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Manual Sound Trigger Creation (BBCR) #90

Open AndrewScripter587 opened 6 months ago

AndrewScripter587 commented 6 months ago

I couldn't figure out an easier way to word the title, sorry

Why do you need this feature? it would allow the player to create a "noise" whenever they want

Describe the feature it would be a section either under Baldi's character modifiers, or somewhere under other modifiers. the feature would allow the user to create a sound that baldi hears whenever they want. they can specify either a noise value or a noise preset (like use the noise value of the door, the noise value of getting detention, the noise value of bad math, etc.), and the section would either have a numeric input for the noise value or a preset dropdown, depending on which one you want to implement, or if you want to implement both, I have an idea on how to do that which I will say later. the screen would have a button which sends a noise signal to baldi originating from the player's location, with the specified noise value, and would also show that baldi received the signal and whether he will go to it or not by showing the Baldicator. if you decide to implement both, my idea is once you select a noise preset, the numeric input gets set to the noise value of that preset noise.

I understand that you can achieve this to some extent by just setting the alarm clock time multiplier to a really small number and using the alarm clock, but you can't modify the noise value and you also have to use an item slot. and if you accidentally use the alarm clock out of bounds, it will just endlessly tick there and never stop, meaning the sound and associated subtitle will not go away ever. and also, you wouldn't be able to use the alarm clock normally.