Open Fasguy opened 1 year ago
Since you are planning to Re implement Legacy Mod Menus, would it fix the Baldi's Basics Decompiles/Mods Bug where if you installed the legacy mod menu, and booted up the decompile and it would stay on the warning screen? Or would the BepinEx Version of it just not work at all?
It really depends on the decompile/mod you're trying to use it with. I'm basically just patching my side of things, making sure that it doesn't break other functionality of other mods is out of scope for this project.
Mods made with the decompile usually have paid assets removed, and as the ModMenu's Assembly-CSharp dll is built based on the compiled code from the original game with said paid assets referenced, the game ends up throwing an error because the required classes and their respective methods don't exist, and as that's being used to detect player jnput, the warning screen will just stay up with no way to the main menu.
would be great for mods that have modified assembly c-scripts
would be great for mods that have modified assembly c-scripts
Depends on what code they change. Small trivial things such as altered text string literals should cause little to no issues, but larger code changes and rewrites are not guaranteed to work, especially if they touch the code that is being patched.
me when i try to port bbc mod menu to bepinex: nah
The current versions of the legacy ModMenus (Classic, Field Trip Demo and Birthday Bash) are still using the Assembly-CSharp.dll as their base. I would like to move away from this approach entirely, as it opens me up to potential lawsuits. I doubt mystman12 would persue legal action against mods for free games, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Moving these to BepInEx requires a full rewrite, making this a pretty long task.
It should also be evaluated, whether or not these ModMenus should have plugin functionality.