FarmData2 / FarmData2

Main development repository for the FarmData2 Drupal module.
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SubmitResetButtons styling #219

Open braughtg opened 1 month ago

braughtg commented 1 month ago

The SubmitResetButtons component should style the buttons so that the reset button is a fixed size and goes all the way to the right of the page. The Submit button should then expand to fill the remainder of the space.

Currently the styling does not seem to be being applied so there may be more to this than just adjustments to the <style scoped> section of the SubmitResetButtons component.

braughtg commented 1 month ago

This is related to #202

This was related, but there is a better fix. Use the cols prop for the <BCol> element containing the buttons instead of setting their width. Something like cols=7 for the submit button and cols=4 for the reset button? Check and ensure that whatever is used looks good on the smallest mobile screen and that it scales well in the full desktop browser.