Faryshta / yii2-disable-submit-buttons

Asset to disable buttons when submiting a form in yii2
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Reflection Exception Error #2

Closed IntegrityFoundation closed 7 years ago

IntegrityFoundation commented 7 years ago

I installed the widget using composer and I entered 'faryshta\assets\ActiveFormDisableSubmitButonsAsset', in $depends property in AppAsset file.

But there is error as:

ReflectionException Class faryshta\assets\ActiveFormDisableSubmitButonsAsset does not exist

Faryshta commented 7 years ago

there was an error on the doc, it said 'Butons' instead of 'Buttons'.

Fixed in https://github.com/Faryshta/yii2-disable-submit-buttons/commit/6f1e38ae6609cab3d8a9773a26a10bf7cca74f80