteURL(url, base = null) { if (!base) base = document.baseURI; if ("string" !== typeof url || url == null) { return null; // wrong or empty url } else if (url.match(/^[a-z]+\:\/\//i)) { return url; // url is absolute already } else if (url.match(/^\/\//)) { return "http:" + url; // url is absolute already } else if (url.match(/^[a-z]+\:/i)) { return url; // data URI, mailto:, tel:, etc. } else if ("string" !== typeof base) { var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = url; // try to resolve url without base if (!a.pathname) { return null; // url not valid } return "http://" + url; } else { base = relativeToAbsoluteURL(base); // check base if (base === null) { return null; // wrong base } } var a = document.createElement("a"); a.href = base; if (url[0] === "/") { base = []; // rooted path } else { base = a.pathname.split("/"); // relative path base.pop(); } url = url.split("/"); for (var i = 0; i < url.length; ++i) { if (url[i] === ".") { // current directory continue; } if (url[i] === "..") { // parent directory if ("undefined" === typeof base.pop() || base.length === 0) { return null; // wrong url accessing non-existing parent directories } } else { // child directory base.push(url[i]); } } return a.protocol + "//" + a.hostname + base.join("/"); } function fetchB64ImgUrl(url, opts) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { GM_xmlhttpRequest({ method: "GET", url: url || "http://static.jsbin.com/images/dave.min.svg?4.1.4", onload: function (resp) { // resolve(resp); var binResp = customBase64Encode(resp.responseText); resolve("data:image/png;base64," + binResp); }, overrideMimeType: "text/plain; charset=x-user-defined", }); }); function customBase64Encode(inputStr) { var bbLen = 3, enCharLen = 4, inpLen = inputStr.length, inx = 0, jnx, keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" + "0123456789+/=", output = "", paddingBytes = 0; var bytebuffer = new Array(bbLen), encodedCharIndexes = new Array(enCharLen); while (inx < inpLen) { for (jnx = 0; jnx < bbLen; ++jnx) { /*--- Throw away high-order byte, as documented at: https://developer.mozilla.org/En/Using_XMLHttpRequest#Handling_binary_data */ if (inx < inpLen) { bytebuffer[jnx] = inputStr.charCodeAt(inx++) & 0xff; } else { bytebuffer[jnx] = 0; } } /*--- Get each encoded character, 6 bits at a time. index 0: first 6 bits index 1: second 6 bits (2 least significant bits from inputStr byte 1 + 4 most significant bits from byte 2) index 2: third 6 bits (4 least significant bits from inputStr byte 2 + 2 most significant bits from byte 3) index 3: forth 6 bits (6 least significant bits from inputStr byte 3) */ encodedCharIndexes[0] = bytebuffer[0] >> 2; encodedCharIndexes[1] = ((bytebuffer[0] & 0x3) << 4) | (bytebuffer[1] >> 4); encodedCharIndexes[2] = ((bytebuffer[1] & 0x0f) << 2) | (bytebuffer[2] >> 6); encodedCharIndexes[3] = bytebuffer[2] & 0x3f; //--- Determine whether padding happened, and adjust accordingly. paddingBytes = inx - (inpLen - 1); switch (paddingBytes) { case 1: // Set last character to padding char encodedCharIndexes[3] = 64; break; case 2: // Set last 2 characters to padding char encodedCharIndexes[3] = 64; encodedCharIndexes[2] = 64; break; default: break; // No padding - proceed } /*--- Now grab each appropriate character out of our keystring, based on our index array and append it to the output string. */ for (jnx = 0; jnx < enCharLen; ++jnx) output += keyStr.charAt(encodedCharIndexes[jnx]); } return output; } } ```

AncientVamp commented 1 year ago

Working on my end too now. Thank You :)

MoTem commented 1 year ago

Reopening just to update that Rarbg is now dead. If you are still interested in continuing this script in some form, can look into alternatives with vaguely similar UI such as https://extratorrent.unblockit.asia/.

FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

Ooof this hurts Thanks for letting me know

FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

there are very similar mirrors like: https://rargb.to (which is based off of torrentgalaxy

I've updated my script to work with it, please try it out and let me know (https://rargb.to)

MoTem commented 1 year ago

Thanks for continuing work on the script. There are some issues with the .bo site:

  1. The download shortcut/magnet link does not work when browsing torrents. It just links to a .jpg.
  2. Script struggles to load thumbnails, especially in top 10 page. When it does load them it loads all thumbnails per each torrent rather than only the cover photo.
FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

There are no thumbnails anymore, only desceiption images from the toreent page, one solution is that i could ad an option for only loading one image

FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

sup, I fixed all that, and I added an awesome feature where instead of showing multiple thumbnails, it shows only one, and when you hover, it will iterate over the other images like a gallery, try it out!

MoTem commented 1 year ago

Just gave it a shot, its working great! Especially in gallery mode when opening a specific torrent. Just want to point a few minor bugs:

  1. Magnet link image does not appear in front of torrents names in Home page nor in top 10 page. It shows an empty yet clickable magnet link spot.
  2. In top 10 page, it shows default thumbnail photo along with the loaded embed - shown example as attached
  3. In top 10, first categories which is movies has the magnet link column, but the categories below don't.


FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

I never intended it to work with top10 Maybe I'll work on that later but definitely not a priority for me. Is it something many people use?

MoTem commented 1 year ago

Its pretty useful to get a glance at the most popular stuff really quickly.

FarisHijazi commented 1 year ago

ok fixed it please test it and let me know

MoTem commented 1 year ago

Thanks its working now. Top 10 page is working fine.