FastVM / Web49

Web49: WebAssembly Interpeter
MIT License
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address.wast hits error #5

Closed jaroslov closed 1 year ago

jaroslov commented 1 year ago

I'm on macOS Ventura; I did the following:

  1. Cloned the source
  2. Built ("make all")
  3. Tried to run "./bin/wat2wasm test/core/address.wast"

The output I get is this:

$$$ ./bin/wat2wasm test/core/address.wast unexpected word: `` byte=256

ShawSumma commented 1 year ago

This is a known error that baffels me, it appears that comments in the file are making the expression parser do something very odd... Not sure what. Will investigate further.

ShawSumma commented 1 year ago

Another thing is taht wat2wasm cannot handle wast files. This is intentional as what would it output? wat = WAsm Text wast = WAsm Spec Test

jaroslov commented 1 year ago

Ah. Ok. Comments aren't necessary — I was just trying to test drive this guy.