FastCopyLab / FastCopy

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Should a Source: Volume that goes "offline" cause copy to Stop? #324

Closed therube closed 1 month ago

therube commented 1 month ago

say you drag some files into Source: & you have files like

C:/COPYME/readme.txt I:/TEST/ Z:/ZOO/zebra.jpg

now say that even though you dragged (or otherwise entered said file names into Source:) that the I: volume is actually (or in the interim went) "offline"

FastCopy successfully copies C:/COPYME/readme.txt but when it gets to I:/TEST/ it gives an

"GetVolumeInformation(The system cannot find the path specified.3) : I:\" message & the only option available at that point is, Stop.

(Continue & Always Cont. are there too, but grayed out, so you're left with Stop.)

and with Stop, that's it, things, Stop. and that is even with 'Nonstop' enabled.


should Stop be the only available option?

similarly (as one possible work-around to above)...

say you had various absolute path file names in Source:, & the particular names (volume) were (again) "offline". so if you had (among other things) in Source:

I:\TEST\ I:\cats\red.jpg I:\blue cats\blue.png

if you wanted to set an Exclude filter for the I: volume, entirely, what would that filter be, or are you even able to do that?

(as in, I: I: I:* I:*\ & anything else I ;-) might have tried were ineffective)

(& so yes, i have Source: of I:/ & various paths there (/TEST/, I itself, /blue cats/)..., so the Start point of filter check' kicks in, & I have I:/ as the start of the filter, so 'Absolute path filter' kicks in, which makes it a 'Forward match filter'... (& my head is spinning ;-))

(yes, i could remove all I: from Source:, but...)


shirouzu commented 1 month ago

Sorry, the FastCopy specification requires that the paths explicitly listed in Source must exist.