FastVM / Web49

Web49: WebAssembly Interpeter
MIT License
324 stars 15 forks source link

Can you provide lua_push, lua_call and other interfaces like lua? #13

Open rppp opened 1 year ago

rppp commented 1 year ago

I want to use web49 to interact with native. I found web49 call native easy but not vice versa.

This is a great project and I love it.

ShawSumma commented 1 year ago

Interesting Idea, what do you think of the LuaJIT FFI vs the c-api approach?

ShawSumma commented 1 year ago

I'll add a way to invoke a string of wasm... eventually.

rppp commented 1 year ago

Interesting Idea, what do you think of the LuaJIT FFI vs the c-api approach?

I am not familiar with luaJIT FFI, I feel that cpython API is the best because it is the most widely used