From Marc: "The software communication back to the user regarding motor stalls need to be improved in a way that makes it easy for new users to clearly understand that a motor stall has occurred."
When a stall occurs:
[ ] Change axis current position field and jog arrow button background to #ed6666.
[ ] Change the main navbar current coordinates color of the stalled axis to #ed6666.
[ ] Override axis state text to "stalled", with color #ed6666, when a stall has occurred for an axis.
[ ] Revert above styles/text upon initiation of new movement (non-idle axis state).
[ ] Change "Relative movement failed" toast for stalls to "Stall detected on Y axis"?
The following improvements are subject to change depending on the new 3D farm designer environment. Best not to start them until 3D designer is in production.
[ ] Change nominal trail color to blue.
[ ] Add stroke-linecap: round; to all trail segment styles.
[ ] When a trail segment has missed steps, change trail color from blue (0) -> yellow (1-3) -> orange (4-6) -> red (7+).
[ ] When user mouses over trail segments, increase stroke-width to 5 and change cursor to pointer.
[ ] Add tooltip popup for when user clicks trail segments to indicate motor load for that segment.
[ ] Remove current FARMBOT MOTOR LOAD layer/toggle, as the above changes replace that functionality.
[ ] Add motor load heat map indicators on edges of map.
From Marc: "The software communication back to the user regarding motor stalls need to be improved in a way that makes it easy for new users to clearly understand that a motor stall has occurred."
When a stall occurs:
, when a stall has occurred for an axis.The following improvements are subject to change depending on the new 3D farm designer environment. Best not to start them until 3D designer is in production.
stroke-linecap: round;
to all trail segment styles.pointer