Farof / heroprotocoljs

Javascript port of the heroprotocol Python library to decode Heroes of the Storm replay protocols.
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Automated reference builder #4

Open Farof opened 8 years ago

Farof commented 8 years ago

Writing an automated reference builder should be fairly easy using the protocol data structure and events description.

It should be able to track what was added or removed in each build and be backward compatible.

It could either output directly a reference or some intermediate files to be consumed by existing automatic documentation builder.

Farof commented 8 years ago

Should the reference stay in this project and in what form: files, wiki or both? Or make a dedicated project?

Would be nice to team up with people working in other languages if possible.

jnovack commented 8 years ago

Because Javascript is interpreted, I'm not opposed to make node-gyp modules (using c) for these, especially the mpq functions. Most of the time wasted in extracting the data is there.

Farof commented 8 years ago

Current work visible on the feature-automation branch.

It's a work in progress, currently porting from a local clone of the heroprotocol repository, but I want for the script to do it's own clone/pull.

The porting script reads the Python lines and transforms them into Javascript object representation of the data structure and events, thus paving the way for the automatically generated reference.

jnovack commented 8 years ago

Considering the feature-automation branch, a conundrum has occurred. Should the porting script and the distributables be in the same repo?

The following two questions are not mutually exclusive:

Two cases:

Food for thought...